Source code for ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics.utils

import os
import itertools
from types import FunctionType
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import xlogy

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    go = None

def take(st, en, d):
    keys = list(d.keys())[st:en]
    values = list(d.values())[st:en]

    return {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, values)}

[docs]def plot_metrics( metrics: dict, ranges: tuple = ((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 10), (10, 1000)), exclude: list = None, plot_type: str = 'bar', max_metrics_per_fig: int = 15, show: bool = True, save: bool = False, save_path: str = None, **kwargs): """ Plots the metrics given as dictionary as radial or bar plot between specified ranges. Arguments: metrics: dictionary whose keys are names are erros and values are error values. ranges: tuple of tuples defining range of errors to plot in one plot exclude: List of metrics to be excluded from plotting. max_metrics_per_fig: maximum number of metrics to show in one figure. plot_type: either of `radial` or `bar`. show : If, then figure will be shown/drawn save: if True, the figure will be saved. save_path: if given, the figure will the saved at this location. kwargs: keyword arguments for plotting Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics import RegressionMetrics >>> from ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics import plot_metrics >>> t = np.random.random((20, 1)) >>> p = np.random.random((20, 1)) >>> er = RegressionMetrics(t, p) >>> all_errors = er.calculate_all() >>> plot_metrics(all_errors, plot_type='bar', max_metrics_per_fig=50) >>># or draw the radial plot >>> plot_metrics(all_errors, plot_type='radial', max_metrics_per_fig=50) ``` """ for idx, rng in enumerate(ranges): assert rng[1] > rng[0], f'For range {idx}, second value: {rng[1]} is not greater than first value: {rng[0]}. ' assert len(rng) == 2, f"Range number {idx} has length {len(rng)}. It must be a tuple of length 2." if exclude is None: exclude = [] _metrics = metrics.copy() for k in metrics.keys(): if k in exclude: _metrics.pop(k) assert plot_type in ['bar', 'radial'], f'plot_type must be either `bar` or `radial`.' for _range in ranges: plot_metrics_between( _metrics, *_range, plot_type=plot_type, max_metrics_per_fig=max_metrics_per_fig, show=show, save=save, save_path=save_path, **kwargs) return
def plot_metrics_between( errors: dict, lower: int, upper: int, plot_type: str = 'bar', max_metrics_per_fig: int = 15, save=False, show=True, save_path=None, **kwargs): zero_to_one = {} for k, v in errors.items(): if v is not None: if lower < v < upper: zero_to_one[k] = v st = 0 n = len(zero_to_one) for i in np.array(np.linspace(0, n, int(n/max_metrics_per_fig)+1), dtype=np.int32): if i == 0: pass else: en = i d = take(st, en, zero_to_one) if plot_type == 'radial': plot_radial(d, lower, upper, save=save, show=show, save_path=save_path, **kwargs) else: plot_circular_bar(d, save=save, show=show, save_path=save_path, **kwargs) st = i return def plot_radial(errors: dict, low: int, up: int, save=True, save_path=None, **kwargs): """Plots all the errors in errors dictionary. low and up are used to draw the limits of radial plot.""" if go is None: print("can not plot radial plot because plotly is not installed.") return fill = kwargs.get('fill', None) fillcolor = kwargs.get('fillcolor', None) line = kwargs.get('line', None) marker = kwargs.get('marker', None) OrderedDict(sorted(errors.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1])) lower = round(np.min(list(errors.values())), 4) upper = round(np.max(list(errors.values())), 4) fig = go.Figure() categories = list(errors.keys()) fig.add_trace(go.Scatterpolar( r=list(errors.values()), theta=categories, # angular coordinates fill=fill, fillcolor=fillcolor, line=line, marker=marker, name='errors' )) fig.update_layout( title_text=f"Errors from {lower} to {upper}", polar=dict( radialaxis=dict( visible=True, range=[low, up] )), showlegend=False ) if save: fname = f"radial_errors_from_{lower}_to_{upper}.png" if save_path is not None: fname = os.path.join(save_path, fname) fig.write_image(fname) return def plot_circular_bar( metrics: dict, show=False, save: bool = True, save_path: str = '', **kwargs): """ modified after :param metrics: :param show: :param save: :param save_path: :param kwargs: figsize: linewidth: edgecolor: color: :return: """ # initialize the figure plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=kwargs.get('figsize', (8, 12))) ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) plt.axis('off') # Set the coordinates limits # upperLimit = 100 lower_limit = 30 value = np.array(list(metrics.values())) lower = round(np.min(list(metrics.values())), 4) upper = round(np.max(list(metrics.values())), 4) # Compute max and min in the dataset _max = max(value) # df['Value'].max() # Let's compute heights: they are a conversion of each item value in those new coordinates # In our example, 0 in the dataset will be converted to the lowerLimit (10) # The maximum will be converted to the upperLimit (100) slope = (_max - lower_limit) / _max heights = slope * value + lower_limit # Compute the width of each bar. In total we have 2*Pi = 360° width = 2 * np.pi / len(metrics) # Compute the