Source code for ai4water.postprocessing.interpret._main

import warnings

from ai4water.backend import xgboost, tf, np, pd, mpl, plt, os
from ai4water.backend import easy_mpl as ep
from ai4water.utils.visualizations import Plot
from ai4water.utils.utils import plot_activations_along_inputs

[docs]class Interpret(Plot): """Interprets the ai4water Model. The ``Interpret`` class is different than the methods in ``explain`` module. The ``Interpret`` class explains the behaviour of the model by using consituents of the model itself for example attention weights or feature importance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model, save:bool = False, show:bool = True): """ Arguments --------- model : an instance of ai4water's Model save : bool show : bool """ self.model = model = save = show super().__init__(model.path) if self.model.category.upper() == "DL": if hasattr(model, 'interpret') and not model.__class__.__name__ == "Model": model.interpret() elif self.model.category == 'ML': use_xgb = False if self.model._model.__class__.__name__ == "XGBRegressor": use_xgb = True self.plot_feature_importance(use_xgb = use_xgb)
@property def model(self): return self._model @model.setter def model(self, x): self._model = x
[docs] def feature_importance(self): if self.model.category.upper() == "ML": estimator = self.model._model if not is_fitted(estimator): print(f"the model {estimator} is not fitted yet so not feature importance") return model_name = list(self.model.config['model'].keys())[0] if model_name.upper() in ["SVC", "SVR"]: if estimator.kernel == "linear": # return estimator.coef_ elif hasattr(estimator, "feature_importances_"): return estimator.feature_importances_
[docs] def f_importances_svm(self, coef, names): plt.close('all') mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) classes = coef.shape[0] features = coef.shape[1] _, axis = plt.subplots(classes, sharex='all') axis = axis if hasattr(axis, "__len__") else [axis] for idx, ax in enumerate(axis): # colors = ['red' if c < 0 else 'blue' for c in self._model.coef_[idx]], self._model.coef_[idx], 0.4) plt.xticks(ticks=range(features), labels=self.model.input_features, rotation=90, fontsize=12) self.save_or_show(, fname=f"{list(self.model.config['model'].keys())[0]}_feature_importance") return
[docs] def plot_feature_importance( self, importance=None, use_xgb=False, max_num_features=20, figsize=None, **kwargs): """ plots feature importance when the model is tree based. """ figsize = figsize or (8, 8) if importance is None: importance = self.feature_importance() if self.model.category == "ML": model_name = list(self.model.config['model'].keys())[0] if model_name.upper() in ["SVC", "SVR"]: if self.model._model.kernel == "linear": return self.f_importances_svm(importance, self.model.input_features) else: warnings.warn(f"for {self.model._model.kernel} kernels of {model_name}, feature " f"importance can not be plotted.") return if isinstance(importance, np.ndarray): assert importance.ndim <= 2 if importance is None: return all_cols = self.model.input_features + self.model.output_features if self.model.teacher_forcing: all_cols = self.model.input_features imp_sort = np.sort(importance)[::-1] all_cols = np.array(all_cols) all_cols = all_cols[np.argsort(importance)[::-1]] # save the whole importance before truncating it fname = os.path.join(self.model.path, 'feature_importance.csv') pd.DataFrame(imp_sort, index=all_cols, columns=['importance_sorted']).to_csv(fname) imp = np.concatenate([imp_sort[0:max_num_features], [imp_sort[max_num_features:].sum()]]) all_cols = list(all_cols[0:max_num_features]) + [f'rest_{len(all_cols) - max_num_features}'] if use_xgb: self._feature_importance_xgb(max_num_features=max_num_features) else: plt.close('all') _, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ep.bar_chart(labels=all_cols, values=imp, ax=axis, ax_kws={'title':"Feature importance", 'xlabel_kws': {'fontsize': 12}}, show=False) self.save_or_show(,, fname="feature_importance.png") return
def _feature_importance_xgb(self, max_num_features=None, **kwargs): # if xgboost is None: warnings.warn("install xgboost to plot plot_importance using xgboost", UserWarning) else: booster = self.model._model.get_booster() booster.feature_names = self.model.input_features plt.close('all') # global feature importance with xgboost comes with different types xgboost.plot_importance(booster, max_num_features=max_num_features) self.save_or_show(,, fname="feature_importance_weight.png") plt.close('all') xgboost.plot_importance(booster, importance_type="cover", max_num_features=max_num_features, **kwargs) self.save_or_show(,, fname="feature_importance_type_cover.png") plt.close('all') xgboost.plot_importance(booster, importance_type="gain", max_num_features=max_num_features, **kwargs) self.save_or_show(,, fname="feature_importance_type_gain.png") return
