Source code for ai4water.preprocessing.dataset._main

import json
import inspect
import warnings
from typing import Union
from copy import copy, deepcopy

import ai4water.datasets as datasets
from ai4water.datasets import all_datasets
from ai4water.utils.utils import TrainTestSplit
from ai4water.utils.plotting_tools import Plots
from ai4water.preprocessing.imputation import Imputation
from ai4water.utils.utils import prepare_data, jsonize, to_datetime_index, print_something
from ai4water.backend import np, pd, plt, os, mpl, sklearn, h5py

from .utils import check_for_classification
from .utils import consider_intervals, decode
from .utils import load_data_from_hdf5

train_test_split = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split
KFold = sklearn.model_selection.KFold
LeaveOneOut = sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut
TimeSeriesSplit = sklearn.model_selection.TimeSeriesSplit
ShuffleSplit = sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit

Patch = mpl.patches.Patch
cmap_cv =

class _DataSet(Plots):

    def __init__(self, config, path=os.getcwd()):

        Plots.__init__(self, config=config, path=path)

    def training_data(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def validation_data(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def test_data(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def KFold_splits(self, n_splits=5):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def LeaveOneOut_splits(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def TimeSeriesSplit_splits(self, n_splits=5):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def from_h5(cls, h5_file: str):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_disk(self, path: str):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def return_xy(self, x, y, initial):

        if self.mode == "classification" and self.is_binary:
            if len(y) == y.size:
                y = y.reshape(-1, 1)

        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print(f"{'*' * 5} {initial} {'*' * 5}")
            print_something(x, "input_x")
            print_something(y, "target")

        return x, y

    def return_x_yy(self, x, prev_y, y, initial):

        if self.verbosity > 0:
            print(f"{'*' * 5} {initial} data {'*' * 5}")
            print_something(x, "input_x")
            print_something(prev_y, "prev_y")
            print_something(y, "target")
        return x, prev_y, y

