Source code for ai4water.preprocessing.transformations._transformations

from typing import List

from scipy.special import boxcox
from scipy.special import expit

from ai4water.backend import np, sklearn
from ai4water.utils.utils import jsonize

SKMinMaxScaler = sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler
SKStandardScaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler
SKRobustScaler = sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler
SKPowerTransformer = sklearn.preprocessing.PowerTransformer
SKQuantileTransformer = sklearn.preprocessing.QuantileTransformer
SKFunctionTransformer = sklearn.preprocessing.FunctionTransformer
SKMaxAbsScaler = sklearn.preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler
check_is_fitted = sklearn.utils.validation.check_is_fitted

# todo
# inverse hyperbolic transformation: effective with many zeros

[docs]class ScalerWithConfig(object): """Extends the sklearn's scalers in such a way that they can be saved to a json file an d loaded from a json file Methods -------- - config - form_config """ @property def config_paras(self) -> list: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_params(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: dict): """Build the scaler/transformer from config Arguments: config : dictionary of parameters which can be used to build transformer/scaler. Returns : An instance of scaler/transformer """ scaler = cls(**config['params']) setattr(scaler, '_config', config['config']) setattr(scaler, '_from_config', True) for attr, attr_val in config['config'].items(): setattr(scaler, attr, attr_val) return scaler
[docs] def config(self) -> dict: """Returns all the parameters in scaler/transformer in a dictionary""" if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MyFunctionTransformer': pass else: check_is_fitted(self) _config = {} for attr in self.config_paras: _config[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return {"params": self.get_params(), "config": _config}
class MinMaxScaler(SKMinMaxScaler, ScalerWithConfig): @property def config_paras(self): return ['scale_', 'min_', 'n_samples_seen_', 'data_min_', 'data_max_', 'data_range_'] class StandardScaler(SKStandardScaler, ScalerWithConfig): @property def config_paras(self): return ['scale_', 'n_samples_seen_', 'mean_', 'var_', 'n_features_in_'] class RobustScaler(SKRobustScaler, ScalerWithConfig): @property def config_paras(self): return ['scale_', 'center_']
[docs]class PowerTransformer(SKPowerTransformer, ScalerWithConfig): """This transformation enhances scikit-learn's PowerTransformer by allowing the user to define `lambdas` parameter for each input feature. The default behaviour of this transformer is same as that of scikit-learn's. """
[docs] def __init__(self, method='yeo-johnson', *, rescale=False, pre_center:bool = False, standardize=True, copy=True, lambdas=None): """ lambdas: float or 1d array like for each feature. If not given, it is calculated from scipy.stats.boxcox(X, lmbda=None). Only available if method is box-cox. pre_center: center the data before applying power transformation. see github [1] for more discussion rescale: For complete documentation see scikit-learn's documentation [2] .. [2] .. [1] """ if lambdas is not None: if isinstance(lambdas, float): lambdas = np.array([lambdas]) lambdas = np.array(lambdas) # if given, lambdas must be a 1d array assert lambdas.size == len(lambdas) lambdas = lambdas.reshape(-1,) assert method != "yeo-johnson" self.lambdas = lambdas self.rescale = rescale self.pre_center = pre_center super(PowerTransformer, self).__init__(method=method, standardize=standardize, copy=copy)
@property def config_paras(self): return ['lambdas_', 'scaler_to_standardize_', 'pre_center_config_', 'rescaler_config_', 'n_features_in_']
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: dict): """Build the scaler/transformer from config Arguments: config : dictionary of parameters which can be used to build transformer/scaler. Returns : An instance of scaler/transformer """ scaler = cls(**config['params']) setattr(scaler, '_config', config['config']) setattr(scaler, '_from_config', True) _scaler_config = config['config'].pop('scaler_to_standardize_') setattr(scaler, '_scaler', StandardScaler.from_config(_scaler_config)) rescaler = config['config'].pop('rescaler_config_') if rescaler: setattr(scaler, 'rescaler_', MinMaxScaler.from_config(rescaler)) else: setattr(scaler, 'rescaler_', None) pre_standardizer = config['config'].pop('pre_center_config_') if pre_standardizer: setattr(scaler, 'pre_centerer_', Center.from_config(pre_standardizer)) else: setattr(scaler, 'pre_centerer_', None) for attr, attr_val in config['config'].items(): setattr(scaler, attr, attr_val) if isinstance(scaler.lambdas_, float): scaler.lambdas_ = [scaler.lambdas_] return scaler
