Source code for ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics._rgr

import warnings
from math import sqrt
from typing import Union

from scipy.stats import gmean, kendalltau
import numpy as np

from .utils import _geometric_mean, _mean_tweedie_deviance, _foo, list_subclass_methods, msg
from ._main import Metrics, EPS

[docs]class RegressionMetrics(Metrics): """ Calculates more than 100 regression performance metrics related to sequence data. Example: >>>import numpy as np >>>from ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics import RegressionMetrics >>>t = np.random.random(10) >>>p = np.random.random(10) >>>errors = RegressionMetrics(t,p) >>>all_errors = errors.calculate_all() """ warnings.warn(msg("RegressionMetrics"), UserWarning)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes `Metrics`. args and kwargs go to parent class ['Metrics'][ai4water.postprocessing.SeqMetrics.Metrics]. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.all_methods = list_subclass_methods(RegressionMetrics, True, additional_ignores=['calculate_hydro_metrics', # 'calculate_scale_dependent_metrics', # 'calculate_scale_independent_metrics' ]) # if arrays contain negative values, following three errors can not be computed for array in [self.true, self.predicted]: assert len(array) > 0, "Input arrays should not be empty" if len(array[array < 0.0]) > 0: self.all_methods = [m for m in self.all_methods if m not in ('mean_gamma_deviance', 'mean_poisson_deviance', 'mean_square_log_error')] if (array <= 0).any(): # mean tweedie error is not computable self.all_methods = [m for m in self.all_methods if m not in ('mean_gamma_deviance', 'mean_poisson_deviance')]
def _hydro_metrics(self) -> list: """Names of metrics related to hydrology""" return self._minimal() + [ 'fdc_flv', 'fdc_fhv', 'kge', 'kge_np', 'kge_mod', 'kge_bound', 'kgeprime_c2m', 'kgenp_bound', 'nse', 'nse_alpha', 'nse_beta', 'nse_mod', 'nse_bound'] @staticmethod def _scale_independent_metrics() -> list: """Names of scale independent metrics.""" return ['mape', 'r2', 'nse'] @staticmethod def _scale_dependent_metrics() -> list: """Names of scale dependent metrics.""" return ['mse', 'rmse', 'mae'] @staticmethod def _minimal() -> list: """some minimal and basic metrics""" return ['r2', 'mape', 'nrmse', 'corr_coeff', 'rmse', 'mae', 'mse', 'mpe', 'mase', 'r2_score']
[docs] def abs_pbias(self) -> float: """Absolute Percent bias""" _apb = 100.0 * sum(abs(self.predicted - self.true)) / sum(self.true) # Absolute percent bias return float(_apb)
[docs] def acc(self) -> float: """Anomaly correction coefficient. Reference: [Langland et al., 2012]( Miyakoda et al., 1972. Murphy et al., 1989.""" a = self.predicted - np.mean(self.predicted) b = self.true - np.mean(self.true) c = np.std(self.true, ddof=1) * np.std(self.predicted, ddof=1) * self.predicted.size return float(, b / c))
[docs] def adjusted_r2(self) -> float: """Adjusted R squared.""" k = 1 n = len(self.predicted) adj_r = 1 - ((1 - self.r2()) * (n - 1)) / (n - k - 1) return float(adj_r)
[docs] def agreement_index(self) -> float: """ Agreement Index (d) developed by [Willmott, 1981]( It detects additive and pro-portional differences in the observed and simulated means and vari-ances [Moriasi et al., 2015]( It is overly sensitive to extreme values due to the squared differences [2]. It can also be used as a substitute for R2 to identify the degree to which model predic-tions are error-free [2]. .. math:: d = 1 - \\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(e_{i} - s_{i})^2}{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(\\left | s_{i} - \\bar{e} \\right | + \\left | e_{i} - \\bar{e} \\right |)^2} [2] Legates and McCabe, 199 """ agreement_index = 1 - (np.sum((self.true - self.predicted) ** 2)) / (np.sum( (np.abs(self.predicted - np.mean(self.true)) + np.abs(self.true - np.mean(self.true))) ** 2)) return float(agreement_index)
[docs] def aic(self, p=1) -> float: """ [Akaike’s Information Criterion]( Modifying from """ assert p > 0 self.assert_greater_than_one # noac n = len(self.true) resid = np.subtract(self.predicted, self.true) rss = np.sum(np.power(resid, 2)) return float(n * np.log(rss / n) + 2 * p)
[docs] def aitchison(self, center='mean') -> float: """Aitchison distance. used in [Zhang et al., 2020](""" lx = np.log(self.true) ly = np.log(self.predicted) if center.upper() == 'MEAN': m = np.mean elif center.upper() == 'MEDIAN': m = np.median else: raise ValueError clr_x = lx - m(lx) clr_y = ly - m(ly) d = (sum((clr_x - clr_y) ** 2)) ** 0.5 return float(d)
[docs] def amemiya_adj_r2(self) -> float: """Amemiya’s Adjusted R-squared""" k = 1 n = len(self.predicted) adj_r = 1 - ((1 - self.r2()) * (n + k)) / (n - k - 1) return float(adj_r)
[docs] def amemiya_pred_criterion(self) -> float: """Amemiya’s Prediction Criterion""" k = 1 n = len(self.predicted) return float(((n + k) / (n - k)) * (1 / n) * self.sse())
[docs] def bias(self) -> float: """ Bias as shown in and given by [Gupta et al., 1998]( .. math:: Bias=\\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(e_{i}-s_{i}) """ bias = np.nansum(self.true - self.predicted) / len(self.true) return float(bias)