[docs]class DataSet(_DataSet): """The purpose of DataSet is to convert unprepared/raw data into prepared data. A prepared data consists of x,y pairs where x is inputs and y is outputs. There are >1 examples in a DataSet. Both inputs and outputs consists of same number of examples. An example consists of one input, output pair which can be given to a supervised machine learning algorithm for training. For tabular data, the number of examples does not necessarily match number of rows. The number of examples depend upon multiple factors such as presence of intervals, how nans are handled and the arguments related to time series data preparation which are listed in detail in prepare_data function. DataSet class can accept the raw, unprepared data in a variety of formats such as .csv, .xlsx, .parquet, .mat, .n5 etc. For details see this. The DataSet class can save the prepared data into an hdf5 file which can susequently be used to load the data and save the time. Methods ------------ - training_data: returns training data - validation_data: returns validation data - test_data: returns test data - from_h5: - to_disk - KFold_splits: creates splits using `KFold` of sklearn - LeaveOneOut_splits: creates splits using `LeaveOneOut` of sklearn - TimeSeriesSplit_splits: creates splits using `TimeSeriesSplit` of sklearn - total_exs """
[docs] def __init__( self, data, input_features: Union[str, list] = None, output_features: Union[str, list] = None, dataset_args: dict = None, ts_args: dict = None, split_random: bool = False, train_fraction: float = 0.7, val_fraction: float = 0.2, indices: dict = None, intervals=None, shuffle: bool = True, allow_nan_labels: int = 0, nan_filler: dict = None, batch_size: int = 32, drop_remainder: bool = False, teacher_forcing: bool = False, allow_input_nans: bool = False, seed: int = 313, verbosity: int = 1, mode: str = None, category: str = None, save: bool = False ): """ Initializes the DataSet class Parameters ---------- data : source from which to make the data. It can be one of the following: - pandas dataframe: each columns is a feature and each row is an example - numpy array - xarray dataset: it can be xarray dataset - path like: if the path is the path of a file, then this file can be a csv/xlsx/nc/npz/mat/parquet/feather file. The .nc file will be read using xarray to load datasets. If the path refers to a directory, it is supposed that each file in the directory refers to one example. - ai4water dataset : name of any of dataset name from ai4water.datasets - name of .h5 file input_features : Union[list, dict, str, None] features to use as input. If `data` is pandas dataframe then this is list of column names from `data` to be used as input. output_features : Union[list, dict, str, None] features to use as output. When `data` is dataframe then it is list of column names from `data` to be used as output. If `data` is `dict`, then it must be consistent with `data`. Default is None,which means the last column of data will be used as output. In case of multi-class classification, the output column is not supposed to be one-hot-encoded rather in the form of [0,1,2,0,1,2,1,2,0] for 3 classes. One-hot-encoding is done inside the model. dataset_args : dict additional arguments for AI4Water's [datasets][ai4water.datasets] ts_args : dict, optional This argument should only be used if the data is time series data. It must be a dictionary which is then passed to :py:func:`ai4water.utils.prepare_data` for data preparation. Possible keys in dictionay are: - lookback - forecast_len - forecast_step - input_steps split_random : bool, optional whether to split the data into training and test randomly or not. train_fraction : float Fraction of the complete data to be used for training purpose. Must be greater than 0.0. val_fraction : float The fraction of the training data to be used for validation. Set to 0.0 if no validation data is to be used. indices : dict, optional A dictionary with two possible keys, 'training', 'validation'. It determines the indices to be used to select training, validation and test data. If indices are given for training, then train_fraction must not be given. If indices are given for validation, then indices for training must also be given and val_fraction must not be given. Therefore, the possible keys in indices dictionary are follwoing - ``training`` - ``training`` and ``validation`` intervals : tuple of tuples where each tuple consits of two integers, marking the start and end of interval. An interval here means indices from the data. Only rows within those indices will be used when preparing data/batches for NN. This is handy when our input data contains chunks of missing values or when we don't want to consider several rows in input data during data_preparation. For further usage see `examples/using_intervals` shuffle : bool whether to shuffle the samples or not allow_nan_labels : bool whether to allow examples with nan labels or not. if it is > 0, and if target values contain Nans, those examples will not be ignored and will be used as it is. In such a case a customized training and evaluation step is performed where the loss is not calculated for predictions corresponding to nan observations. Thus this option can be useful when we are predicting more than 1 target and some of the examples have some of their labels missing. In such a scenario, if we set this option to >0, we don't need to ignore those samples at all during data preparation. This option should be set to > 0 only when using tensorflow for deep learning models. if == 1, then if an example has label [nan, 1] it will not be removed while the example with label [nan, nan] will be ignored/removed. If ==2, both examples (mentioned before) will be considered/will not be removed. This means for multi-outputs, we can end up having examples whose all