Source code for ai4water.preprocessing.transformations._wrapper

from typing import Union, List, Dict

from ai4water.backend import np, pd
from ai4water.preprocessing.transformations import Transformation
from ai4water.utils.utils import jsonize, deepcopy_dict_without_clone

[docs]class Transformations(object): """ While the [Transformation][ai4water.preprocessing.transformations.Transformation] class is useful to apply a single transformation to a single data source, this class is helpful to apply multple transformations to a single data or multiple transformations to multiple data. This class is especially designed to be applied as part of `model` inside the `fit`, `predict` or `evaluate` methods. The `fit_transform` method should be applied before feeding the data to the algorithm and `inverse_transform` method should be called after algorithm has worked with data. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ai4water.preprocessing.transformations import Transformations >>> x = np.arange(50).reshape(25, 2) >>> transformer = Transformations(['a', 'b'], config=['minmax', 'zscore']) >>> x_ = transformer.fit_transform(x) >>> _x = transformer.inverse_transform(x_) ... ... # Apply multiple transformations on multiple arrays which are passed as list >>> transformer = Transformations([['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b']], ... config=['minmax', 'zscore']) >>> x1 = np.arange(50).reshape(25, 2) >>> x2 = np.arange(50, 100).reshape(25, 2) >>> x1_transformed = transformer.fit_transform([x1, x2]) >>> _x1 = transformer.inverse_transform(x1_transformed) We can also do more complicated stuff as following >>> transformer = Transformations({'x1': ['a', 'b'], 'x2': ['a', 'b']}, ... config={'x1': ['minmax', 'zscore'], ... 'x2': [{'method': 'log', 'features': ['a', 'b']}, ... {'method': 'robust', 'features': ['a', 'b']}] ... }) >>> x1 = np.arange(20).reshape(10, 2) >>> x2 = np.arange(100, 120).reshape(10, 2) >>> x = {'x1': x1, 'x2': x2} >>> x_transformed = transformer.fit_transform(x) >>> _x = transformer.inverse_transform(x_transformed) In above example we apply `minmax` and `zscore` transformations on x1 and `log` and `robust` transformations on x2 array """
[docs] def __init__( self, feature_names: Union[list, dict], config: Union[str, list, dict] = None, ): """ Arguments: feature_names: names of features in data config: Determines the type of transformation to be applied on data. It can be one of the following types - `string` when you want to apply single transformation >>> config='minmax' - `dict`: to pass additional arguments to the :py:class:`ai4water.preprocessing.Transformation` class >>> config = {"method": 'log', 'treat_negatives': True, 'features': ['features']} - `list` when we want to apply multiple transformations >>> ['minmax', 'zscore'] or >>> [{"method": 'log', 'treat_negatives': True, 'features': ['features']}, >>> {'method': 'sqrt', 'treat_negatives': True}] """ self.names = feature_names self.t_config = config self.without_fit = False
def _fetch_transformation(self, data): config = self.t_config if isinstance(data, list): if isinstance(config, str): config = [config for _ in range(len(data))] elif isinstance(data, dict): if isinstance(config, str): config = {k:config for k in data.keys()} return config def _check_features(self): if self.is_numpy_: assert isinstance(self.names, list), f""" feature_names are of type {type(self.names)}""" elif self.is_list_: for idx, n in enumerate(self.names): assert isinstance(n, list), f""" feature_names for {idx} source is {type(n)}. It should be list""" elif self.is_dict_: assert isinstance(self.names, dict), f""" feature_names are of type {type(self.names)}""" for src_name, n in self.names.items(): assert n.__class__.__name__ in ["ListWrapper", 'list'] return
[docs] def transform(self, data:Union[np.ndarray, List, Dict]): """Transforms the data according the the `config`. Arguments: data: The data on which to apply transformations. It can be one of following - a (2d or 3d) numpy array - a list of numpy arrays - a dictionary of numpy arrays Returns: The transformed data which has same type and dimensions as the input data """ if self.t_config is None: # if no transformation then just return the data as it is return data orignal_data_type = data.__class__.__name__ assert hasattr(self, 'transformers_'), f"transformer has not been fitted yet" assert len(self.transformers_) > 0 # first check that data matches config self._check_features() # then apply transformation data = self._transform(data) # now pack it in original form assert data.__class__.__name__ == orignal_data_type, f""" type changed from {orignal_data_type} to {data.__class__.__name__} """ #self._assert_same_dim(self, orignal_data, data) return data