[docs] def bic(self, p=1) -> float: """ Bayesian Information Criterion Minimising the BIC is intended to give the best model. The model chosen by the BIC is either the same as that chosen by the AIC, or one with fewer terms. This is because the BIC penalises the number of parameters more heavily than the AIC [1]. Modified after [1]: """ assert p >= 0 n = len(self.true) return float(n * np.log(self.sse() / n) + p * np.log(n))
[docs] def brier_score(self) -> float: """ Adopted from Calculates the Brier score (BS), a measure of the mean-square error of probability forecasts for a dichotomous (two-category) event, such as the occurrence/non-occurrence of precipitation. The score is calculated using the formula: BS = sum_(n=1)^N (f_n - o_n)^2/N where f is the forecast probabilities, o is the observed probabilities (0 or 1), and N is the total number of values in f & o. Note that f & o must have the same number of values, and those values must be in the range [0,1]. Output: BS : Brier score Reference: Glenn W. Brier, 1950: Verification of forecasts expressed in terms of probabilities. Mon. We. Rev., 78, 1-23. D. S. Wilks, 1995: Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences. Cambridge Press. 547 pp. """ # Check for valid values index = np.where(np.logical_or(self.predicted < 0, self.predicted > 1)) if np.sum(index) > 0: msg = 'Forecast has values outside interval [0,1].' raise ValueError(msg) index = np.where(np.logical_and(self.true != 0, self.true != 1)) if np.sum(index) > 0: msg = 'Observed has values not equal to 0 or 1.' raise ValueError(msg) # Calculate score bs = np.sum(np.square(self.predicted - self.true)) / len(self.predicted) return bs
[docs] def corr_coeff(self) -> float: """ Pearson correlation coefficient. It measures linear correlatin between true and predicted arrays. It is sensitive to outliers. Reference: Pearson, K 1895. .. math:: r = \\frac{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(e_i - \\bar{e})(s_i - \\bar{s})}{\\sqrt{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(e_i - \\bar{e})^2} \\sqrt{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(s_i - \\bar{s})^2}} """ correlation_coefficient = np.corrcoef(self.true, self.predicted)[0, 1] return float(correlation_coefficient)
[docs] def covariance(self) -> float: """ Covariance .. math:: Covariance = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{i=1}^{N}((e_{i} - \\bar{e}) * (s_{i} - \\bar{s})) """ obs_mean = np.mean(self.true) sim_mean = np.mean(self.predicted) covariance = np.mean((self.true - obs_mean) * (self.predicted - sim_mean)) return float(covariance)
[docs] def cronbach_alpha(self) -> float: """ It is a measure of internal consitency of data """ itemscores = np.stack([self.true, self.predicted]) itemvars = itemscores.var(axis=1, ddof=1) tscores = itemscores.sum(axis=0) nitems = len(itemscores) return float(nitems / (nitems - 1.) * (1 - itemvars.sum() / tscores.var(ddof=1)))
[docs] def centered_rms_dev(self) -> float: """ Modified after Calculates the centered root-mean-square (RMS) difference between true and predicted using the formula: (E')^2 = sum_(n=1)^N [(p_n - mean(p))(r_n - mean(r))]^2/N where p is the predicted values, r is the true values, and N is the total number of values in p & r. Output: CRMSDIFF : centered root-mean-square (RMS) difference (E')^2 """ # Calculate means pmean = np.mean(self.predicted) rmean = np.mean(self.true) # Calculate (E')^2 crmsd = np.square((self.predicted - pmean) - (self.true - rmean)) crmsd = np.sum(crmsd) / self.predicted.size crmsd = np.sqrt(crmsd) return float(crmsd)
[docs] def cosine_similarity(self) -> float: """[cosine similary]( It is a judgment of orientation and not magnitude: two vectors with the same orientation have a cosine similarity of 1, two vectors oriented at 90° relative to each other have a similarity of 0, and two vectors diametrically opposed have a similarity of -1, independent of their magnitude. """ return float(,), self.predicted.reshape(-1,)) / (np.linalg.norm(self.true) * np.linalg.norm(self.predicted)))
[docs] def decomposed_mse(self) -> float: """ Decomposed MSE developed by Kobayashi and Salam (2000) .. math :: dMSE = (\\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(e_{i}-s_{i}))^2 + SDSD + LCS SDSD = (\\sigma(e) - \\sigma(s))^2 LCS = 2 \\sigma(e) \\sigma(s) * (1 - \\frac{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(e_i - \\bar{e})(s_i - \\bar{s})} {\\sqrt{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(e_i - \\bar{e})^2} \\sqrt{\\sum ^n _{i=1}(s_i - \\bar{s})^2}}) """ e_std = np.std(self.true) s_std = np.std(self.predicted) bias_squared = self.bias() ** 2 sdsd = (e_std - s_std) ** 2 lcs = 2 * e_std * s_std * (1 - self.corr_coeff()) decomposed_mse = bias_squared + sdsd + lcs return float(decomposed_mse)
[docs] def euclid_distance(self) -> float: """Euclidian distance Referneces: Kennard et al., 2010 """ return float(np.linalg.norm(self.true - self.predicted))