labels are nans. if the number of outputs are just one. Then this must be set to 2 in order to use samples with nan labels. nan_filler : dict This argument determines the imputation technique used to fill the nans in the data. The imputation is actually performed by :py:class:`ai4water.preprocessing.Imputation` class. Therefore this argument determines the interaction with `Imputation` class. The default value is None, which will raise error if missing/nan values are encountered in the input data. The user can however specify a dictionary whose one key must be `method`. The value of 'method' key can be `fillna` or `interpolate`. For example, to do forward filling, the user can do as following >>> {'method': 'fillna', 'imputer_args': {'method': 'ffill'}} For details about fillna keyword options see fillna_ For `interpolate`, the user can specify the type of interpolation for example >>> {'method': 'interpolate', 'imputer_args': {'method': 'spline', 'order': 2}} will perform spline interpolation with 2nd order. For other possible options/keyword arguments for interpolate_ [see]() The filling or interpolation is done columnwise, however, the user can specify how to do for each column by providing the above mentioned arguments as dictionary or list. The sklearn based imputation methods can also be used in a similar fashion. For KNN >>> {'method': 'KNNImputer', 'imputer_args': {'n_neighbors': 3}} or for iterative imputation >>> {'method': 'IterativeImputer', 'imputer_args': {'n_nearest_features': 2}} To pass additional arguments one can make use of `imputer_args` keyword argument >>> {'method': 'KNNImputer', 'features': ['b'], 'imputer_args': {'n_neighbors': 4}}, For more on sklearn based imputation methods see this blog_ batch_size : int size of one batch. Only relevent if `drop_remainder` is True. drop_remainder : bool whether to drop the remainder if len(data) % batch_size != 0 or not? teacher_forcing : bool whether to return previous output/target/ground truth or not. This is useful when the user wants to feed output at t-1 as input at timestep t. For details about this technique see this article_ allow_input_nans : bool, optional If False, the examples containing nans in inputs will be removed. Setting this to True will result in feeding nan containing data to your algorithm unless nans are filled with `nan_filler`. seed : int random seed for reproducibility verbosity : int mode : str either ``regression`` or ``classification`` category : str save : bool whether to save the data in an h5 file or not. Example ------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from ai4water.preprocessing import DataSet >>> data_ = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 1000, (50, 2)), columns=['input', 'output']) >>> data_set = DataSet(data=data_, ts_args={'lookback':5}) >>> x,y = data_set.training_data() .. _fillna: .. _article: .. _interpolate: .. _blog: Note ---- The word 'index' is not allowed as column name, input_features or output_features """ indices = indices or {} if indices: assert split_random is False, "indices cannot be used with split_random" if 'training' in indices: assert train_fraction == 0.7, f""" You can not set training data using both indices and train_fraction. Use either indices or train_fraction.""" if 'validation' in indices: assert val_fraction == 0.2, f""" You can not set validation data using both indices and val_fraction. Use either indices or val_fraction.""" assert 'training' in indices, f""" when defining validation data using indices, training data must also be defined using indices.""" assert val_fraction < 1.0, f""" val_fraction must be less than 1.0 but it is {val_fraction}. """ self.dataset_args = dataset_args self.config = { 'input_features': input_features, 'output_features': output_features } self.nan_filler = nan_filler = self._process_data( data, input_features, output_features) self.ts_args = ts_args self.split_random = split_random self.indices = indices self.train_fraction = train_fraction self.val_fraction = val_fraction self.shuffle = shuffle self.batch_size = batch_size self.intervals = intervals self.allow_nan_labels = allow_nan_labels self.teacher_forcing = teacher_forcing self.drop_remainder = drop_remainder self.allow_input_nans = allow_input_nans self.verbosity = verbosity self.seed = seed self.mode = mode self.category = category = save self.scalers = {} self.indexes = {} self.index_types = {} self._input_features = copy(input_features) if save and h5py: self.to_disk() _DataSet.__init__(self, config=self.config, path=os.getcwd())
[docs] def init_paras(self) -> dict: """Returns the initializing parameters of this class""" signature = inspect.signature(self.__init__) init_paras = {} for para in signature.parameters.values(): init_paras[] = getattr(self, return init_paras
@property def ts_args(self): return self._ts_args @ts_args.setter def ts_args(self, _ts_args: dict = None): default_args = {'input_steps': 1, 'lookback': 1, 'forecast_len': 1, 'forecast_step': 0, 'known_future_inputs': False } if _ts_args: default_args.update(_ts_args) self._ts_args = default_args @property def lookback(self): return self.ts_args['lookback'] @property def classes(self): _classes = [] if self.mode == 'classification': if self.num_outs == 1: # for binary/multiclass array =[self._output_features].values _classes = np.unique(array[~np.isnan(array)]) else: # for one-hot encoded _classes = self._output_features return _classes @property def num_classes(self): return len(self.classes) @property def is_binary(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the porblem is binary classification""" _default = False if self.mode == 'classification': if self.num_outs == 1: array =[self._output_features].values unique_vals = np.unique(array[~np.isnan(array)]) if len(unique_vals) == 2: _default = True else: pass # todo, check when output columns are one-hot encoded return _default @property def is_multiclass(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the porblem is multiclass classification""" _default = False if self.mode == 'classification': if self.num_outs == 1: array =[self._output_features].values unique_vals = np.unique(array[~np.isnan(array)]) if len(unique_vals) > 2: _default = True else: pass # todo, check when output columns are one-hot encoded return _default @property def is_multilabel(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the porblem is multilabel classification""" _default = False if self.mode == 'classification': if self.num_outs > 1: _default = True return _default @property def _to_categorical(self): # whether we have to convert y into one-hot encoded form _defualt = False if self.is_binary or self.is_multiclass: if self.num_outs == 1: _defualt = True # it seems sklearn can accept one-hot-encoded targets but xgb, lgbm and catboost can't # but since since sklearn can also accept non-one-hot-encoded targets for multiclass # let's not one-hot-encode for all ML algos if self.category == 'ML': _defualt = False return _defualt @property def teacher_forcing(self): return self._teacher_forcing @teacher_forcing.setter def teacher_forcing(self, x): self._teacher_forcing = x @property def input_features(self): _inputs = self.config['input_features'] if _inputs is None and is not None: assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) _inputs =[0:-1].to_list() return _inputs @property def output_features(self): """for external use""" _outputs = self.config['output_features'] if _outputs is None and is not None: # assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) if == 2: _outputs = [col for col in if col not in self.input_features] else: _outputs = [] # todo return _outputs @property def _output_features(self): """for internal use""" _outputs = deepcopy(self.config['output_features']) if isinstance(, list): assert isinstance(_outputs, list) elif isinstance(, dict): assert isinstance(_outputs, dict), f""" data is of type dict while output_features are of type {_outputs.__class__.__name__}""" for k in if k not in _outputs: _outputs[k] = [] elif _outputs is None and is not None: assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) _outputs = [col for col in if col not in self.input_features] return _outputs @property def num_ins(self): return len(self.input_features) @property def num_outs(self): return len(self.output_features) @property def batch_dim(self): default = "3D" if self.ts_args['lookback'] == 1: default = "2D" return default def _process_data(self, data, input_features, output_features ): if isinstance(data, str): _source = self._get_data_from_str(data, input_features, output_features) if isinstance(_source, str) and _source.endswith('.h5'): self._from_h5 = True elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _source = self._get_data_from_df(data, input_features, output_features) elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): _source = self._get_data_from_ndarray(data, input_features, output_features) elif data.__class__.__name__ == "Dataset": _source = data elif isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError(f""" data is given as a list. For such cases either use DataSetUnion or DataSetPipeline insteadd of DataSet class""") elif isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError(f""" data is given as a dictionary. For such cases either use DataSetUnion or DataSetPipeline insteadd of DataSet class""") elif data is None: return data else: assert data is not None raise ValueError(f""" unregnizable source of data of type {data.__class__.__name__} given """) _source = self.impute(_source) return _source def _get_data_from_ndarray(self, data, input_features, output_features): if data.ndim == 2: # if output_features is not defined, consider 1 output and name it # as 'output' if output_features is None: output_features = ['outout'] self.config['output_features'] = output_features # we should put it in config as well elif isinstance(output_features, str): output_features = [output_features] else: assert isinstance(output_features, list) if input_features is None: # define dummy names for input_features input_features = [f'input_{i}' for i in range(data.shape[1] - len(output_features))] self.config['input_features'] = input_features return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=input_features + output_features) else: return data def _get_data_from_df(self, data, input_features, output_features): if input_features is None and output_features is not None: if isinstance(output_features, str): output_features = [output_features] assert isinstance(output_features, list) input_features = [col for col in data.columns if col not in output_features] # since we have inferred the input_features, they should be put # back into config self.config['input_features'] = input_features return data def _get_data_from_str(self, data, input_features, output_features): if isinstance(output_features, str): output_features = [output_features] # dir path/file path/ ai4water dataset name if data.endswith('.h5'): _source = data if data.endswith('.csv'): _source = pd.read_csv(data) if _source.columns[0] in ['index', 'time', 'date']: _source.index = pd.to_datetime(_source.pop('index')) elif data.endswith('.xlsx') or data.endswith('xlx'): _source = pd.read_excel(data) if _source.columns[0] in ['index', 'time', 'date']: _source.index = pd.to_datetime(_source.pop('index')) elif data.endswith('.parquet'): _source = pd.read_parquet(data) elif data.endswith('.feather'): _source = pd.read_feather(data) if _source.columns[0] in ['index', 'time', 'date']: _source.index = pd.to_datetime(_source.pop('index')) # netcdf file elif data.endswith('.nc'): import xarray as xr _source = xr.open_dataset(data) _source = _source.to_dataframe() elif data.endswith('npz'): data = np.load(data) assert len(data) == 1 d = [] for k, v in data.items(): d.append(v) data: np.ndarray = d[0] _source = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=input_features + output_features) # matlab's mat file elif data.endswith('.mat'): import scipy mat = data: np.ndarray = mat['data'] _source = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=input_features + output_features) elif os.path.isfile(data): assert os.path.exists(data) _source = data elif os.path.isdir(data): assert len(os.listdir(data)) > 1 # read from directory raise NotImplementedError elif data in all_datasets: _source = self._get_data_from_ai4w_datasets(data) else: raise ValueError(f"unregnizable source of data given {data}") return _source def _get_data_from_ai4w_datasets(self, data): Dataset = getattr(datasets, data) dataset = Dataset() dataset_args = self.dataset_args if dataset_args is None: dataset_args = {} # if self.config['input_features'] is not None: dynamic_features = self.input_features + self.output_features data = dataset.fetch(dynamic_features=dynamic_features, **dataset_args) data = data.to_dataframe(['time', 'dynamic_features']).unstack() data.columns = [a[1] for a in data.columns.to_flat_index()] return data
[docs] def impute(self, data): """Imputes the missing values in the data using `Imputation` module""" if self.nan_filler is not None: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _source = self._impute(data, self.nan_filler) else: raise NotImplementedError else: _source = data return _source
def _impute(self, data, impute_config): if isinstance(impute_config, str): method, impute_args = impute_config, {} data = Imputation(data, method=method, **impute_args)() elif isinstance(impute_config, dict): data = Imputation(data, **impute_config)() elif isinstance(impute_config, list): for imp_conf in impute_config: data = Imputation(data, **imp_conf)() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{impute_config.__class__.__name__}') return data
[docs] def get_indices(self): """If the data is to be divded into train/test based upon indices, here we create train_indices and test_indices. The train_indices contain indices for both training and validation data. """ tot_obs = self.total_exs(**self.ts_args) all_indices = np.arange(tot_obs) if len(self.indices) == 0: if self.train_fraction < 1.0: if self.split_random: train_indices, test_indices = train_test_split( all_indices, train_size=self.train_fraction, random_state=self.seed ) else: train_indices, test_indices = self._get_indices_by_seq_split( all_indices, self.train_fraction) else: # no test data train_indices, test_indices = all_indices, [] else: _train_indices = self.indices.get('training', None) _val_indices = self.indices.get('validation', None) _test_indices = self.indices.get('test', None) if _train_indices is not None: if _val_indices is None: # even if val_fraction is > 0.0, we will separate validation # data from training later _val_indices = np.array([]) # no validation set else: assert isinstance(np.array(_val_indices), np.ndarray) _val_indices = np.array(_val_indices) overlap = np.intersect1d(_train_indices, _val_indices) assert len(overlap) == 0, f""" Training and validation indices must be mutually exclusive. They contain {len(overlap)} overlaping values.""" train_indices = np.sort(np.hstack([_train_indices, _val_indices])) if _test_indices is None: # get test_indices by subtracting train_indices from all indices test_indices = [ind for ind in all_indices if ind not in train_indices] # _val_indices = np.array([]) else: # todo train_indices = [] setattr(self, 'train_indices', train_indices) setattr(self, 'test_indices', test_indices) return np.array(train_indices).astype("int32"), np.array(test_indices).astype("int32")
def _get_indices_by_seq_split( self, all_indices: Union[list, np.ndarray], train_fraction): """ sequential train/test split""" train_indices = all_indices[0:int(train_fraction * len(all_indices))] test_indices = all_indices[int(train_fraction * len(all_indices)):] return train_indices, test_indices def _training_data(self, key="_training", **kwargs): """training data including validation data""" train_indices, test_indices = self.get_indices() if 'validation' in self.indices: # when validation indices are given, we first prepare # complete data which contains training, validation and test data # TODO this is agains function definition indices = np.sort(np.hstack([train_indices, test_indices])) else: indices = train_indices data = # numpy arrays are not indexed and is supposed that the whole array is # use as input if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = self.indexify(data, key) # get x,_y, y x, prev_y, y = self._make_data( data, intervals=self.intervals, indices=indices, **kwargs) if not isinstance(, np.ndarray): x, self.indexes[key] = self.deindexify(x, key) if self.mode == 'classification': y = check_for_classification(y, self._to_categorical) return x, prev_y, y
[docs] def training_data(self, key="train", **kwargs): """training data excluding validation data""" if getattr(self, '_from_h5', False): return load_data_from_hdf5('training_data', x, prev_y, y = self._training_data(key=key, **kwargs) if self.val_fraction > 0.0: # when no output is generated, corresponding index will not be saved idx = self.indexes.get(key, np.arange(len(x))) # index also needs to be split x, prev_y, y, idx = self._train_val_split(x, prev_y, y, idx, 'training') # if drop remainder, we need to x, prev_y, y = self.check_for_batch_size(x, prev_y, y) self.indexes[key] = idx[0:len(x)] if self.teacher_forcing: return self.return_x_yy(x, prev_y, y, "Training") return self.return_xy(x, y, "Training")