[docs] def compare_xgb_f_imp( self, calculation_method="all", rescale=True, figsize:tuple=None, backend:str = 'matplotlib', **kwargs ): """compare various feature importance calculations methods that are built in in XGBoost""" inp_features = self.model.input_features assert isinstance(inp_features, list) booster = self.model._model.get_booster() booster.feature_names = self.model.input_features _importance_types = ['weight', 'gain', 'cover', 'total_gain', 'total_cover'] importance_types = _importance_types.copy() if calculation_method != "all": if isinstance(calculation_method, str): calculation_method = [calculation_method] assert isinstance(calculation_method, list) # remove those which are not desired for imp in _importance_types: if imp not in calculation_method: importance_types.remove(imp) # container to hold importances with each method importance = [] for idx, imp_type in enumerate(importance_types): score = pd.Series(booster.get_score(importance_type=imp_type)) score = pd.DataFrame(score, columns=[imp_type]) if rescale: # so that the sum of all feature importance is 1.0 and the # scale is relative score = score / score.sum() importance.append(score) importance = pd.concat(importance, axis=1) if backend=="plotly": width = figsize[0] if figsize else 1200 height = figsize[1] if figsize else 1200 return xgb_fimp_with_plotly(importance, importance_types, fig_width=width, fig_height=height, path=self.model.path) plt.close('all') fig, axis = plt.subplots(importance.shape[1], sharex="all", figsize=figsize) for ax, imp in zip(axis.flat, importance.columns): ax = ep.bar_chart( importance[imp], labels=importance.index, orient="vertical", show=False, rotation=90, label=imp, ax=ax, **kwargs) ax.legend() fname = os.path.join(self.model.path, "xgb_f_imp_comp") if plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight") if return fig
[docs] def tft_attention_components( self, x = None, data=None, data_type:str = "test", ): """ Gets attention components of tft layer from ai4water's Model. Parameters ---------- x : the input data to the model data : raw data from which ``x``/inputs are extracted. data_type : the data to use to calculate attention components Returns ------- dict dictionary containing attention components of tft as numpy arrays. Following four attention components are present in the dictionary - decoder_self_attn: (attention_heads, ?, total_time_steps, 22) - static_variable_selection_weights: - encoder_variable_selection_weights: (?, encoder_steps, input_features) - decoder_variable_selection_weights: (?, decoder_steps, input_features) str a string indicating which data was used """ maybe_create_path(self.model.path) if x is None: x, _, = getattr(self.model, f'{data_type}_data')(data=data) if len(x) == 0 and data_type == "test": warnings.warn("No test data found. using validation data instead", UserWarning) x, _, = getattr(self.model, 'validation_data')(data=data) assert len(x) >0 attentions = self.model.TemporalFusionTransformer_attentions if self.model.api == 'subclassing': inputs = self.model.inputs else: inputs = self.model._model.inputs attention_components = {} for k, v in attentions.items(): if v is not None: temp_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=v) attention_components[k] = temp_model.predict(x=x, verbose=0, steps=1) return attention_components, data
[docs] def get_enc_var_selection_weights(self, data, data_type:str='test'): """Returns encoder variable selection weights of TFT model""" ac, _ = self.tft_attention_components(data=data, data_type=data_type) return ac['encoder_variable_selection_weights']