[docs] def exp_var_score(self, weights=None) -> Union[float, None]: """ Explained variance score best value is 1, lower values are less accurate. """ y_diff_avg = np.average(self.true - self.predicted, weights=weights, axis=0) numerator = np.average((self.true - self.predicted - y_diff_avg) ** 2, weights=weights, axis=0) y_true_avg = np.average(self.true, weights=weights, axis=0) denominator = np.average((self.true - y_true_avg) ** 2, weights=weights, axis=0) if numerator == 0.0: return None output_scores = _foo(denominator, numerator) return float(np.average(output_scores, weights=weights))
[docs] def expanded_uncertainty(self, cov_fact=1.96) -> float: """By default it calculates uncertainty with 95% confidence interval. 1.96 is the coverage factor corresponding 95% confidence level [2]. This indicator is used in order to show more information about the model deviation [2]. Using formula from by [1] and [2]. [1] [2] """ sd = np.std(self._error(self.true, self.predicted)) return float(cov_fact * np.sqrt(sd ** 2 + self.rmse() ** 2))
[docs] def fdc_fhv(self, h: float = 0.02) -> float: """ modified after: Peak flow bias of the flow duration curve (Yilmaz 2008). used in kratzert et al., 2018 Returns ------- float Bias of the peak flows Raises ------ RuntimeError If `h` is not in range(0,1) """ if (h <= 0) or (h >= 1): raise RuntimeError("h has to be in the range (0,1)") # sort both in descending order obs = -np.sort(-self.true) sim = -np.sort(-self.predicted) # subset data to only top h flow values obs = obs[:np.round(h * len(obs)).astype(int)] sim = sim[:np.round(h * len(sim)).astype(int)] fhv = np.sum(sim - obs) / (np.sum(obs) + 1e-6) return float(fhv * 100)
[docs] def fdc_flv(self, low_flow: float = 0.3) -> float: """ bias of the bottom 30 % low flows modified after: used in kratzert et al., 2018 Parameters ---------- low_flow : float, optional Upper limit of the flow duration curve. E.g. 0.3 means the bottom 30% of the flows are considered as low flows, by default 0.3 Returns ------- float Bias of the low flows. Raises ------ RuntimeError If `low_flow` is not in the range(0,1) """ low_flow = 1.0 - low_flow # make sure that metric is calculated over the same dimension obs = self.true.flatten() sim = self.predicted.flatten() if (low_flow <= 0) or (low_flow >= 1): raise RuntimeError("l has to be in the range (0,1)") # for numerical reasons change 0s to 1e-6 sim[sim == 0] = 1e-6 obs[obs == 0] = 1e-6 # sort both in descending order obs = -np.sort(-obs) sim = -np.sort(-sim) # subset data to only top h flow values obs = obs[np.round(low_flow * len(obs)).astype(int):] sim = sim[np.round(low_flow * len(sim)).astype(int):] # transform values to log scale obs = np.log(obs + 1e-6) sim = np.log(sim + 1e-6) # calculate flv part by part qsl = np.sum(sim - sim.min()) qol = np.sum(obs - obs.min()) flv = -1 * (qsl - qol) / (qol + 1e-6) return float(flv * 100)
[docs] def gmae(self) -> float: """ Geometric Mean Absolute Error """ return _geometric_mean(np.abs(self._error()))
[docs] def gmean_diff(self) -> float: """Geometric mean difference. First geometric mean is calculated for each of two samples and their difference is calculated.""" sim_log = np.log1p(self.predicted) obs_log = np.log1p(self.true) return float(np.exp(gmean(sim_log) - gmean(obs_log)))
[docs] def gmrae(self, benchmark: np.ndarray = None) -> float: """ Geometric Mean Relative Absolute Error """ return _geometric_mean(np.abs(self._relative_error(benchmark)))
[docs] def calculate_hydro_metrics(self): """ Calculates all metrics for hydrological data. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with all metrics """ metrics = {} for metric in self._hydro_metrics(): metrics[metric] = getattr(self, metric)() return metrics
[docs] def inrse(self) -> float: """ Integral Normalized Root Squared Error """ return float(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(self._error())) / np.sum(np.square(self.true - np.mean(self.true)))))
[docs] def irmse(self) -> float: """Inertial RMSE. RMSE divided by standard deviation of the gradient of true.""" # Getting the gradient of the observed data obs_len = self.true.size obs_grad = self.true[1:obs_len] - self.true[0:obs_len - 1] # Standard deviation of the gradient obs_grad_std = np.std(obs_grad, ddof=1) # Divide RMSE by the standard deviation of the gradient of the observed data return float(self.rmse() / obs_grad_std)
[docs] def JS(self) -> float: """Jensen-shannon divergence""" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) d1 = self.true * np.log2(2 * self.true / (self.true + self.predicted)) d2 = self.predicted * np.log2(2 * self.predicted / (self.true + self.predicted)) d1[np.isnan(d1)] = 0 d2[np.isnan(d2)] = 0 d = 0.5 * sum(d1 + d2) return float(d)
[docs] def kendaull_tau(self, return_p=False) -> Union[float, tuple]: """Kendall's tau used in """ coef, p = kendalltau(self.true, self.predicted) if return_p: return coef, p return float(p)