[docs] def validation_data(self, key="val", **kwargs): """validation data""" if getattr(self, '_from_h5', False): return load_data_from_hdf5('validation_data', x, prev_y, y = self._training_data(key=key, **kwargs) if self.val_fraction > 0.0: idx = self.indexes.get(key, np.arange(len(x))) x, prev_y, y, idx = self._train_val_split(x, prev_y, y, idx, 'validation') x, prev_y, y = self.check_for_batch_size(x, prev_y, y) self.indexes[key] = idx[0:len(x)] else: x, prev_y, y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0) if self.teacher_forcing: return self.return_x_yy(x, prev_y, y, "Validation") return self.return_xy(x, y, "Validation")
def _train_val_split(self, x, prev_y, y, idx, return_type): """split x,y,idx,prev_y into training and validation data""" if self.split_random: # split x,y randomly splitter = TrainTestSplit(test_fraction=self.val_fraction, seed=self.seed) train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = splitter.split_by_random(x, y) splitter = TrainTestSplit(test_fraction=self.val_fraction, seed=self.seed) train_idx, val_idx, train_prev_y, val_prev_y = splitter.split_by_random( idx, prev_y) elif 'validation' in self.indices: # separate indices were provided for validation data # it must be remembered that x,y now contains training+validation+test data # but based upon indices, we will choose either training or validation data val_indices = self.indices['validation'] _train_indices, _ = self.get_indices() train_indices = [i for i in _train_indices if i not in val_indices] splitter = TrainTestSplit(train_indices=train_indices, test_indices=val_indices) train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = splitter.split_by_indices( x, y ) splitter = TrainTestSplit(train_indices=train_indices, test_indices=val_indices) train_idx, val_idx, train_prev_y, val_prev_y = splitter.split_by_indices( idx, prev_y) else: # split x,y sequentially splitter = TrainTestSplit(test_fraction=self.val_fraction) train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = splitter.split_by_slicing(x, y) splitter = TrainTestSplit(test_fraction=self.val_fraction) train_idx, val_idx, train_prev_y, val_prev_y = splitter.split_by_slicing(idx, prev_y) if return_type == "training": return train_x, train_prev_y, train_y, train_idx return val_x, val_prev_y, val_y, val_idx
[docs] def test_data(self, key="test", **kwargs): """test data""" if getattr(self, '_from_h5', False): return load_data_from_hdf5('test_data', if self.train_fraction < 1.0: data = # numpy arrays are not indexed and is supposed that the whole array # is use as input if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = self.indexify(data, key) _, test_indices = self.get_indices() if len(test_indices) > 0: # it is possible that training and validation # indices cover whole data # get x,_y, y x, prev_y, y = self._make_data( data, intervals=self.intervals, indices=test_indices, **kwargs) x, prev_y, y = self.check_for_batch_size(x, prev_y, y) if not isinstance(, np.ndarray): x, self.indexes[key] = self.deindexify(x, key) if self.mode == 'classification': y = check_for_classification(y, self._to_categorical) else: x, prev_y, y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0) else: x, prev_y, y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0) if self.teacher_forcing: return self.return_x_yy(x, prev_y, y, "Test") return self.return_xy(x, y, "Test")
[docs] def check_for_batch_size(self, x, prev_y=None, y=None): if self.drop_remainder: assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) remainder = len(x) % self.batch_size if remainder: x = x[0:-remainder] if prev_y is not None: prev_y = prev_y[0:-remainder] if y is not None: y = y[0:-remainder] return x, prev_y, y
[docs] def check_nans(self, data, input_x, input_y, label_y): """Checks whether anns are present or not and checks shapes of arrays being prepared.""" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): nans = data[self.output_features].isna() nans = nans.sum().sum() data = data.values else: nans = np.isnan(data[:, -self.num_outs:]) # df[self.out_cols].isna().sum() nans = int(nans.sum()) if nans > 0: if self.allow_nan_labels == 2: if self.verbosity > 0: print(""" \n{} Allowing NANs in predictions {}\n""".format(10 * '*', 10 * '*')) elif self.allow_nan_labels == 1: if self.verbosity > 0: print(""" \n{} Ignoring examples whose all labels are NaNs {}\n """.format(10 * '*', 10 * '*')) idx = ~np.array([all([np.isnan(x) for x in label_y[i]]) for i in range(len(label_y))]) input_x = input_x[idx] input_y = input_y[idx] label_y = label_y[idx] if int(np.isnan(data[:, -self.num_outs:][0:self.lookback]).sum() / self.num_outs) >= self.lookback: self.nans_removed_4m_st = -9999 else: if self.verbosity > 0: print('\n{} Removing Examples with nan in labels {}\n'.format(10 * '*', 10 * '*')) if self.num_outs == 1: # find out how many nans were present from start of data until # lookback, these nans will be removed self.nans_removed_4m_st = np.isnan(data[:, -self.num_outs:][0:self.lookback]).sum() # find out such labels where 'y' has at least one nan nan_idx = np.array([np.any(i) for i in np.isnan(label_y)]) non_nan_idx = np.invert(nan_idx) label_y = label_y[non_nan_idx] input_x = input_x[non_nan_idx] input_y = input_y[non_nan_idx] assert np.isnan(label_y).sum() < 1, """ label still contains {} nans""".format(np.isnan(label_y).sum()) assert input_x.shape[0] == input_y.shape[0] == label_y.shape[0], """ shapes are not same""" if not self.allow_input_nans: assert np.isnan(input_x).sum() == 0, """input still contains {} nans """.format(np.isnan(input_x).sum()) return input_x, input_y, label_y
