%matplotlib inline
D:\C\Anaconda3\envs\tfcpu27_py39\lib\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:30: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
  warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:"

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hyperparameter optimization with Model class

[ ]:
    import ai4water
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    !pip install ai4water[hpo]

from ai4water.functional import Model from ai4water.datasets import MtropicsLaos from ai4water.utils.utils import get_version_info from ai4water.hyperopt import Categorical, Real, Integer
D:\C\Anaconda3\envs\tfcpu27_py39\lib\site-packages\sklearn\experimental\enable_hist_gradient_boosting.py:16: UserWarning: Since version 1.0, it is not needed to import enable_hist_gradient_boosting anymore. HistGradientBoostingClassifier and HistGradientBoostingRegressor are now stable and can be normally imported from sklearn.ensemble.
for k,v in get_version_info().items():
    print(f"{k} version: {v}")
python version: 3.9.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Sep 29 2021, 19:20:16) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
os version: nt
ai4water version: 1.06
lightgbm version: 3.3.1
tcn version: 3.4.0
catboost version: 0.26
xgboost version: 1.5.0
easy_mpl version: 0.21.3
SeqMetrics version: 1.3.3
tensorflow version: 2.7.0
keras.api._v2.keras version: 2.7.0
numpy version: 1.21.0
pandas version: 1.3.4
matplotlib version: 3.4.3
h5py version: 3.5.0
sklearn version: 1.0.1
shapefile version: 2.3.0
xarray version: 0.20.1
netCDF4 version: 1.5.7
optuna version: 2.10.1
skopt version: 0.9.0
hyperopt version: 0.2.7
plotly version: 5.3.1
lime version: NotDefined
seaborn version: 0.11.2
# prepare the data

dataset = MtropicsLaos(path="F:\\data\\MtropicsLaos")
data = dataset.make_regression(lookback_steps=1)

    Not downloading the data since the directory
    F:\data\MtropicsLaos already exists.
    Use overwrite=True to remove previously saved files and download again
Value based partial slicing on non-monotonic DatetimeIndexes with non-existing keys is deprecated and will raise a KeyError in a future Version.
(258, 9)
input_features = data.columns.tolist()[0:-1]
['air_temp', 'rel_hum', 'wind_speed', 'sol_rad', 'water_level', 'pcp', 'susp_pm', 'Ecoli_source']
output_features = data.columns.tolist()[-1:]

build the model

model = Model(
    model = {"RandomForestRegressor": {
        "n_estimators": Integer(low=5, high=30, name='n_estimators', num_samples=10),
       "max_leaf_nodes": Integer(low=2, high=30, prior='log', name='max_leaf_nodes', num_samples=10),
        "min_weight_fraction_leaf": Real(low=0.0, high=0.5, name='min_weight_fraction_leaf', num_samples=10),
        "max_depth": Integer(low=2, high=10, name='max_depth', num_samples=10),
        "min_samples_split": Integer(low=2, high=10, name='min_samples_split', num_samples=10),
        "min_samples_leaf": Integer(low=1, high=5, name='min_samples_leaf', num_samples=10),
    cross_validator = {"KFold": {"n_splits": 5}},
    y_transformation={"method": "log", "replace_zeros": True, "treat_negatives": True},

            building ML model for
            regression problem using RandomForestRegressor
_ = model.fit_on_all_training_data(data=data)
***** Training *****
input_x shape:  (144, 8)
target shape:  (144, 1)
***** Validation *****
input_x shape:  (36, 8)
target shape:  (36, 1)
model.evaluate_on_training_data(data=data, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
***** Training *****
input_x shape:  (144, 8)
target shape:  (144, 1)

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
{'r2': 0.3385343966771821,
 'nse': 0.18031791063563973,
 'rmse': 6265.1971373453935}
model.evaluate_on_test_data(data=data, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
***** Test *****
input_x shape:  (78, 8)
target shape:  (78, 1)