[docs] def kge(self, return_all=False): """ Kling-Gupta Efficiency Gupta, Kling, Yilmaz, Martinez, 2009, Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling output: kge: Kling-Gupta Efficiency cc: correlation alpha: ratio of the standard deviation beta: ratio of the mean """ cc = np.corrcoef(self.true, self.predicted)[0, 1] alpha = np.std(self.predicted) / np.std(self.true) beta = np.sum(self.predicted) / np.sum(self.true) return post_process_kge(cc, alpha, beta, return_all)
[docs] def kge_bound(self) -> float: """ Bounded Version of the Original Kling-Gupta Efficiency """ kge_ = self.kge(return_all=True)[0, :] kge_c2m_ = kge_ / (2 - kge_) return float(kge_c2m_)
[docs] def kge_mod(self, return_all=False): """ Modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency (Kling et al. 2012 - """ # calculate error in timing and dynamics r (Pearson's correlation coefficient) sim_mean = np.mean(self.predicted, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) obs_mean = np.mean(self.true, dtype=np.float64) r = np.sum((self.predicted - sim_mean) * (self.true - obs_mean), axis=0, dtype=np.float64) / \ np.sqrt(np.sum((self.predicted - sim_mean) ** 2, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) * np.sum((self.true - obs_mean) ** 2, dtype=np.float64)) # calculate error in spread of flow gamma (avoiding cross correlation with bias by dividing by the mean) gamma = (np.std(self.predicted, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) / sim_mean) / \ (np.std(self.true, dtype=np.float64) / obs_mean) # calculate error in volume beta (bias of mean discharge) beta = np.mean(self.predicted, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) / np.mean(self.true, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) # calculate the modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency KGE' return post_process_kge(r, gamma, beta, return_all)
[docs] def kge_np(self, return_all=False): """ Non parametric Kling-Gupta Efficiency Corresponding paper: Pool, Vis, and Seibert, 2018 Evaluating model performance: towards a non-parametric variant of the Kling-Gupta efficiency, Hydrological Sciences Journal. output: kge: Kling-Gupta Efficiency cc: correlation alpha: ratio of the standard deviation beta: ratio of the mean """ # # self-made formula cc = self.spearmann_corr() fdc_sim = np.sort(self.predicted / (np.nanmean(self.predicted) * len(self.predicted))) fdc_obs = np.sort(self.true / (np.nanmean(self.true) * len(self.true))) alpha = 1 - 0.5 * np.nanmean(np.abs(fdc_sim - fdc_obs)) beta = np.mean(self.predicted) / np.mean(self.true) return post_process_kge(cc, alpha, beta, return_all)
[docs] def kgeprime_c2m(self) -> float: """ Bounded Version of the Modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency """ kgeprime_ = self.kge_mod(return_all=True)[0, :] kgeprime_c2m_ = kgeprime_ / (2 - kgeprime_) return float(kgeprime_c2m_)
[docs] def kgenp_bound(self): """ Bounded Version of the Non-Parametric Kling-Gupta Efficiency """ kgenp_ = self.kge_np(return_all=True)[0, :] kgenp_c2m_ = kgenp_ / (2 - kgenp_) return float(kgenp_c2m_)
[docs] def kl_sym(self) -> Union[float, None]: """Symmetric kullback-leibler divergence""" if not all((self.true == 0) == (self.predicted == 0)): return None # ('KL divergence not defined when only one distribution is 0.') x, y = self.true, self.predicted # set values where both distributions are 0 to the same (positive) value. # This will not contribute to the final distance. x[x == 0] = 1 y[y == 0] = 1 d = 0.5 * np.sum((x - y) * (np.log2(x) - np.log2(y))) return float(d)
[docs] def lm_index(self, obs_bar_p=None) -> float: """Legate-McCabe Efficiency Index. Less sensitive to outliers in the data. obs_bar_p: float, Seasonal or other selected average. If None, the mean of the observed array will be used. """ mean_obs = np.mean(self.true) a = np.abs(self.predicted - self.true) if obs_bar_p is not None: b = np.abs(self.true - obs_bar_p) else: b = np.abs(self.true - mean_obs) return float(1 - (np.sum(a) / np.sum(b)))
[docs] def maape(self) -> float: """ Mean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error Note: result is NOT multiplied by 100 """ return float(np.mean(np.arctan(np.abs((self.true - self.predicted) / (self.true + EPS)))))
[docs] def mae(self, true=None, predicted=None) -> float: """ Mean Absolute Error """ if true is None: true = self.true if predicted is None: predicted = self.predicted return float(np.mean(np.abs(true - predicted)))
[docs] def mape(self) -> float: """ Mean Absolute Percentage Error. The MAPE is often used when the quantity to predict is known to remain way above zero [1]. It is useful when the size or size of a prediction variable is significant in evaluating the accuracy of a prediction [2]. It has advantages of scale-independency and interpretability [3]. However, it has the significant disadvantage that it produces infinite or undefined values for zero or close-to-zero actual values [3]. [1] [2] [3] """ return float(np.mean(np.abs((self.true - self.predicted) / self.true)) * 100)