[docs] def interpret_example_tft( self, example_index:int, x = None, data=None, data_type='test' ): """interprets a single example using TFT model. Parameters --------- example_index : int index of example to be explained x : input data, if not given, ``data`` must be given data : the data whose example to interpret. data_type : str either ``training``, ``test``, ``validation`` or ``all``. It is only useful when ``data`` argument is used. """ assert data_type in ("training", "test", "validation", "all") if x is None: data_name = data_type else: data_name = "data" enc_var_selection_weights = self.get_enc_var_selection_weights( data=data, data_type=data_type) plt.close('all') im = ep.imshow( enc_var_selection_weights[example_index], aspect="auto", ax_kws=dict(title=example_index, ylabel="lookback steps"), show=False ) plt.xticks(np.arange(self.model.num_ins), self.model.input_features, rotation=90) plt.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical', pad=0.05) fname = os.path.join(maybe_create_path(self.model.path), f'{data_name}_enc_var_selec_{example_index}.png') if plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) if return
[docs] def interpret_tft( self, x=None, y=None, data=None, data_type="test" ): """global interpretation of TFT model. Arguments: x : input data. If not given, ``data`` argument must be given. y : labels/target/true data corresponding to ``x``. It is only used for plotting. data : the data to use to interpret model. It is only required when ``x`` is not given. data_type : either ``training``, ``test``, ``validation`` or ``all``. It is only useful when ``data`` argument is used. """ if x is None: predictions = getattr(self.model, f"predict_on_{data_type}_data")( data=data, process_results=False, verbose=0) x, y, = getattr(self.model, f'{data_type}_data')(data=data) else: predictions = self.model.predict(x=x, verbose=0) ac, data = self.tft_attention_components(data=data) encoder_variable_selection_weights = ac['encoder_variable_selection_weights'] plot_activations_along_inputs( activations=encoder_variable_selection_weights, data=x[:, -1], observations=y, predictions=predictions, in_cols=self.model.input_features, out_cols=self.model.output_features, lookback=self.model.lookback, name=f'tft_encoder_weights_{data}', path=maybe_create_path(self.model.path) ) return
[docs] def interpret_attention_lstm( self, x=None, data = None, data_type:str = "test" ): """ Arguments: x : input data. If not given, ``data`` argument must be given. data : the data to use to interpret model. It is only required when ``x`` is not given. data_type : either ``training``, ``test``, ``validation`` or ``all``. It is only useful when ``data`` argument is used. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def interpret_tab_transformer( self, x=None, data = None, data_type:str = "test" ): """ Arguments: x : input data. If not given, ``data`` argument must be given. data : the data to use to interpret model. It is only required when ``x`` is not given. data_type : either ``training``, ``test``, ``validation`` or ``all``. It is only useful when ``data`` argument is used. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def interpret_ft_transformer( self, x=None, data = None, data_type:str = "test" ): """ Arguments: x : input data. If not given, ``data`` argument must be given. data : the data to use to interpret model. It is only required when ``x`` is not given. data_type : either ``training``, ``test``, ``validation`` or ``all``. It is only useful when ``data`` argument is used. """ raise NotImplementedError
def xgb_fimp_with_plotly( importance:pd.DataFrame, importance_types, fig_width, fig_height, path, ): import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # initiate figure with subplots fig = make_subplots( rows=len(importance_types) + 1, cols=1, vertical_spacing=0.02 # shared_xaxes=True ) for idx, col in enumerate(importance.columns): fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x=importance.index.tolist(), y=importance[col], name=col ), row=idx + 1, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False) # hide all the xticks fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=len(importance_types), col=1, tickangle=-45, title="Input Features" ) # Here we modify the tickangle of the xaxis, resulting in rotated labels. fig.update_layout( height=fig_height, width=fig_width, legend_title="Calculation Method", title_text="XGBoost Feature Importance", title_x=0.42, font=dict( family="Times New Roman", size=26, ) ) fname = os.path.join(path, "xgb_f_imp_comp.html") fig.write_html(fname) return fig def maybe_create_path(path): path = os.path.join(path, "interpret") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def is_fitted(estimator): if hasattr(estimator, 'is_fitted'): # for CATBoost return estimator.is_fitted attrs = [v for v in vars(estimator) if v.endswith("_") and not v.startswith("__")] if not attrs: return False return True