def _fit(self, X, y=None, force_transform=False): """copying from sklearn because we want to use our own StandardScaler which can be serialzied. and optionally with user provided with lambda parameter.""" X = self._check_input(X, in_fit=True, check_positive=True, check_method=True) if not self.copy and not force_transform: # if call from fit() X = X.copy() # force copy so that fit does not change X inplace X = self._maybe_rescale(X, force_transform) X = self._maybe_precenter(X, force_transform) optim_function = {'box-cox': self._box_cox_optimize, 'yeo-johnson': self._yeo_johnson_optimize }[self.method] if self.lambdas is None: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # hide NaN warnings self.lambdas_ = np.array([optim_function(col) for col in X.T]) else: # take user defined lambdas self.lambdas_ = self.lambdas if self.standardize or force_transform: transform_function = {'box-cox': boxcox, 'yeo-johnson': self._yeo_johnson_transform }[self.method] for i, lmbda in enumerate(self.lambdas_): with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # hide NaN warnings X[:, i] = transform_function(X[:, i], lmbda) setattr(self, 'scaler_to_standardize_', None) if self.standardize: self._scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False) if force_transform: X = self._scaler.fit_transform(X) else: setattr(self, 'scaler_to_standardize_', self._scaler.config()) return X def _maybe_rescale(self, X, force_transform): self.rescaler_config_ = None if self.rescale: rescaler = MinMaxScaler() self.rescaler_ = rescaler if force_transform: X = rescaler.fit_transform(X) else: X = self.rescaler_config_ = rescaler.config() return X def _maybe_precenter(self, X, force_transform=False): self.pre_center_config_ = None if self.pre_center: pre_centerer = Center() self.pre_centerer_ = pre_centerer if force_transform: X = pre_centerer.fit_transform(X) else: X = self.pre_center_config_ = pre_centerer.config() return X
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, X): """Apply the inverse power transformation using the fitted lambdas. The inverse of the Box-Cox transformation is given by:: if lambda_ == 0: X = exp(X_trans) else: X = (X_trans * lambda_ + 1) ** (1 / lambda_) The inverse of the Yeo-Johnson transformation is given by:: if X >= 0 and lambda_ == 0: X = exp(X_trans) - 1 elif X >= 0 and lambda_ != 0: X = (X_trans * lambda_ + 1) ** (1 / lambda_) - 1 elif X < 0 and lambda_ != 2: X = 1 - (-(2 - lambda_) * X_trans + 1) ** (1 / (2 - lambda_)) elif X < 0 and lambda_ == 2: X = 1 - exp(-X_trans) Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The transformed data. Returns ------- X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ X = super(PowerTransformer, self).inverse_transform(X) if self.pre_center: X = self.pre_centerer_.inverse_transform(X) if self.rescale: X = self.rescaler_.inverse_transform(X) return X
class QuantileTransformer(SKQuantileTransformer, ScalerWithConfig): @property def config_paras(self): return ['n_quantiles_', 'references_', 'quantiles_'] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: dict): """Build the scaler/transformer from config Arguments: config : dictionary of parameters which can be used to build transformer/scaler. Returns : An instance of scaler/transformer """ scaler = cls(**config['params']) setattr(scaler, '_config', config['config']) setattr(scaler, '_from_config', True) scaler.n_quantiles_ = config['config']['n_quantiles_'] scaler.references_ = np.array(config['config']['references_']) quantiles_ = np.array(config['config']['quantiles_']) # make sure it is 2d quantiles_ = quantiles_.reshape(len(quantiles_), -1) scaler.quantiles_ = quantiles_ return scaler class MaxAbsScaler(SKMaxAbsScaler, ScalerWithConfig): @property def config_paras(self): return ['scale_', 'n_samples_seen_', 'max_abs_'] class Center(ScalerWithConfig): def __init__( self, feature_dim="2d", axis=0 ): self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.axis = axis def fit(self, x:np.ndarray): dim = x.ndim mean = np.nanmean(x, axis=self.axis) setattr(self, 'mean_', mean) setattr(self, 'data_dim_', dim) return x def transform(self, x): return x - self.mean_ def fit_transform(self, x:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: return self.transform(x) def inverse_transform(self, x:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: assert x.ndim == self.data_dim_ return x + self.mean_ @property