[docs] def indexify(self, data: pd.DataFrame, key): data = data.copy() dummy_index = False # for dataframes if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): index = list(map(int, np.array(data.index.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')))) # datetime index self.index_types[key] = 'dt' original_index = pd.Series(index, index=index) else: try: index = list(map(int, np.array(data.index))) self.index_types[key] = 'int' original_index = pd.Series(index, index=index) except ValueError: # index may not be convertible to integer, it may be # string values dummy_index = np.arange(len(data), dtype=np.int64) original_index = pd.Series(data.index, index=dummy_index) index = dummy_index self.index_types[key] = 'str' self.indexes[key] = {'dummy': dummy_index, 'original': original_index} # pandas will add the 'datetime' column as first column. # This columns will only be used to keep # track of indices of train and test data. data.insert(0, 'index', index) self._input_features = ['index'] + self.input_features # setattr(self, 'input_features', ['index'] + self.input_features) self.indexes[key] = {'index': index, 'dummy_index': dummy_index, 'original': original_index} return data
[docs] def deindexify(self, data: np.ndarray, key): _data, _index = self.deindexify_nparray(data, key) if self.indexes[key].get('dummy_index', None) is not None: _index = self.indexes[key]['original'].loc[_index].values if self.index_types[key] == 'dt': _index = to_datetime_index(_index) return _data, _index
[docs] def get_batches(self, data): if self.batch_dim == "2D": return self.get_2d_batches(data) else: return self.check_nans(data, *prepare_data(data, num_outputs=self.num_outs, **self.ts_args))
[docs] def get_2d_batches(self, data): # need to count num_ins based upon _input_features as it consider index num_ins = len(self._input_features) if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values else: raise TypeError(f"unknown data type {data.__class__.__name__} for data ") if self.num_outs > 0: input_x = data[:, 0:num_ins] input_y, label_y = data[:, -self.num_outs:], data[:, -self.num_outs:] else: dummy_input_y = np.random.random((len(data), self.num_outs)) dummy_y = np.random.random((len(data), self.num_outs)) input_x, input_y, label_y = data[:, 0:num_ins], dummy_input_y, dummy_y assert self.lookback == 1, """ lookback should be one for MLP/Dense layer based model, but it is {} """.format(self.lookback) return self.check_nans(data, input_x, input_y, np.expand_dims(label_y, axis=2))
def _make_data(self, data, indices=None, intervals=None, shuffle=False): # if indices is not None: # indices = np.array(indices).astype("int32") # assert isinstance(np.array(indices), np.ndarray), "indices must be array like" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data[self._input_features + self.output_features].copy() df = data else: data = data.copy() df = data if intervals is None: x, prev_y, y = self.get_batches(df) if indices is not None: # if indices are given then this should be done after `get_batches` # method x = x[indices] prev_y = prev_y[indices] y = y[indices] else: xs, prev_ys, ys = [], [], [] for _st, _en in intervals: df1 = data[_st:_en] if df1.shape[0] > 0: x, prev_y, y = self.get_batches(df1.values) xs.append(x) prev_ys.append(prev_y) ys.append(y) if indices is None: x = np.vstack(xs) prev_y = np.vstack(prev_ys) y = np.vstack(ys) else: x = np.vstack(xs)[indices] prev_y = np.vstack(prev_ys)[indices] y = np.vstack(ys)[indices] if shuffle: raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and 'index' in data: data.pop('index') if self.ts_args['forecast_len'] == 1 and len(self.output_features) > 0: y = y.reshape(-1, len(self.output_features)) return x, prev_y, y
[docs] def deindexify_nparray(self, data, key): if data.ndim == 3: _data, index = data[..., 1:].astype(np.float32), data[:, -1, 0] elif data.ndim == 2: _data, index = data[..., 1:].astype(np.float32), data[:, 0] elif data.ndim == 4: _data, index = data[..., 1:].astype(np.float32), data[:, -1, -1, 0] elif data.ndim == 5: _data, index = data[..., 1:].astype(np.float32), data[:, -1, -1, -1, 0] else: raise NotImplementedError if self.index_types[key] != 'str': index = np.array(index, dtype=np.int64) return _data, index
[docs] def total_exs(self, lookback, forecast_step=0, forecast_len=1, **ts_args ): intervals = self.intervals input_steps = self.ts_args['input_steps'] data = consider_intervals(, intervals) num_outs = len(self.output_features) if self.output_features is not None else None max_tot_obs = 0 if not self.allow_nan_labels and intervals is None: _data = data[self.input_features + self.output_features] if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) else data x, _, _ = prepare_data(_data, lookback, num_outputs=num_outs, forecast_step=forecast_step, forecast_len=forecast_len, mask=np.nan, **ts_args) max_tot_obs = len(x) # we need to ignore some values at the start more = (lookback * input_steps) - 1 if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return len(data) - more # todo, why not when allow_nan_labels>0? if forecast_step > 0: more += forecast_step if forecast_len > 1: more += forecast_len if intervals is None: intervals = [()] more *= len(intervals) if self.allow_nan_labels == 2: tot_obs = data.shape[0] - more elif self.allow_nan_labels == 1: label_y = data[self.output_features].values idx = ~np.array([all([np.isnan(x) for x in label_y[i]]) for i in range(len(label_y))]) tot_obs = np.sum(idx) - more else: if num_outs == 1: tot_obs = data.shape[0] - int(data[self.output_features].isna().sum()) - more tot_obs = max(tot_obs, max_tot_obs) else: # count by droping all the rows when nans occur in output features tot_obs = len(data.dropna(subset=self.output_features)) tot_obs -= more return tot_obs
[docs] def KFold_splits(self, n_splits=5): """returns an iterator for kfold cross validation. The iterator yields two tuples of training and test x,y pairs. The iterator on every iteration returns following `(train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y)` Note: only `training_data` and `validation_data` are used to make kfolds. Example --------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from ai4water.preprocessing import DataSet >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 10, (20, 3)), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> data_set = DataSet(data=data) >>> kfold_splits = data_set.KFold_splits() >>> for (train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y) in kfold_splits: ... print(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y) """ if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, random_state=self.seed if self.shuffle else None, shuffle=self.shuffle) spliter = kf.split(x) for tr_idx, test_idx in spliter: yield (x[tr_idx], y[tr_idx]), (x[test_idx], y[test_idx])
[docs] def LeaveOneOut_splits(self): """Yields leave one out splits The iterator on every iteration returns following `(train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y)`""" if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() kf = LeaveOneOut() for tr_idx, test_idx in kf.split(x): yield (x[tr_idx], y[tr_idx]), (x[test_idx], y[test_idx])
[docs] def ShuffleSplit_splits(self, **kwargs): """Yields ShuffleSplit splits The iterator on every iteration returns following `(train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y)`""" if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() sf = ShuffleSplit(**kwargs) for tr_idx, test_idx in sf.split(x): yield (x[tr_idx], y[tr_idx]), (x[test_idx], y[test_idx])
[docs] def TimeSeriesSplit_splits(self, n_splits=5, **kwargs): """returns an iterator for TimeSeriesSplit. The iterator on every iteration returns following `(train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y)` """ if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=n_splits, **kwargs) for tr_idx, test_idx in tscv.split(x): yield (x[tr_idx], y[tr_idx]), (x[test_idx], y[test_idx])
[docs] def plot_KFold_splits(self, n_splits=5, show=True, **kwargs): """Plots the indices of kfold splits""" if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() kf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, random_state=self.seed if self.shuffle else None, shuffle=self.shuffle) spliter = kf.split(x) self._plot_splits(spliter, x, title="KFoldCV", show=show, **kwargs) return
[docs] def plot_LeaveOneOut_splits(self, show=True, **kwargs): """Plots the indices obtained from LeaveOneOut strategy""" if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() spliter = LeaveOneOut().split(x) self._plot_splits(spliter=spliter, x=x, title="LeaveOneOutCV", show=show, **kwargs) return
[docs] def plot_TimeSeriesSplit_splits(self, n_splits=5, show=True, **kwargs): """Plots the indices obtained from TimeSeriesSplit strategy""" if self.teacher_forcing: warnings.warn("Ignoring prev_y") x, _, y = self._training_data() spliter = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=n_splits, **kwargs).split(x) self._plot_splits(spliter=spliter, x=x, title="TimeSeriesCV", show=show, **kwargs) return
def _plot_splits(self, spliter, x, show=True, **kwargs): splits = list(spliter) figsize = kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 8)) legend_fs = kwargs.get('legend_fs', 20) legend_pos = kwargs.get('legend_pos', (1.02, 0.8)) title = kwargs.get("title", "CV") plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for ii, split in enumerate(splits): indices = np.array([np.nan] * len(x)) indices[split[0]] = 1 indices[split[1]] = 0 ax.scatter(range(len(indices)), [ii + .5] * len(indices), c=indices, marker='_', lw=10, cmap="coolwarm", vmin=-.2, vmax=1.2) yticklabels = list(range(len(splits))) ax.set(yticks=np.arange(len(splits)) + .5, yticklabels=yticklabels) ax.set_xlabel("Sample Index", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel("CV iteration", fontsize=18) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=20) ax.legend([Patch(color=cmap_cv(.8)), Patch(color=cmap_cv(.02))], ['Training', 'Test'], loc=legend_pos, fontsize=legend_fs) if show: plt.tight_layout() return
[docs] def to_disk(self, path: str = None): import h5py path = path or os.getcwd() filepath = os.path.join(path, "data.h5") f = h5py.File(filepath, mode='w') for k, v in self.init_paras().items(): if isinstance(v, (dict, list, tuple, float, int, str)): f.attrs[k] = json.dumps( v, default=jsonize).encode('utf8') elif v is not None and k != 'data': f.attrs[k] = v if self.teacher_forcing: x, prev_y, y = self.training_data() val_x, val_prev_y, val_y = self.validation_data() test_x, test_prev_y, test_y = self.test_data() else: prev_y, val_prev_y, test_prev_y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0) x, y = self.training_data() val_x, val_y = self.validation_data() test_x, test_y = self.test_data() # save in disk self._save_data_to_hdf5('training_data', x, prev_y, y, f) self._save_data_to_hdf5('validation_data', val_x, val_prev_y, val_y, f) self._save_data_to_hdf5('test_data', test_x, test_prev_y, test_y, f) f.close() return
def _save_data_to_hdf5(self, data_type, x, prev_y, y, f): """Saves one data_type in h5py. data_type is string indicating whether it is training, validation or test data.""" assert x is not None group_name = f.create_group(data_type) container = {} container['x'] = x if self.teacher_forcing: container['prev_y'] = prev_y container['y'] = y for name, val in container.items(): param_dset = group_name.create_dataset(name, val.shape, dtype=val.dtype) if not val.shape: # scalar param_dset[()] = val else: param_dset[:] = val return
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5(cls, path): """Creates an instance of DataSet from .h5 file.""" import h5py f = h5py.File(path, mode='r') config = {} for k, v in f.attrs.items(): if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, bytes): v = decode(v) config[k] = v cls._from_h5 = True f.close() # the data is already being loaded from h5 file so no need to save it again # upon initialization of class config['save'] = False return cls(path, **config)