[docs] def mbe(self) -> float: """Mean bias error. This indicator expresses a tendency of model to underestimate (negative value) or overestimate (positive value) global radiation, while the MBE values closest to zero are desirable. The drawback of this test is that it does not show the correct performance when the model presents overestimated and underestimated values at the same time, since overestimation and underestimation values cancel each other. [1] [1] """ return float(np.mean(self._error(self.true, self.predicted)))
[docs] def mbrae(self, benchmark: np.ndarray = None) -> float: """ Mean Bounded Relative Absolute Error """ return float(np.mean(self._bounded_relative_error(benchmark)))
[docs] def mapd(self) -> float: """Mean absolute percentage deviation.""" a = np.sum(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) b = np.sum(np.abs(self.true)) return float(a / b)
[docs] def mase(self, seasonality: int = 1): """ Mean Absolute Scaled Error Baseline (benchmark) is computed with naive forecasting (shifted by @seasonality) modified after Hyndman, R. J. (2006). Another look at forecast-accuracy metrics for intermittent demand. Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, 4(4), 43-46. """ return self.mae() / self.mae(self.true[seasonality:], self._naive_prognose(seasonality))
[docs] def mare(self) -> float: """ Mean Absolute Relative Error. When expressed in %age, it is also known as mape. [1] """ return float(np.mean(np.abs(self._error(self.true, self.predicted) / self.true)))
[docs] def max_error(self) -> float: """ maximum error """ return float(np.max(self._ae()))
[docs] def mb_r(self) -> float: """Mielke-Berry R value. Berry and Mielke, 1988. Mielke, P. W., & Berry, K. J. (2007). Permutation methods: a distance function approach. Springer Science & Business Media. """ # Calculate metric n = self.predicted.size tot = 0.0 for i in range(n): tot = tot + np.sum(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true[i])) mae_val = np.sum(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) / n mb = 1 - ((n ** 2) * mae_val / tot) return float(mb)
[docs] def mda(self) -> float: """ Mean Directional Accuracy modified after """ dict_acc = np.sign(self.true[1:] - self.true[:-1]) == np.sign(self.predicted[1:] - self.predicted[:-1]) return float(np.mean(dict_acc))
[docs] def mde(self) -> float: """Median Error""" return float(np.median(self.predicted - self.true))
[docs] def mdape(self) -> float: """ Median Absolute Percentage Error """ return float(np.median(np.abs(self._percentage_error())) * 100)
[docs] def mdrae(self, benchmark: np.ndarray = None) -> float: """ Median Relative Absolute Error """ return float(np.median(np.abs(self._relative_error(benchmark))))
[docs] def me(self): """Mean error """ return float(np.mean(self._error()))
[docs] def mean_bias_error(self) -> float: """ Mean Bias Error It represents overall bias error or systematic error. It shows average interpolation bias; i.e. average over- or underestimation. [1][2].This indicator expresses a tendency of model to underestimate (negative value) or overestimate (positive value) global radiation, while the MBE values closest to zero are desirable. The drawback of this test is that it does not show the correct performance when the model presents overestimated and underestimated values at the same time, since overestimation and underestimation values cancel each other. [2] Willmott, C. J., & Matsuura, K. (2006). On the use of dimensioned measures of error to evaluate the performance of spatial interpolators. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20(1), 89-102. [1] Valipour, M. (2015). Retracted: Comparative Evaluation of Radiation-Based Methods for Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20(5), 04014068. [3] """ return float(np.sum(self.true - self.predicted) / len(self.true))
[docs] def mean_var(self) -> float: """Mean variance""" return float(np.var(np.log1p(self.true) - np.log1p(self.predicted)))
[docs] def mean_poisson_deviance(self, weights=None) -> float: """ mean poisson deviance """ return _mean_tweedie_deviance(self.true, self.predicted, weights=weights, power=1)
[docs] def mean_gamma_deviance(self, weights=None) -> float: """ mean gamma deviance """ return _mean_tweedie_deviance(self.true, self.predicted, weights=weights, power=2)
[docs] def median_abs_error(self) -> float: """ median absolute error """ return float(np.median(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true), axis=0))
[docs] def med_seq_error(self) -> float: """Median Squared Error Same as mse but it takes median which reduces the impact of outliers. """ return float(np.median((self.predicted - self.true) ** 2))
[docs] def mle(self) -> float: """Mean log error""" return float(np.mean(np.log1p(self.predicted) - np.log1p(self.true)))
[docs] def mod_agreement_index(self, j=1) -> float: """Modified agreement of index. j: int, when j==1, this is same as agreement_index. Higher j means more impact of outliers.""" a = (np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) ** j b = np.abs(self.predicted - np.mean(self.true)) c = np.abs(self.true - np.mean(self.true)) e = (b + c) ** j return float(1 - (np.sum(a) / np.sum(e)))
[docs] def mpe(self) -> float: """ Mean Percentage Error """ return float(np.mean(self._percentage_error()))