angle each bar is centered on: indexes = list(range(1, len(metrics) + 1)) angles = [element * width for element in indexes] # Draw bars bars = x=angles, height=heights, width=width, bottom=lower_limit, linewidth=kwargs.get('linewidth', 2), edgecolor=kwargs.get('edgecolor', "white"), color=kwargs.get('color', "#61a4b2"), ) # little space between the bar and the label label_padding = 4 metric_names = { 'r2': "$R^2$", 'r2_mod': "$R^2$ mod", 'adjusted_r2': 'adjusted $R^2$', # 'nse': "NSE" } # Add labels for bar, angle, label1, label2 in zip(bars, angles, metrics.keys(), metrics.values()): label1 = metric_names.get(label1, label1) label = f'{label1} {round(label2, 4)}' # Labels are rotated. Rotation must be specified in degrees :( rotation = np.rad2deg(angle) # Flip some labels upside down if angle >= np.pi / 2 and angle < 3 * np.pi / 2: alignment = "right" rotation = rotation + 180 else: alignment = "left" # Finally add the labels ax.text( x=angle, y=lower_limit + bar.get_height() + label_padding, s=label, ha=alignment, va='center', rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor") if save: fname = f"{len(metrics)}_bar_errors_from_{lower}_to_{upper}.png" if save_path is not None: fname = os.path.join(save_path, fname) plt.savefig(fname, dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return def plot1d(true, predicted, save=True, name="plot", show=False): _, axis = plt.subplots() axis.plot(np.arange(len(true)), true, label="True") axis.plot(np.arange(len(predicted)), predicted, label="Predicted") axis.legend(loc="best") if save: plt.savefig(name, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if show: plt.close('all') return def _foo(denominator, numerator): nonzero_numerator = numerator != 0 nonzero_denominator = denominator != 0 valid_score = nonzero_numerator & nonzero_denominator output_scores = np.ones(1) output_scores[valid_score] = 1 - (numerator[valid_score] / denominator[valid_score]) output_scores[nonzero_numerator & ~nonzero_denominator] = 0. return output_scores def _mean_tweedie_deviance(y_true, y_pred, power=0, weights=None): # copying from # message = ("Mean Tweedie deviance error with power={} can only be used on " .format(power)) if power < 0: # 'Extreme stable', y_true any real number, y_pred > 0 if (y_pred <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(message + "strictly positive y_pred.") dev = 2 * (np.power(np.maximum(y_true, 0), 2 - power) / ((1 - power) * (2 - power)) - y_true * np.power(y_pred, 1 - power) / (1 - power) + np.power(y_pred, 2 - power) / (2 - power)) elif power == 0: # Normal distribution, y_true and y_pred any real number dev = (y_true - y_pred) ** 2 elif power < 1: raise ValueError("Tweedie deviance is only defined for power<=0 and " "power>=1.") elif power == 1: # Poisson distribution, y_true >= 0, y_pred > 0 if (y_true < 0).any() or (y_pred <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(message + "non-negative y_true and strictly " "positive y_pred.") dev = 2 * (xlogy(y_true, y_true / y_pred) - y_true + y_pred) elif power == 2: # Gamma distribution, y_true and y_pred > 0 if (y_true <= 0).any() or (y_pred <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(message + "strictly positive y_true and y_pred.") dev = 2 * (np.log(y_pred / y_true) + y_true / y_pred - 1) else: if power < 2: # 1 < p < 2 is Compound Poisson, y_true >= 0, y_pred > 0 if (y_true < 0).any() or (y_pred <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(message + "non-negative y_true and strictly " "positive y_pred.") else: if (y_true <= 0).any() or (y_pred <= 0).any(): raise ValueError(message + "strictly positive y_true and " "y_pred.") dev = 2 * (np.power(y_true, 2 - power) / ((1 - power) * (2 - power)) - y_true * np.power(y_pred, 1 - power) / (1 - power) + np.power(y_pred, 2 - power) / (2 - power)) return float(np.average(dev, weights=weights)) def _geometric_mean(a, axis=0, dtype=None): """ Geometric mean """ if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): # if not an ndarray object attempt to convert it log_a = np.log(np.array(a, dtype=dtype)) elif dtype: # Must change the default dtype allowing array type if isinstance(a, log_a = np.log(, dtype=dtype)) else: log_a = np.log(np.asarray(a, dtype=dtype)) else: log_a = np.log(a) return float(np.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))) def listMethods(cls): return set(x for x, y in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(y, (FunctionType, classmethod, staticmethod))) def listParentMethods(cls): return set(itertools.chain.from_iterable( listMethods(c).union(listParentMethods(c)) for c in cls.__bases__)) def list_subclass_methods(cls, is_narrow, ignore_underscore=True, additional_ignores=None): """Finds all methods of a child class""" methods = listMethods(cls) if is_narrow: parent_methods = listParentMethods(cls) methods = set(cls for cls in methods if not (cls in parent_methods)) if additional_ignores is not None: methods = methods - set(additional_ignores) if ignore_underscore: methods = set(cls for cls in methods if not cls.startswith('_')) return methods def msg(module, module_type="class"): return f""" {module} {module_type} has been moved to its own repository called SeqMetrics Please install it using 'pip install SeqMetrics' and then import {module} as from SeqMetrics import {module} """