[docs] def fit_transform(self, data:Union[np.ndarray, List, Dict]): """Transforms the data according the the `config`. Arguments: data: The data on which to apply transformations. It can be one of following - a (2d or 3d) numpy array - a list of numpy arrays - a dictionary of numpy arrays Returns: The transformed data which has same type and dimensions as the input data """ self.is_numpy_ = False self.is_list_ = False self.is_dict_ =False self.transformers_ = {} if self.t_config is None: # if no transformation then just return the data as it is return data orignal_data_type = data.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): self.is_numpy_ = True elif isinstance(data, list): self.is_list_ = True elif isinstance(data, dict): self.is_dict_ = True else: raise ValueError(f"invalid data of type {data.__class__.__name__}") # first check that data matches config self._check_features() # then apply transformation data = self._fit_transform(data) # now pack it in original form assert data.__class__.__name__ == orignal_data_type, f""" type changed from {orignal_data_type} to {data.__class__.__name__} """ return data
def _transform_2d(self, data, columns, transformation=None, key="5"): data = data.copy() if transformation: if isinstance(transformation, dict): config = self.transformers_[key] transformer = Transformation.from_config(config) data = transformer.transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) # we want to apply multiple transformations elif isinstance(transformation, list): for idx, trans in enumerate(transformation): if isinstance(trans, str): config = self.transformers_[f'{key}_{trans}_{idx}'] transformer = Transformation.from_config(config) data = transformer.transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) elif trans['method'] is not None: config = self.transformers_[f'{key}_{trans["method"]}_{idx}'] transformer = Transformation.from_config(config) data = transformer.transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) else: assert isinstance(transformation, str) transformer = Transformation.from_config(self.transformers_[key]) data = transformer.transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) data = data.values return data def _fit_transform_2d(self, data, columns, transformation=None, key="5"): """performs transformation on single data 2D source""" # it is better to make a copy here because all the operations # on data happen after this. data = data.copy() transformers = {} if transformation: if isinstance(transformation, dict): transformer = Transformation(**transformation) data = transformer.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) transformers[key] = transformer.config() # we want to apply multiple transformations elif isinstance(transformation, list): for idx, trans in enumerate(transformation): if isinstance(trans, str): transformer = Transformation(method=trans) data = transformer.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) transformers[f'{key}_{trans}_{idx}'] = transformer.config() elif trans['method'] is not None: transformer = Transformation(**trans) data = transformer.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) transformers[f'{key}_{trans["method"]}_{idx}'] = transformer.config() else: raise ValueError(f"{trans['method']} is invalid transformation") else: assert isinstance(transformation, str) transformer = Transformation(method=transformation) data = transformer.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)) transformers[key] = transformer.config() data = data.values self.transformers_.update(transformers) return data def __transform(self, data, feature_names, transformation=None, key="5"): """performs transformation on single data source without fiting on it first. In case of 3d array, the shape is supposed to be following (num_examples, time_steps, num_features) Therefore, each time_step is extracted and transfomred individually for example with time_steps of 2, two 2d arrays will be extracted and transformed individually (num_examples, 0,num_features), (num_examples, 1, num_features) """ if data.ndim == 3: _data = np.full(data.shape, np.nan) for time_step in range(data.shape[1]): _data[:, time_step] = self._transform_2d(data[:, time_step], feature_names, transformation, key=f"{key}_{time_step}") else: _data = self._transform_2d(data, feature_names, transformation, key=key) return _data def __fit_transform(self, data, feature_names, transformation=None, key="5"): """performs transformation on single data source In case of 3d array, the shape is supposed to be following (num_examples, time_steps, num_features) Therefore, each time_step is extracted and transfomred individually for example with time_steps of 2, two 2d arrays will be extracted and transformed individually (num_examples, 0,num_features), (num_examples, 1, num_features) """ if data.ndim == 3: _data = np.full(data.shape, np.nan) for time_step in range(data.shape[1]): _data[:, time_step] = self._fit_transform_2d(data[:, time_step], feature_names, transformation, key=f"{key}_{time_step}") else: _data = self._fit_transform_2d(data, feature_names, transformation, key=key) return _data def _transform(self, data, key="5"): """performs transformation on every data source in data""" transformation = self._fetch_transformation(data) if self.is_numpy_: _data = self.__transform(data, self.names, transformation, key) elif self.is_list_: _data = [] for idx, array in enumerate(data): _data.append(self.__transform(array, self.names[idx], transformation[idx], key=f"{key}_{idx}") ) else: _data = {} for src_name, array in data.items(): _data[src_name] = self.__transform(array, self.names[src_name], transformation[src_name], f"{key}_{src_name}") return _data def _fit_transform(self, data, key="5"): """performs transformation on every data source in data""" transformation = self._fetch_transformation(data) if self.is_numpy_: _data = self.__fit_transform(data, self.names, transformation, key) elif self.is_list_: _data = [] for idx, array in enumerate(data): _data.append(self.__fit_transform(array, self.names[idx], transformation[idx], key=f"{key}_{idx}") ) else: _data = {} for src_name, array in data.items(): _data[src_name] = self.__fit_transform(array, self.names[src_name], transformation[src_name], f"{key}_{src_name}") return _data
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, data, postprocess=True): """inverse transforms data where data can be dictionary, list or numpy array. Arguments: data: the data which is to be inverse transformed. The output of `fit_transform` method. postprocess : bool Returns: The original data which was given to `fit_transform` method. """ if not hasattr(self, 'transformers_'): raise ValueError(f"Transformations class has not been fitted yet") return self._inverse_transform(data, postprocess=postprocess)
[docs] def inverse_transform_without_fit(self, data, postprocess=True)->np.ndarray: data = np.array(data) if data.ndim == 1: data = data.reshape(-1, 1) assert isinstance(self.names, list) assert data.shape[-1] == len(self.names) data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=self.names) kwargs = {} if isinstance(self.t_config, str): kwargs['method'] = self.t_config elif isinstance(self.t_config, dict): kwargs = self.t_config elif isinstance(self.t_config, list): assert len(self.t_config) == 1 t_config = self.t_config[0] if isinstance(t_config, str): kwargs['method'] = t_config elif isinstance(t_config, dict): kwargs = t_config else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type of t_config {t_config.__class__.__name__}") else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type of t_config {self.t_config.__class__.__name__}") transformer = Transformation(**kwargs) transformed_data = transformer.inverse_transform(data=data, postprocess=postprocess) return transformed_data.values
def _inverse_transform(self, data, key="5", postprocess=True): transformation = self._fetch_transformation(data) if self.is_numpy_: data = self.__inverse_transform(data, self.names, transformation, key, postprocess=postprocess) elif self.is_list_: assert isinstance(data, list) _data = [] for idx, src in enumerate(data): __data = self.__inverse_transform(src, self.names[idx], transformation[idx], f'{key}_{idx}', postprocess=postprocess) _data.append(__data) data = _data elif self.is_dict_: assert isinstance(data, dict) _data = {} for src_name, src in data.items(): _data[src_name] = self.