def config_paras(self): return ['data_dim_', 'mean_'] def get_params(self): return {'feature_dim': self.feature_dim, 'axis': self.axis} class Closures(ScalerWithConfig): def __init__( self, force_closure:bool = False, treat_negative:bool = False ): """ force_closure: bool if ture, and input data is not a closure, it will be converted into closure by dividing with the sum of input data """ self.force_closure = force_closure self.treat_negative = treat_negative def _check_array(self, x): self.sum_, self.min_ = None, None if len(x) == x.size: x = x.reshape(-1,) if (x<0).sum() > 0: if self.treat_negative: self.min_ = np.min(x) x = x + self.min_ else: ValueError(f"x contains {(x[x<0]).sum()} -ve values") if not np.allclose(x.sum(), 1.0): if self.force_closure: self.sum_ = np.sum(x) x = x / self.sum_ else: raise ValueError(f"x is not a closure with sum of {round(x.sum(), 5)}") return x def _check_array_inv(self, x): if len(x) == x.size: x = x.reshape(-1,) if self.force_closure: x = x * self.sum_ if self.treat_negative: x = x - self.min_ return x def transform(self, x): raise NotImplementedError def fit(self, x): return x def fit_transform(self, x): return self.transform(x) @property def config_paras(self)->List[str]: return ['sum_', 'min_'] def get_params(self)->dict: return { 'force_closure': self.force_closure, 'treat_negative': self.treat_negative, } class ALR(Closures): """ Additive log ratio transformation Examples --------- >>> from easy_mpl import hist >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> data = busan_beach() >>> alr_tr = ALR(True, True) >>> x = data.iloc[:, 0].values >>> x_ = alr_tr.fit_transform(x) >>> _x = alr_tr.inverse_transform(x_) >>> np.allclose(_x, x) True >>> hist([x, x_], hist_kws={"bins": 100}, share_axes=False, ... labels=["Original", "Transformed"]) """ def transform(self, x): denominator_idx = 0 x = self._check_array(x) self.x0_ = x[denominator_idx] if x.ndim == 2: mat_t = x.T numerator_idx = list(range(0, mat_t.shape[0])) del numerator_idx[denominator_idx] x = np.log(mat_t[numerator_idx, :] / mat_t[denominator_idx, :]).T elif x.ndim == 1: numerator_idx = list(range(0, x.shape[0])) del numerator_idx[denominator_idx] x = np.log(x[numerator_idx] / x[denominator_idx]) x = np.roll(np.append(x, self.x0_), shift=1) else: raise ValueError("mat must be either 1D or 2D") return x def inverse_transform(self, x): denominator_idx = 0 x = np.array(x) if x.ndim == 2: mat_idx = np.insert(x, denominator_idx, np.repeat(0, x.shape[0]), axis=1) comp = np.zeros(mat_idx.shape) comp[:, denominator_idx] = 1 / (np.exp(x).sum(axis=1) + 1) numerator_idx = list(range(0, comp.shape[1])) del numerator_idx[denominator_idx] for i in numerator_idx: comp[:, i] = comp[:, denominator_idx] * np.exp(mat_idx[:, i]) elif x.ndim == 1: mat_idx = np.insert(x, denominator_idx, 0, axis=0) comp = np.zeros(mat_idx.shape) comp[denominator_idx] = 1 / (np.exp(x).sum(axis=0) + 1) numerator_idx = list(range(0, comp.shape[0])) del numerator_idx[denominator_idx] for i in numerator_idx: comp[i] = comp[denominator_idx] * np.exp(mat_idx[i]) else: raise ValueError("mat must be either 1D or 2D") x = self._check_array_inv(x) return x class CLR(Closures): """centre log ratio transformation Examples --------- >>> from easy_mpl import hist >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> data = busan_beach() >>> clr_tr = CLR(True, True) >>> x = data.iloc[:, 0].values >>> x_ = clr_tr.fit_transform(x) >>> _x = clr_tr.inverse_transform(x_) >>> np.allclose(_x, x) True >>> hist([x, x_], hist_kws={"bins": 100}, share_axes=False, ... labels=["Original", "Transformed"]) """ def transform( self, x:np.ndarray )->np.ndarray: x = self._check_array(x) lmat = np.log(x) gm = lmat.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) return (lmat - gm).squeeze() def inverse_transform(self, x:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: emat = np.exp(x) x = closure(emat, out=emat) x = self._check_array_inv(x) return x class FuncTransformer(ScalerWithConfig): """function transformer. Transforms the array element wise.""" @property def func(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def inv_func(self): raise NotImplementedError def fit(self, X, y=None): return self def fit_transform(self, x:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: return self.transform(x) def transform(self, x:np.ndarray)-> np.ndarray: setattr(self, 'data_dim_', np.ndim(x)) return self.func(x) def inverse_transform_without_fit(self, x): return self._inverse_transform(x, False) def _inverse_transform(self, x, check_dim=True): return self.inv_func(x) def inverse_transform(self, x): return