declarative model definition for pytorch

This page describes how to build Neural Networks for pytorch using python dictionary in ai4water. The user can use any layer provided by pytorch such as Linear or LSTM. Similarly the user can use any input argument allowed by the particular layer e.g. bidirectional for LSTM and out_features for Linear.

All the examples presented here are similar which were shown for tensorflow’s case declarative model definition for tensorflow

multi-layer perceptron

from ai4water.datasets import arg_beach
from ai4water import Model

layers = {
    "Linear_0": {"in_features": 13, "out_features": 64},
    "ReLU_0": {},
    "Dropout_0": 0.3,
    "Linear_1": {"in_features": 64, "out_features": 32},
    "ReLU_1": {},
    "Dropout_1": 0.3,
    "Linear_2": {"in_features": 32, "out_features": 16},
    "Linear_3": {"in_features": 16, "out_features": 1},

model = Model(
    model={'layers': layers},

If we want to do slicing of the outputs of one layer, we can use python’s lambda function. In fact any callable object can be provided

LSTM based model

layers ={
    'LSTM_0': {"config": {'input_size': 13, 'hidden_size': 64, "batch_first": True},
               "outputs": ['lstm0_output', 'states_0']},  # LSTM in pytorch returns two values see docs
    'LSTM_1': {"config": {'input_size': 64, 'hidden_size': 32, "batch_first": True, "dropout": 0.3},
               "outputs": ["lstm1_output", 'states_1'],
               "inputs": "lstm0_output"},
    'slice': {"config": lambda x: x[:, -1, :],   #  we want to get the output from last lookback step.
              "inputs": "lstm1_output"},
    "Linear": {"in_features": 32, "out_features": 1},