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
{'r2': 0.20836113506644485,
 'nse': 0.06366103870021012,
 'rmse': 25337.721938256364}
optimizer = model.optimize_hyperparameters(
Iteration No.   Validation Score

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
0               1.07374              -0.07374

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
1               1.02094              -0.02094

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
2               1.02835              -0.02835

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
3               1.03373              -0.03373

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
4               1.08107              -0.08107

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
5               0.99689              0.00311

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
6               0.80898              0.19102

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
7               1.04241              -0.04241

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
8               1.00918              -0.00918

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
9               1.08922              -0.08922

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
10              0.81720              0.18280

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
11              0.90958              0.09042

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
12              0.81080              0.18920

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
13              0.91662              0.08338

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
14              1.03977              -0.03977

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
15              0.80154              0.19846

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
16              0.81011              0.18989

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
17              0.84773              0.15227

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
18              0.83578              0.16422

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
19              0.81106              0.18894

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
20              0.82395              0.17605

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
21              0.80951              0.19049

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
22              0.83577              0.16423

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
23              1.10348              -0.10348

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
24              0.81620              0.18380

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
25              0.82285              0.17715

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
26              0.81011              0.18989

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
27              0.85432              0.14568

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
28              0.80938              0.19062

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
29              1.01737              -0.01737

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
30              0.81163              0.18837

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
31              0.80957              0.19043

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
32              0.82288              0.17712

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
33              0.80957              0.19043

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
34              0.80651              0.19349

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
35              0.80798              0.19202

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
36              0.81120              0.18880

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
37              0.84547              0.15453

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
38              1.10348              -0.10348

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
39              0.82228              0.17772

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
40              0.85210              0.14790

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
41              0.81127              0.18873

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
42              0.80474              0.19526

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
43              0.85714              0.14286

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
44              0.85509              0.14491

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
45              0.80784              0.19216

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
46              0.81651              0.18349

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
47              0.81049              0.18951

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
48              0.80938              0.19062

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
49              0.81126              0.18874

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
50              0.82775              0.17225
The objective has been evaluated at this point before.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
51              0.80957              0.19043

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
52              0.82168              0.17832
The objective has been evaluated at this point before.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
53              0.80957              0.19043

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
54              0.80912              0.19088

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
55              0.80197              0.19803

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
56              0.81139              0.18861

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
57              0.90115              0.09885

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
58              0.80836              0.19164

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
59              0.96081              0.03919
***** Training *****
input_x shape:  (144, 8)
target shape:  (144, 1)
***** Validation *****
input_x shape:  (36, 8)
target shape:  (36, 1)
0 is not equal to 60 so can not perform ranking
_ = optimizer._plot_convergence()
_ = optimizer._plot_convergence(original=True)
_ = optimizer.plot_importance()
{'n_estimators': 25,
 'max_leaf_nodes': 15,
 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.001739798853597343,
 'max_depth': 10,
 'min_samples_split': 4,
 'min_samples_leaf': 5}
{'RandomForestRegressor': {'n_estimators': 25, 'max_leaf_nodes': 15, 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.001739798853597343, 'max_depth': 10, 'min_samples_split': 4, 'min_samples_leaf': 5, 'random_state': 313}}
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=10, max_leaf_nodes=15, min_samples_leaf=5,
                      n_estimators=25, random_state=313)
model.evaluate_on_test_data(data=data, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
***** Test *****
input_x shape:  (78, 8)
target shape:  (78, 1)

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
{'r2': 0.3063041509312758,
 'nse': 0.13576138488161404,
 'rmse': 24342.64983848084}
model.evaluate_on_training_data(data=data, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
***** Training *****
input_x shape:  (144, 8)
target shape:  (144, 1)

            argument test is deprecated and will be removed in future. Please
            use 'predict_on_test_data' method instead.
{'r2': 0.5529474548618499,
 'nse': 0.3402599835332679,
 'rmse': 5620.803870884389}
[ ]: