Source code for ai4water.postprocessing.visualize._main

import warnings
from typing import Union

from ai4water.backend import easy_mpl as ep
from ai4water.backend import tf, keras, np, plt, os, random, lightgbm, xgboost, sklearn

if tf is not None:
    import ai4water.keract_mod as keract
    keract = None

from ai4water.utils.plotting_tools import Plots
from ai4water.utils.utils import maybe_three_outputs, get_nrows_ncols

from ..utils import choose_examples

    from ai4water.utils.utils_from_see_rnn import rnn_histogram
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    rnn_histogram = None

    from dtreeviz import trees
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    trees = None

RNN_INFO = {"LSTM": {'rnn_type': 'LSTM',
                     'gate_names': ['INPUT', 'FORGET', 'CELL', 'OUTPUT'],
                     'n_gates': 4,
                     'is_bidir': False,
                     'rnn_dim': 64,
                     'uses_bias': True,
                     'direction_names': [[]]

    'jet_r', 'ocean_r', 'viridis_r', 'BrBG',
    'Blues_r', 'bwr_r',




[docs]class Visualize(Plots): """Hepler class to peek inside the machine learning mdoel. If the machine learning model consists of layers of neural networks, then this class can be used to plot following 4 items - outputs of individual layers - gradients of outputs of individual layers - weights and biases of individual layers - gradients of weights of individual layers If the machine learning model consists of tree, then this class can be used to plot the learned tree of the model. methods ------- - get_activations - activations - get_activation_gradients - activation_gradients - get_weights - weights - get_weight_gradients - weight_gradients - decision_tree """
[docs] def __init__( self, model, save=True, show=True, verbosity=None, ): """ Arguments: model : the learned machine learning model. save : bool show : bool verbosity : bool/int """ plt.rcParams.update(plt.rcParamsDefault) self.model = model self.verbosity = model.verbosity if verbosity is None else verbosity self.vis_path = os.path.join(model.path, "visualize") if not os.path.exists(self.vis_path): os.makedirs(self.vis_path) Plots.__init__(self, path=self.vis_path, config=model.config)
def __call__( self, layer_name, data=None, data_type='training', x=None, y=None, examples_to_use=None ): if self.model.category == "DL": self.activations(layer_name, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, examples_to_use=examples_to_use) self.activation_gradients(layer_name, x=x, y=y, data=data, data_type=data_type, examples_to_use=examples_to_use) self.weights(layer_name) self.weight_gradients(layer_name, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y) else: self.decision_tree() self.decision_tree_leaves(data=data, data_type=data_type) return
[docs] def get_activations( self, layer_names: Union[list, str] = None, x=None, data = None, data_type: str = 'training', batch_size:int=None, ) -> dict: """ gets the activations/outputs of any layer of the Keras Model. Arguments: layer_names : name of list of names of layers whose activations are to be returned. x : The input that will be fed to NN to extract activations. If provided, it will override `data`. data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract input data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active batch_size : int Returns: a dictionary whose keys are names of layers and values are weights of those layers as numpy arrays """ if x is None: x, y = self._get_xy_from_data(data=data, data_type=data_type) if self.model.api == "subclassing": dl_model = self.model else: dl_model = self.model._model if isinstance(x, list): num_examples = len(x[0]) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): num_examples = len(x) else: raise ValueError if batch_size: # feed each batch and get activations per batch assert isinstance(layer_names, str) _activations = [] for batch in range(num_examples // batch_size): batch_x = _get_batch_input(x, batch, batch_size) batch_activations = keract.get_activations( dl_model, batch_x, layer_names=layer_names, auto_compile=True) assert len(batch_activations) == 1 # todo _activations.append(list(batch_activations.values())[0]) activations = {layer_names: np.concatenate(_activations)} else: activations = keract.get_activations(dl_model, x, layer_names=layer_names, auto_compile=True) return activations
[docs] def activations( self, layer_names=None, x=None, data = None, data_type:str = "training", examples_to_use: Union[int, list, np.ndarray, range] = None, **kwargs ): """ Plots outputs of any layer of neural network. Arguments: x : if given, will override, 'data'. data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract input data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active layer_names : name of layer whose output is to be plotted. If None, it will plot outputs of all layers examples_to_use : If integer, it will be the number of examples to use. If array like, it will be the indices of examples to use. """ activations = self.get_activations(x=x, data=data, data_type=data_type) if layer_names is not None: if isinstance(layer_names, str): layer_names = [layer_names] else: layer_names = layer_names else: layer_names = list(activations.keys()) assert isinstance(layer_names, list) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Plotting activations of layers") for lyr_name, activation in activations.items(): if lyr_name in layer_names: # activation may be tuple e.g if input layer receives more than # 1 input if isinstance(activation, np.ndarray): if activation.ndim == 2 and examples_to_use is None: examples_to_use = range(len(activation)-1) self._plot_activations( activation, lyr_name, examples_to_use, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(activation, tuple): for act in activation: self._plot_activations(act, lyr_name, **kwargs) return
def _plot_activations(self, activation, lyr_name, examples_to_use=None, **kwargs): if examples_to_use is None: indices = range(len(activation)) else: activation, indices = choose_examples(activation, examples_to_use) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if "LSTM" in lyr_name.upper() and np.ndim(activation) in (2, 3): if activation.ndim == 3: self.features_2d(activation,, name=lyr_name + "_outputs", sup_title="Activations", n_rows=6, sup_xlabel="LSTM units", sup_ylabel="Lookback steps", title=indices, ) else: self._imshow(activation, f"{lyr_name} Activations", fname=lyr_name,, ylabel="Examples", xlabel="LSTM units", cmap=random.choice(CMAPS)) elif np.ndim(activation) == 2 and activation.shape[1] > 1: if "lstm" in lyr_name.lower(): kwargs['xlabel'] = "LSTM units" self._imshow(activation, lyr_name + " Activations",, fname=lyr_name, **kwargs) elif np.ndim(activation) == 3: if "input" in lyr_name.lower(): kwargs['xticklabels'] = self.model.input_features self._imshow_3d(activation, lyr_name,, **kwargs, where='') elif np.ndim(activation) == 2: # this is now 1d # shape= (?, 1) self.plot1d(activation, label=lyr_name + ' Outputs',, fname=lyr_name + '_outputs', **kwargs ) else: print(""" ignoring activations for {} because it has shape {}, {}""".format( lyr_name, activation.shape, np.ndim(activation))) return
[docs] def get_weights(self)->dict: """ returns all trainable weights as arrays in a dictionary""" weights = {} for weight in self.model.trainable_weights: if tf.executing_eagerly(): weights[] = weight.numpy() else: weights[] = keras.backend.eval(weight) return weights
[docs] def weights( self, layer_names: Union[str, list] = None, **kwargs ): """Plots the weights of a specific layer or all layers. Arguments: layer_names : The layer whose weights are to be viewed. """ weights = self.get_weights() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Plotting trainable weights of layers of the model.") if layer_names is None: layer_names = list(weights.keys()) elif isinstance(layer_names, str): layer_names = [layer_names] else: layer_names = layer_names for lyr in layer_names: for _name, weight in weights.items(): if lyr in _name: title = _name fname = _name + '_weights' rnn_args = None if "LSTM" in title.upper(): rnn_args = {'n_gates': 4, 'gate_names_str': "(input, forget, cell, output)"} if np.ndim(weight) == 2 and weight.shape[1] > 1: self._imshow(weight, title,, fname=fname, rnn_args=rnn_args) elif len(weight) > 1 and np.ndim(weight) < 3: self.plot1d(weight, title,, fname, rnn_args=rnn_args, **kwargs) elif "conv" in _name.lower() and np.ndim(weight) == 3: _name = _name.replace("/", "_") _name = _name.replace(":", "_") self.features_2d(data=weight,, name=_name, slices=64, slice_dim=2, tight=True, borderwidth=1) else: print("""ignoring weight for {} because it has shape {} """.format(_name, weight.shape)) return
[docs] def get_activation_gradients( self, layer_names: Union[str, list] = None, x=None, y=None, data = None, data_type:str = "training", ) -> dict: """ Finds gradients of outputs of a layer. either x,y or data is required Arguments: layer_names : The layer for which, the gradients of its outputs are to be calculated. x : input data. Will overwrite `data` y : corresponding label of x. Will overwrite `data`. data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract x and y data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active """ if isinstance(layer_names, str): layer_names = [layer_names] if x is None: x, y = self._get_xy_from_data(data=data, data_type=data_type) from ai4water.functional import Model as FModel if isinstance(self.model, FModel): model = self.model._model else: model = self.model return keract.get_gradients_of_activations( model, x, y, layer_names=layer_names)
[docs] def activation_gradients( self, layer_names: Union[str, list], data = None, data_type='training', x=None, y=None, examples_to_use=None, plot_type="2D", ): """Plots the gradients o activations/outputs of layers Arguments: layer_names : the layer name for which the gradients of its outputs are to be plotted. data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract x and y which will be given to NN to get gradients of ativations data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active x : alternative to data y : alternative to data examples_to_use : the examples from the data to use. If None, then all examples will be used, which is equal to the length of data. plot_type : """ if plot_type == "2D": return self.activation_gradients_2D( layer_names, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y, examples_to_use=examples_to_use ) return self.activation_gradients_1D( layer_names, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y, examples_to_use=examples_to_use )
[docs] def activation_gradients_2D( self, layer_names=None, data = None, data_type:str='training', x=None, y=None, examples_to_use=None ): """Plots activations of intermediate layers except input and output Arguments: layer_names : data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract input data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active x : y : examples_to_use : if integer, it will be the number of examples to use. If array like, it will be index of examples to use """ gradients = self.get_activation_gradients( layer_names=layer_names, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y) return self._plot_act_grads(gradients, examples_to_use)
[docs] def activation_gradients_1D( self, layer_names, data = None, data_type:str='training', x=None, y=None, examples_to_use=None ): """Plots gradients of layer outputs as 1D Arguments: layer_names : examples_to_use : data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract input data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active x : y : """ gradients = self.get_activation_gradients( layer_names=layer_names, data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y) for lyr_name, gradient in gradients.items(): fname = lyr_name + "_output_grads" title = lyr_name + " Output Gradients" if np.ndim(gradient) == 3: for idx, example in enumerate(gradient): _title = f"{title}_{idx}" _fname = f"{fname}_{idx}" if "LSTM" in lyr_name: example = example.T self.features_1d(example, name=_fname, title=_title, xlabel="Lookback steps", ylabel="Gradients") return
def _plot_act_grads(self, gradients, examples_to_use=24): if self.verbosity > 0: print("Plotting gradients of activations of layersr") for lyr_name, gradient in gradients.items(): if examples_to_use is None: indices = range(len(gradient)) else: gradient, indices = choose_examples(gradient, examples_to_use) fname = lyr_name + "_output_grads" title = lyr_name + " Output Gradients" if "LSTM" in lyr_name.upper() and np.ndim(gradient) in (2, 3): if gradient.ndim == 2: self._imshow(gradient, fname=fname, label=title,, xlabel="LSTM units") else: self.features_2d(gradient, name=fname, title=indices,, n_rows=6, sup_title=title, sup_xlabel="LSTM units", sup_ylabel="Lookback steps") elif np.ndim(gradient) == 2: if gradient.shape[1] > 1: # (?, ?) self._imshow(gradient, title,, fname) elif gradient.shape[1] == 1: # (? , 1) self.plot1d(np.squeeze(gradient), title,, fname) elif np.ndim(gradient) == 3 and gradient.shape[1] == 1: if gradient.shape[2] == 1: # (?, 1, 1) self.plot1d(np.squeeze(gradient), title,, fname) else: # (?, 1, ?) self._imshow(np.squeeze(gradient), title,, fname) elif np.ndim(gradient) == 3: if gradient.shape[2] == 1: # (?, ?, 1) self._imshow(np.squeeze(gradient), title,, fname) elif gradient.shape[2] > 1: # (?, ?, ?) self._imshow_3d(gradient, lyr_name, else: print(""" ignoring activation gradients for {} because it has shape {} {} """.format(lyr_name, gradient.shape, np.ndim(gradient))) def _get_xy_from_data(self, data, data_type:str = "training"): assert data is not None, f"If x is not given, data must be given" assert isinstance(data_type, str) data = getattr(self.model, f'{data_type}_data')(data=data) x, y = maybe_three_outputs(data) return x, y
[docs] def get_weight_gradients( self, x=None, y=None, data = None, data_type: str = 'training' ) -> dict: """Returns the gradients of weights. Arguments: x : inputs, if not given, then ``data`` must be given y : target data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract x and y data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active Returns: dictionary whose keys are names of layers and values are gradients of weights as numpy arrays. """ if x is None: x, y = self._get_xy_from_data(data=data, data_type=data_type) from ai4water.functional import Model as FModel if isinstance(self.model, FModel): model = self.model._model else: model = self.model return keract.get_gradients_of_trainable_weights(model, x, y)
[docs] def weight_gradients( self, layer_names: Union[str, list] = None, data = None, data_type='training', x=None, y=None, ): """Plots gradient of all trainable weights Arguments: layer_names : the layer whose weeights are to be considered. data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract x and y data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active x : alternative to data y : alternative to data """ gradients = self.get_weight_gradients( data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y) if layer_names is None: layers_to_plot = list(gradients.keys()) elif isinstance(layer_names, str): layers_to_plot = [layer_names] else: layers_to_plot = layer_names if self.verbosity > 0: print("Plotting gradients of trainable weights") for lyr_to_plot in layers_to_plot: for lyr_name, gradient in gradients.items(): # because lyr_name is most likely larger if lyr_to_plot in lyr_name: title = lyr_name + "Weight Gradients" fname = lyr_name + '_weight_grads' rnn_args = None if "LSTM" in title.upper(): rnn_args = { 'n_gates': 4, 'gate_names_str': "(input, forget, cell, output)"} if np.ndim(gradient) == 3: self.rnn_histogram(gradient, name=fname, title=title) if np.ndim(gradient) == 2 and gradient.shape[1] > 1: self._imshow(gradient, title,, fname=fname, rnn_args=rnn_args) elif len(gradient) and np.ndim(gradient) < 3: self.plot1d(gradient, title,, fname=fname, rnn_args=rnn_args) else: print(f"""ignoring weight gradients for {lyr_name} because it has shape {gradient.shape} {np.ndim(gradient)} """) return
[docs] def find_num_lstms(self, layer_names=None) -> list: """Finds names of lstm layers in model""" if layer_names is not None: if isinstance(layer_names, str): layer_names = [layer_names] assert isinstance(layer_names, list) lstm_names = [] for lyr, config in self.config['model']['layers'].items(): if "LSTM" in lyr.upper(): config = config.get('config', config) prosp_name = config.get('name', lyr) if layer_names is not None: if prosp_name in layer_names: lstm_names.append(prosp_name) else: lstm_names.append(prosp_name) return lstm_names
[docs] def get_rnn_weights(self, weights: dict, layer_names=None) -> dict: """Finds RNN related weights. It combines kernel recurrent curnel and bias of each layer into a list. """ lstm_weights = {} if self.config['model'] is not None and 'layers' in self.config['model']: if "LSTM" in self.config['model']['layers']: lstms = self.find_num_lstms(layer_names) for lstm in lstms: lstm_w = [] for w in ["kernel", "recurrent_kernel", "bias"]: w_name = lstm + "/lstm_cell/" + w w_name1 = f"{lstm}/{w}" for k, v in weights.items(): if any(_w in k for _w in [w_name, w_name1]): lstm_w.append(v) lstm_weights[lstm] = lstm_w return lstm_weights
[docs] def rnn_weights_histograms(self, layer_name): weights = self.get_weights() rnn_weights = self.get_rnn_weights(weights, layer_name) for k, w in rnn_weights.items(): self.rnn_histogram(w, name=k + "_weight_histogram") return
[docs] def rnn_weight_grads_as_hist( self, layer_name=None, data=None, data_type='training', x=None, y=None, ): gradients = self.get_weight_gradients( data=data, data_type=data_type, x=x, y=y) rnn_weights = self.get_rnn_weights(gradients) for k, w in rnn_weights.items(): self.rnn_histogram(w, name=k + "_weight_grads_histogram") return
[docs] def rnn_histogram(self, data, save=True, name='', **kwargs): if save: save = os.path.join(self.vis_path, name + "0D.png") else: save = None if rnn_histogram is None: warnings.warn("install see-rnn to plot rnn_histogram plot", UserWarning) else: rnn_histogram(data, RNN_INFO["LSTM"], bins=400, savepath=save,, **kwargs) return
[docs] def decision_tree(self, show=False, **kwargs): """Plots the decision tree""" plot_tree = sklearn.tree.plot_tree fname = os.path.join(self.path, "decision_tree") if self.model.category == "ML": model_name = list(self.model.config['model'].keys())[0] if model_name in TREE_BASED_MODELS: _fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (10, 10))) if model_name.startswith("XGB"): # xgboost.plot_tree(self.model._model, ax=axis, **kwargs) elif model_name.startswith("Cat"): gv_object = self.model._model.plot_tree(0, **kwargs) if gv_object.view()"decision_tree", directory=self.path) elif model_name.startswith("LGBM"): lightgbm.plot_tree(self.model._model, ax=axis, **kwargs) else: # sklearn types plot_tree(self.model._model, feature_names=self.model.input_features, ax=axis, **kwargs) plt.savefig(fname, dpi=500) if else: print(f"decision tree can not be plotted for {model_name}") else: print(f""" decision tree can not be plotted for {self.model.category} models""") return
[docs] def decision_tree_leaves( self, data = None, data_type:str='training' ): """Plots dtreeviz related plots if dtreeviz is installed data : raw unprepared data from which will be forwarded to :py:meth:`ai4water.preprocessing.DataSet` to extract input data_type : str either ``training``, ``validation`` or ``test``. Only relevant if ``data`` argument is active """ model = list(self.config['model'].keys())[0] if model in ["DecisionTreeRegressor", "DecisionTreeClassifier"]: if trees is None: print("dtreeviz related plots can not be plotted") else: x, y = getattr(self.model, f'{data_type}_data')(data=data) if np.ndim(y) > 2: y = np.squeeze(y, axis=2) trees.viz_leaf_samples(self.model._model, x, self.in_cols) self.save_or_show(, fname="viz_leaf_samples", where="plots") trees.ctreeviz_leaf_samples(self.model._model, x, y, self.in_cols) self.save_or_show(, fname="ctreeviz_leaf_samples", where="plots") return
[docs] def features_2d(self, data, name, save=True, slices=24, slice_dim=0, **kwargs): """Calls the features_2d from see-rnn""" st=0 if 'title' in kwargs: title = kwargs.pop('title') else: title = None for en in np.arange(slices, data.shape[slice_dim] + slices, slices): if save: fname = name + f"_{st}_{en}" save = os.path.join(self.path, fname+".png") else: save = None if isinstance(title, np.ndarray): _title = title[st:en] else: _title = title if slice_dim == 0: features_2D(data[st:en, :], savepath=save, title=_title, **kwargs) else: # assuming it will always be the last dim if not first features_2D(data[..., st:en], savepath=save, title=_title, **kwargs) st = en return
[docs] def features_1d(self, data, save=True, name='', **kwargs): if save: save = os.path.join(self.path, name + ".png") else: save=None if features_1D is None: warnings.warn("install see-rnn to plot features-1D plot", UserWarning) else: features_1D(data, savepath=save, **kwargs) return
def features_2D(data, n_rows=None, cmap=None, sup_xlabel=None, sup_ylabel=None, sup_title=None, title=None, show=False, savepath=None): """ title: title for individual axis sup_title: title for whole plot """ n_subplots = len(data) if data.ndim == 3 else 1 nrows, ncols = get_nrows_ncols(n_rows, n_subplots) cmap = cmap or random.choice(CMAPS) fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, dpi=100, figsize=(10, 10), sharex='all', sharey='all') num_subplots = len(axis.ravel()) if isinstance(axis, np.ndarray) else 1 if isinstance(title, str): title = [title for _ in range(num_subplots)] elif isinstance(title, list): assert len(title) == num_subplots elif isinstance(title, np.ndarray): assert len(title) == num_subplots elif title: title = np.arange(num_subplots) if isinstance(axis, plt.Axes): axis = np.array([axis]) vmin = data.min() vmax = data.max() for idx, ax in enumerate(axis.flat): im = ep.imshow(data[idx], ax=ax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax_kws=dict(title=title[idx]), show=False) if sup_xlabel: fig.text(0.5, 0.04, sup_xlabel, ha='center', fontsize=20) if sup_ylabel: fig.text(0.04, 0.5, sup_ylabel, va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=20) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) if sup_title: plt.suptitle(sup_title) # fig.tight_layout() if savepath: plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches="tight") if show: return def features_1D(data, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, savepath=None, show=None, title=None): assert data.ndim == 2 _, axis = plt.subplots() for i in data: axis.plot(i) if xlabel: axis.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: axis.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title: axis.set_title(title) if savepath: plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches="tight") if show: return def _get_batch_input(inp, batch_idx, batch_size): if isinstance(inp, list): batch_inp = [] for x in inp: st = batch_idx*batch_size batch_inp.append(x[st: st+batch_size]) else: st = batch_idx * batch_size batch_inp = inp[st: st+batch_size] return batch_inp