[docs] def mrae(self, benchmark: np.ndarray = None): """ Mean Relative Absolute Error """ return float(np.mean(np.abs(self._relative_error(benchmark))))
[docs] def msle(self, weights=None) -> float: """ mean square logrithmic error """ return float(np.average((np.log1p(self.true) - np.log1p(self.predicted)) ** 2, axis=0, weights=weights))
[docs] def norm_euclid_distance(self) -> float: """Normalized Euclidian distance""" a = self.true / np.mean(self.true) b = self.predicted / np.mean(self.predicted) return float(np.linalg.norm(a - b))
[docs] def nrmse_range(self) -> float: """Range Normalized Root Mean Squared Error. RMSE normalized by true values. This allows comparison between data sets with different scales. It is more sensitive to outliers. Reference: Pontius et al., 2008 """ return float(self.rmse() / (np.max(self.true) - np.min(self.true)))
[docs] def nrmse_ipercentile(self, q1=25, q2=75) -> float: """ RMSE normalized by inter percentile range of true. This is least sensitive to outliers. q1: any interger between 1 and 99 q2: any integer between 2 and 100. Should be greater than q1. Reference: Pontius et al., 2008. """ q1 = np.percentile(self.true, q1) q3 = np.percentile(self.true, q2) iqr = q3 - q1 return float(self.rmse() / iqr)
[docs] def nrmse_mean(self) -> float: """Mean Normalized RMSE RMSE normalized by mean of true values.This allows comparison between datasets with different scales. Reference: Pontius et al., 2008 """ return float(self.rmse() / np.mean(self.true))
[docs] def norm_ae(self) -> float: """ Normalized Absolute Error """ return float(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(self._error() - self.mae())) / (len(self.true) - 1)))
[docs] def norm_ape(self) -> float: """ Normalized Absolute Percentage Error """ return float(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(self._percentage_error() - self.mape())) / (len(self.true) - 1)))
[docs] def nrmse(self) -> float: """ Normalized Root Mean Squared Error """ return float(self.rmse() / (np.max(self.true) - np.min(self.true)))
[docs] def nse(self) -> float: """Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency. It determine how well the model simulates trends for the output response of concern. But cannot help identify model bias and cannot be used to identify differences in timing and magnitude of peak flows and shape of recession curves; in other words, it cannot be used for single-event simulations. It is sensitive to extreme values due to the squared differ-ences [1]. To make it less sensitive to outliers, [2] proposed log and relative nse. [1] Moriasi, D. N., Gitau, M. W., Pai, N., & Daggupati, P. (2015). Hydrologic and water quality models: Performance measures and evaluation criteria. Transactions of the ASABE, 58(6), 1763-1785. [2] Krause, P., Boyle, D., & Bäse, F. (2005). Comparison of different efficiency criteria for hydrological model assessment. Adv. Geosci., 5, 89-97. """ _nse = 1 - sum((self.predicted - self.true) ** 2) / sum((self.true - np.mean(self.true)) ** 2) return float(_nse)
[docs] def nse_alpha(self) -> float: """ Alpha decomposition of the NSE, see [Gupta et al. 2009]( used in kratzert et al., 2018 Returns ------- float Alpha decomposition of the NSE """ return float(np.std(self.predicted) / np.std(self.true))
[docs] def nse_beta(self) -> float: """ Beta decomposition of NSE. See [Gupta et. al 2009]( used in kratzert et al., 2018 Returns ------- float Beta decomposition of the NSE """ return float((np.mean(self.predicted) - np.mean(self.true)) / np.std(self.true))
[docs] def nse_mod(self, j=1) -> float: """ Gives less weightage of outliers if j=1 and if j>1, gives more weightage to outliers. Reference: Krause et al., 2005 """ a = (np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) ** j b = (np.abs(self.true - np.mean(self.true))) ** j return float(1 - (np.sum(a) / np.sum(b)))
[docs] def nse_rel(self) -> float: """ Relative NSE. """ a = (np.abs((self.predicted - self.true) / self.true)) ** 2 b = (np.abs((self.true - np.mean(self.true)) / np.mean(self.true))) ** 2 return float(1 - (np.sum(a) / np.sum(b)))
[docs] def nse_bound(self) -> float: """ Bounded Version of the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency """ nse_ = self.nse() nse_c2m_ = nse_ / (2 - nse_) return nse_c2m_
[docs] def log_nse(self, epsilon=0.0) -> float: """ log Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency .. math:: NSE = 1-\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(log(e_{i})-log(s_{i}))^2}{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(log(e_{i})-log(\\bar{e})^2}-1)*-1 """ s, o = self.predicted + epsilon, self.true + epsilon # todo, check why s is here return float(1 - sum((np.log(o) - np.log(o)) ** 2) / sum((np.log(o) - np.mean(np.log(o))) ** 2))
[docs] def log_prob(self) -> float: """ Logarithmic probability distribution """ scale = np.mean(self.true) / 10 if scale < .01: scale = .01 y = (self.true - self.predicted) / scale normpdf = -y ** 2 / 2 - np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) return float(np.mean(normpdf))
[docs] def pbias(self) -> float: """ Percent Bias. It determine how well the model simulates the average magnitudes for the output response of interest. It can also determine over and under-prediction. It cannot be used (1) for single-event simula-tions to identify differences in timing and magnitude of peak flows and the shape of recession curves nor (2) to determine how well the model simulates residual variations and/or trends for the output response of interest. It can give a deceiving rating of model performance if the model overpredicts as much as it underpredicts, in which case PBIAS will be close to zero even though the model simulation is poor. [1] [1] Moriasi et al., 2015 """ return float(100.0 * sum(self.predicted - self.true) / sum(self.true))
[docs] def rmsle(self) -> float: """Root mean square log error. This error is less sensitive to [outliers]( Compared to RMSE, RMSLE only considers the relative error between predicted and actual values, and the scale of the error is nullified by the log-transformation. Furthermore, RMSLE penalizes underestimation more than overestimation. This is especially useful in those studies where the underestimation of the target variable is not acceptable but overestimation can be tolerated. [1] [1] """ return float(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.log1p(self.predicted) - np.log1p(self.true), 2))))
[docs] def rmdspe(self) -> float: """ Root Median Squared Percentage Error """ return float(np.sqrt(np.median(np.square(self._percentage_error()))) * 100.0)
[docs] def rse(self) -> float: """Relative Squared Error""" return float(np.sum(np.square(self.true - self.predicted)) / np.sum(np.square(self.true - np.mean(self.true))))
[docs] def rrse(self) -> float: """ Root Relative Squared Error """ return float(np.sqrt(self.rse()))
[docs] def rae(self) -> float: """ Relative Absolute Error (aka Approximation Error) """ return float(np.sum(self._ae()) / (np.sum(np.abs(self.true - np.mean(self.true))) + EPS))
[docs] def ref_agreement_index(self) -> float: """Refined Index of Agreement. From -1 to 1. Larger the better. Refrence: Willmott et al., 2012""" a = np.sum(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) b = 2 * np.sum(np.abs(self.true - self.true.mean())) if a <= b: return float(1 - (a / b)) else: return float((b / a) - 1)
[docs] def rel_agreement_index(self) -> float: """Relative index of agreement. from 0 to 1. larger the better.""" a = ((self.predicted - self.true) / self.true) ** 2 b = np.abs(self.predicted - np.mean(self.true)) c = np.abs(self.true - np.mean(self.true)) e = ((b + c) / np.mean(self.true)) ** 2 return float(1 - (np.sum(a) / np.sum(e)))
[docs] def rmse(self, weights=None) -> float: """ root mean square error""" return sqrt(np.average((self.true - self.predicted) ** 2, axis=0, weights=weights))
[docs] def r2(self) -> float: """ Quantifies the percent of variation in the response that the 'model' explains. The 'model' here is anything from which we obtained predicted array. It is also called coefficient of determination or square of pearson correlation coefficient. More heavily affected by outliers than pearson correlatin r. """ zx = (self.true - np.mean(self.true)) / np.std(self.true, ddof=1) zy = (self.predicted - np.mean(self.predicted)) / np.std(self.predicted, ddof=1) r = np.sum(zx * zy) / (len(self.true) - 1) return float(r ** 2)
[docs] def r2_score(self, weights=None): """ This is not a symmetric function. Unlike most other scores, R^2 score may be negative (it need not actually be the square of a quantity R). This metric is not well-defined for single samples and will return a NaN value if n_samples is less than two. """ if len(self.predicted) < 2: msg = "R^2 score is not well-defined with less than two samples." warnings.warn(msg) return None if weights is None: weight = 1. else: weight = weights[:, np.newaxis] numerator = (weight * (self.true - self.predicted) ** 2).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64) denominator = (weight * (self.true - np.average( self.true, axis=0, weights=weights)) ** 2).sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64) if numerator == 0.0: return None output_scores = _foo(denominator, numerator) return float(np.average(output_scores, weights=weights))
[docs] def relative_rmse(self) -> float: """ Relative Root Mean Squared Error .. math:: RRMSE=\\frac{\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{i=1}^{N}(e_{i}-s_{i})^2}}{\\bar{e}} """ rrmse = self.rmse() / np.mean(self.true) return float(rrmse)
[docs] def rmspe(self) -> float: """ Root Mean Square Percentage Error """ return float(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(((self.true - self.predicted) / self.true)), axis=0)))
[docs] def rsr(self) -> float: """ Moriasi et al., 2007. It incorporates the benefits of error index statistics andincludes a scaling/normalization factor, so that the resulting statistic and reported values can apply to various constitu-ents.""" return float(self.rmse() / np.std(self.true))
