%matplotlib inline
D:\C\Anaconda3\envs\tfcpu27_py39\lib\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:30: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
  warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:"

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Loading HPO results


import os import math from typing import Union import numpy as np from skopt.plots import plot_objective from SeqMetrics import RegressionMetrics from ai4water import Model from ai4water.models import MLP from ai4water.utils import TrainTestSplit from ai4water.preprocessing import DataSet from ai4water.datasets import mg_photodegradation from ai4water.utils.utils import get_version_info from ai4water.utils.utils import jsonize from ai4water.hyperopt import HyperOpt, Categorical, Real, Integer
D:\C\Anaconda3\envs\tfcpu27_py39\lib\site-packages\sklearn\experimental\enable_hist_gradient_boosting.py:16: UserWarning: Since version 1.0, it is not needed to import enable_hist_gradient_boosting anymore. HistGradientBoostingClassifier and HistGradientBoostingRegressor are now stable and can be normally imported from sklearn.ensemble.
def objective_fn(
        prefix: str = None,
        return_model: bool = False,
        fit_on_all_training_data:bool = False,
        epochs:int = 100,
        verbosity: int = 0,
)->Union[float, Model]:
    This function must build, train and evaluate the ML model.
    The output of this function will be minimized by optimization algorithm.

    In this example we are considering same number of units and same activation for each
    layer. If we want to have (optimize) different number of units for each layer,
    willhave to modify the parameter space accordingly. The LSTM function
    can be used to have separate number of units and activation function for each layer.

    prefix : str
        prefix to save the results. This argument will only be used after
        the optimization is complete
    return_model : bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, then objective function will return the built model. This
        argument will only be used after the optimization is complete
    epochs : int, optional
        the number of epochs for which to train the model
    verbosity : int, optional (default=1)
        determines the amount of information to be printed
    fit_on_all_training_data : bool, optional
        Whether to predict on all the training data (training+validation)
        or to training on only training data and evaluate on validation data.
        During hpo iterations, we will train the model on training data
        and evaluate on validation data. After hpo, we the model is
        trained on allt he training data and evaluated on test data.
    suggestions : dict
        a dictionary with values of hyperparameters at the iteration when
        this objective function is called. The objective function will be
        called as many times as the number of iterations in optimization

    float or Model
    suggestions = jsonize(suggestions)
    global ITER

    # i) build model
    _model = Model(
        prefix=prefix or PREFIX,

    SUGGESTIONS[ITER] = suggestions

    # ii) train model

    if fit_on_all_training_data:
        _model.fit(x=TrainX, y=TrainY, validation_data=(TestX, TestY), verbose=0)
        prediction = _model.predict(x=TestX)
        true = TestY
        _model.fit(x=train_x, y=train_y, validation_data=(val_x, val_y), verbose=0)
        prediction = _model.predict(x=val_x)
        true = val_y

    # iii) evaluate model
    metrics = RegressionMetrics(true, prediction)
    val_score = metrics.rmse()

    # here we are evaluating model with respect to mse, therefore
    # we don't need to subtract it from 1.0
    if not math.isfinite(val_score):
        val_score = 9999

    print(f"{ITER} {round(val_score, 2)}")

    ITER += 1

    if return_model:
        return _model

    return val_score
param_space = [
    Integer(10, 30, name="units"),
    Integer(1, 2, name="num_layers"),
    Categorical(["relu", "elu", "tanh"], name="activation"),
    Real(0.00001, 0.01, name="lr"),
    Categorical([4, 8, 12, 16, 24], name="batch_size")
x0 = [14, 1, "relu", 0.001, 8]
num_iterations = 100
optimizer = HyperOpt(

path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results", "nn_bayes_results", "hpo_results.bin")
_ = optimizer._plot_convergence()
_ = optimizer._plot_evaluations()
_ = plot_objective(optimizer.gpmin_results)
_ = optimizer.plot_importance()
_ = optimizer.plot_parallel_coords(figsize=(12, 8))