__inverse_transform(src, self.names[src_name], transformation[src_name], f'{key}_{src_name}', postprocess=postprocess) data = _data return data def __inverse_transform(self, data, feature_names, transformation, key="5", postprocess=True): """inverse transforms one data source which may 2d or 3d nd array""" if data.ndim == 3: _data = np.full(data.shape, np.nan) for time_step in range(data.shape[1]): _data[:, time_step] = self._inverse_transform_2d( data[:, time_step], columns=feature_names, transformation=transformation, key=f"{key}_{time_step}", postprocess=postprocess) else: _data = self._inverse_transform_2d(data, feature_names, key, transformation, postprocess=postprocess) return _data def _inverse_transform_2d(self, data, columns, key, transformation, postprocess=True)->np.ndarray: """inverse transforms one 2d array""" data = pd.DataFrame(data.copy(), columns=columns) if transformation is not None: if isinstance(transformation, str): if key not in self.transformers_: raise ValueError(f""" key `{key}` for inverse transformation not found. Available keys are {list(self.transformers_.keys())}""") transformer = self.transformers_[key] transformer, shape = transformer, transformer['shape'] original_shape = data.shape transformer = Transformation.from_config(transformer) transformed_data = transformer.inverse_transform(data, postprocess=postprocess) data = transformed_data elif isinstance(transformation, list): # idx and trans both in reverse form for idx, trans in reversed(list(enumerate(transformation))): if isinstance(trans, str): transformer = self.transformers_[f'{key}_{trans}_{idx}'] transformer, shape = transformer, transformer['shape'] transformer = Transformation.from_config(transformer) data = transformer.inverse_transform(data=data, postprocess=postprocess) elif trans['method'] is not None: features = trans.get('features', columns) # if any of the feature in data was transformed if any([True if f in data else False for f in features]): orig_cols = data.columns # copy teh columns in the original df transformer = self.transformers_[f'{key}_{trans["method"]}_{idx}'] transformer, shape = transformer, transformer['shape'] data, dummy_features = conform_shape(data, shape, features) # get data to transform transformer = Transformation.from_config(transformer) transformed_data = transformer.inverse_transform(data=data, postprocess=postprocess) data = transformed_data[orig_cols] # remove the dummy data elif isinstance(transformation, dict): features = transformation.get('features', columns) if any([True if f in data else False for f in features]): orig_cols = data.columns transformer = self.transformers_[key] transformer, shape = transformer, transformer['shape'] data, dummy_features = conform_shape(data, shape, features=features) transformer = Transformation.from_config(transformer) transformed_data = transformer.inverse_transform(data=data, postprocess=postprocess) data = transformed_data[orig_cols] # remove the dummy data if data.__class__.__name__ == "DataFrame": data = data.values # there is no need to return DataFrame return data
[docs] def config(self)->dict: """returns a python dictionary which can be used to construct this class in fitted form i.e as if the fit_transform method has already been applied. Returns: a dictionary from which `Transformations` class can be constructed """ return { 'transformers_': jsonize(self.transformers_), "feature_names": self.names, "config": self.t_config, "is_numpy_": self.is_numpy_, "is_dict_": self.is_dict_, "is_list_": self.is_list_, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config:dict)->"Transformations": """constructs the Transformations class which may has already been fitted. """ config = deepcopy_dict_without_clone(config) transformer = cls(config.pop('feature_names'), config.pop('config')) for attr_name, attr_val in config.items(): setattr(cls, attr_name, attr_val) return transformer
def conform_shape(data, shape, features=None): # if the difference is of only 1 dim, we resolve it if data.ndim > len(shape): data = np.squeeze(data, axis=-1) elif data.ndim < len(shape): data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=-1) assert data.ndim == len(shape), f"""original data had {len(shape)} wihle the new data has {data.ndim} dimensions""" # how manu dummy features we have to add to match the shape dummy_features = shape[-1] - data.shape[-1] if data.__class__.__name__ in ['DataFrame', 'Series']: # we know what features must be in data, so put them in data one by one # if they do not exist in data already if features: for f in features: if f not in data: data[f] = np.random.random(len(data)) # identify how many features to be added by shape information elif dummy_features > 0: dummy_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((len(data), dummy_features))) data = pd.concat([dummy_data, data], axis=1) else: dummy_data = np.random.random((len(data), dummy_features)) data = np.concatenate([dummy_data, data], axis=1) return data, dummy_features