self._inverse_transform(x) @property def config_paras(self): return ['data_dim_'] def get_params(self): return {} class SqrtScaler(FuncTransformer): @property def func(self): return np.sqrt @property def inv_func(self): return np.square class LogScaler(FuncTransformer): @property def func(self): return np.log @property def inv_func(self): return np.exp class Log2Scaler(FuncTransformer): @property def func(self): return np.log2 @property def inv_func(self): return lambda x: np.power(2, x) class Log10Scaler(FuncTransformer): @property def func(self): return np.log10 @property def inv_func(self): return lambda x: np.power(10, x) class TanScaler(FuncTransformer): @property def func(self): return np.tan @property def inv_func(self): return np.tanh class LogisticSigmoidTransformer(FuncTransformer): """logistic sigmoid transformer. Note that inverse transform of logistic sigmoid does not return original array. """ @property def func(self): return expit @property def inv_func(self): raise ValueError("inverse transform of sigmoid can not be computed") class HyperbolicTangentTransformer(FuncTransformer): """Hyperbolic tangent""" @property def func(self): return np.tanh @property def inv_func(self): raise ValueError("inverse transform of tanh can not be computed") class CumsumScaler(FuncTransformer): def __init__( self, feature_dim: str = "2d" ): """ Arguments: feature_dim: whether the features are 2 dimensional or 1 dimensional. Only relevant if the `x` to `fit_transform` is 3D. In such as case if feature_dim is `1D`, it will be considered that the x consists of following shape (num_examples, time_steps, num_features) """ assert feature_dim in ("1d", "2d") self.feature_dim = feature_dim def fit_transform(self, x:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: self.data_dim_ = np.ndim(x) dim = np.ndim(x) if dim == 3 and self.feature_dim == "1d": _x = np.full(x.shape, np.nan) for time_step in range(x.shape[1]): _x[:, time_step] = self.func(x[:, time_step], axis=0) else: _x = np.cumsum(x, axis=0) return _x def inverse_transform(self, x): dim = x.ndim assert dim == self.data_dim_, f"dimension of data changed from {self.data_dim_} to {dim}" if dim == 3 and self.feature_dim == "1d": _x = np.full(x.shape, np.nan) for time_step in range(x.shape[1]): _x[:, time_step] = np.diff(x[:, time_step], axis=0, append=0) elif 2 <= dim < 4: _x = np.diff(x, axis=0, append=0) else: raise ValueError(f" dimension {dim} not allowed") return _x
[docs]class FunctionTransformer(SKFunctionTransformer): """Serializing a custom func/inverse_func is difficult. Therefore we expect the func/inverse_func to be either numpy function or the code as a string. Methods ------- from_config Attributes ---------- inverse_func_ser Example ------- >>> array = np.random.randint(1, 100, (20, 2)) >>> transformer = FunctionTransformer(func=np.log2, >>> inverse_func="lambda _x: 2**_x", validate=True) >>> t_array = transformer.fit_transform(array) >>> transformer.config() >>> new_transformer = FunctionTransformer.from_config(transformer.config()) >>> original_array = new_transformer.inverse_transform(t_array) """
[docs] def __init__(self, func=None, inverse_func=None, validate=False, accept_sparse=False, check_inverse=True, kw_args=None, inv_kw_args=None): # if inverse_func is string, we save a serialized version of it in memory # to save it in config later. self.inverse_func_ser = inverse_func super().__init__(func=func, inverse_func=inverse_func, validate=validate, accept_sparse=accept_sparse, check_inverse=check_inverse, kw_args=kw_args, inv_kw_args=inv_kw_args)
@property def inverse_func(self): return self._inverse_func @inverse_func.setter def inverse_func(self, func): self._inverse_func = self.deserialize_func(func) @property def inverse_func_ser(self): return self._inverse_func_ser @inverse_func_ser.setter def inverse_func_ser(self, func): self._inverse_func_ser = self.serialize_func(func)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: dict): """Build the estimator from config file""" func = cls.deserialize_func(config.pop('func')) # do not deserialize inverse_func here, it will be done in init method scaler = cls(func=func, inverse_func=config.pop('inverse_func'), **cls.deserialize(**config)) setattr(scaler, '_from_config', True) return scaler
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize_func(func): if func is not None: if isinstance(func, str): if func in np.__dict__: func = getattr(np, func) else: func = eval(func) elif isinstance(func, np.ufunc): # np.log2 func = func elif func.__name__ in np.__dict__: # np.diff func = func else: raise ValueError(f"{func}") return func
[docs] def config(self) -> dict: """Returns all the parameters in scaler in a dictionary""" params = self.get_params() _config = dict() _config['func'] = self.serialize_func(self.func) _config['inverse_func'] = self.inverse_func_ser _config['kw_args'] = jsonize(self.kw_args) _config['inv_kw_args'] = jsonize(self.inv_kw_args) for k, v in params.items(): if k not in _config: _config.update({k: v}) return _config
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(**kwargs): _kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v == "None": v = None _kwargs[k] = v return _kwargs
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize_func(func): if type(func) == np.ufunc: func = func.__name__ elif func.__class__.__name__ == "function" and func.__module__ == "numpy": func = func.__name__ elif func is not None: if isinstance(func, str): func = f"""{func}""" else: raise ValueError(f"{func} is not serializable") return func
class ParetoTransformer(ScalerWithConfig): """ Similar to zscore/StandardScaler, but instead of dividing by standard deviation, it devides by square root of standard deviation [11]_ and [12]_. The standard score of a sample `x` is calculated as: :: math z = (x - u) / sqrt(s) """ def __init__( self, feature_dim="2d", axis=0 ): self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.axis = axis def _reset(self): for arg in ['mean_', 'var_', 'scale_', 'data_dim_']: setattr(self, arg, None) return def fit(self, X, y=None): self._reset() self.data_dim_ = np.ndim(X) self.mean_ = np.nanmean(X, axis=self.axis) self.scale_ = np.sqrt(np.nanvar(X, axis=self.axis)) self.var_ = np.nanvar(X, axis=self.axis) return self def transform(self, X, y=None): assert np.ndim(X) == self.data_dim_ X = X - self.mean_ return X / np.sqrt(self.scale_) def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): return, y=y).transform(X) def inverse_transform(self, X): X = X * np.sqrt(self.scale_) return X + self.mean_ @property def config_paras(self): return ['data_dim_', 'mean_', 'var_', 'scale_'] def get_params(self): return {'feature_dim': self.feature_dim, "axis": self.axis} class VastTransformer(ParetoTransformer): """ Variable Stability Scaling following the works of Nicholson et al., 2003 [11]_ and van der Berg et al., 2006 [12]_ . The standard score of a sample `x` is calculated as: :: math z = (x - u) / s * u/s .. [11] .. [12] """ def transform(self, X, y=None): assert np.ndim(X) == self.data_dim_ X = X - self.mean_ X = X / self.scale_ # coefficient of variation cv = np.divide(self.mean_ , self.scale_) return X * cv def inverse_transform(self, X, y=None): cv = np.divide(self.mean_ , self.scale_) X = X / cv X = X * self.scale_ X = X + self.mean_ return X class MmadTransformer(ScalerWithConfig): """ Median and median absolute deviation following Jain et al., 2005[13]_ and Singh and Singh 2020 [14]_. The standard score of a sample `x` is calculated as: :: math z = (x - median) / MAD .. [13] .. [14] """ def __init__( self, feature_dim="1d", axis=0 ): self.feature_dim = feature_dim self.axis = axis def get_params(self): return {'feature_dim': self.feature_dim, "axis": self.axis} def _reset(self): for arg in ['med_', 'mad_', 'data_dim_']: setattr(self, arg, None) return def fit(self, X, y=None): """fits the data i.e. calculates median and MAD of the data. These parameters will be used during transform. """ self._reset() self.data_dim_ = np.ndim(X) self.med_ = np.nanmedian(X, axis=self.axis) self.mad_ = np.nanmedian(np.absolute(X - self.med_), axis=self.axis) return self def transform(self, X, y=None): """transforms the data i.e. changes the data using the parameters calculated during ``fit``. """ assert np.ndim(X) == self.data_dim_ X = X - self.med_ return X / self.mad_ def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """First calls fit and then calls transform.""" return, y=y).transform(X) def inverse_transform(self, X): """inverse transforms the X i.e. brings the X to original scale by using the parameters calculated during ``fit``.""" X = X * self.mad_ return X + self.med_ @property def config_paras(self): return ['data_dim_', 'med_', 'mad_'] def closure(mat, out=None): mat = np.atleast_2d(mat) if out is not None: out = np.atleast_2d(out) if np.any(mat < 0): raise ValueError("Cannot have negative proportions") if mat.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Input matrix can only have two dimensions or less") norm = mat.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) if np.any(norm == 0): raise ValueError("Input matrix cannot have rows with all zeros") return np.divide(mat, norm, out=out).squeeze()