[docs] def rmsse(self, seasonality: int = 1) -> float: """ Root Mean Squared Scaled Error """ q = np.abs(self._error()) / self.mae(self.true[seasonality:], self._naive_prognose(seasonality)) return float(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(q))))
[docs] def sa(self) -> float: """Spectral angle. From -pi/2 to pi/2. Closer to 0 is better. It measures angle between two vectors in hyperspace indicating how well the shape of two arrays match instead of their magnitude. Reference: Robila and Gershman, 2005.""" a =, self.true) b = np.linalg.norm(self.predicted) * np.linalg.norm(self.true) return float(np.arccos(a / b))
[docs] def sc(self) -> float: """Spectral correlation. From -pi/2 to pi/2. Closer to 0 is better. """ a = - np.mean(self.true), self.predicted - np.mean(self.predicted)) b = np.linalg.norm(self.true - np.mean(self.true)) c = np.linalg.norm(self.predicted - np.mean(self.predicted)) e = b * c return float(np.arccos(a / e))
[docs] def sga(self) -> float: """Spectral gradient angle. From -pi/2 to pi/2. Closer to 0 is better. """ sgx = self.true[1:] - self.true[:self.true.size - 1] sgy = self.predicted[1:] - self.predicted[:self.predicted.size - 1] a =, sgy) b = np.linalg.norm(sgx) * np.linalg.norm(sgy) return float(np.arccos(a / b))
[docs] def smape(self) -> float: """ Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error """ _temp = np.sum(2 * np.abs(self.predicted - self.true) / (np.abs(self.true) + np.abs(self.predicted))) return float(100 / len(self.true) * _temp)
[docs] def smdape(self) -> float: """ Symmetric Median Absolute Percentage Error Note: result is NOT multiplied by 100 """ return float(np.median(2.0 * self._ae() / ((np.abs(self.true) + np.abs(self.predicted)) + EPS)))
[docs] def sid(self) -> float: """Spectral Information Divergence. From -pi/2 to pi/2. Closer to 0 is better. """ first = (self.true / np.mean(self.true)) - ( self.predicted / np.mean(self.predicted)) second1 = np.log10(self.true) - np.log10(np.mean(self.true)) second2 = np.log10(self.predicted) - np.log10(np.mean(self.predicted)) return float(, second1 - second2))
[docs] def skill_score_murphy(self) -> float: """ Adopted from Calculate non-dimensional skill score (SS) between two variables using definition of Murphy (1988) using the formula: SS = 1 - RMSE^2/SDEV^2 SDEV is the standard deviation of the true values SDEV^2 = sum_(n=1)^N [r_n - mean(r)]^2/(N-1) where p is the predicted values, r is the reference values, and N is the total number of values in p & r. Note that p & r must have the same number of values. A positive skill score can be interpreted as the percentage of improvement of the new model forecast in comparison to the reference. On the other hand, a negative skill score denotes that the forecast of interest is worse than the referencing forecast. Consequently, a value of zero denotes that both forecasts perform equally [MLAir, 2020]. Output: SS : skill score Reference: Allan H. Murphy, 1988: Skill Scores Based on the Mean Square Error and Their Relationships to the Correlation Coefficient. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, 2417-2424. doi: http//<2417:SSBOTM>2.0.CO;2 """ # Calculate RMSE rmse2 = self.rmse() ** 2 # Calculate standard deviation sdev2 = np.std(self.true, ddof=1) ** 2 # Calculate skill score ss = 1 - rmse2 / sdev2 return float(ss)
[docs] def spearmann_corr(self) -> float: """Separmann correlation coefficient. This is a nonparametric metric and assesses how well the relationship between the true and predicted data can be described using a monotonic function. """ # todo, is this spearman rank correlation? col = [list(a) for a in zip(self.true, self.predicted)] xy = sorted(col, key=lambda _x: _x[0], reverse=False) # rang of x-value for i, row in enumerate(xy): row.append(i + 1) a = sorted(xy, key=lambda _x: _x[1], reverse=False) # rang of y-value for i, row in enumerate(a): row.append(i + 1) mw_rank_x = np.nanmean(np.array(a)[:, 2]) mw_rank_y = np.nanmean(np.array(a)[:, 3]) numerator = np.nansum([float((a[j][2] - mw_rank_x) * (a[j][3] - mw_rank_y)) for j in range(len(a))]) denominator1 = np.sqrt(np.nansum([(a[j][2] - mw_rank_x) ** 2. for j in range(len(a))])) denominator2 = np.sqrt(np.nansum([(a[j][3] - mw_rank_x) ** 2. for j in range(len(a))])) return float(numerator / (denominator1 * denominator2))
[docs] def sse(self) -> float: """Sum of squared errors (model vs actual). measure of how far off our model’s predictions are from the observed values. A value of 0 indicates that all predications are spot on. A non-zero value indicates errors. This is also called residual sum of squares (RSS) or sum of squared residuals as per """ squared_errors = (self.true - self.predicted) ** 2 return float(np.sum(squared_errors))
[docs] def std_ratio(self, **kwargs) -> float: """ratio of standard deviations of predictions and trues. Also known as standard ratio, it varies from 0.0 to infinity while 1.0 being the perfect value. """ return float(np.std(self.predicted, **kwargs) / np.std(self.true, **kwargs))
[docs] def umbrae(self, benchmark: np.ndarray = None): """ Unscaled Mean Bounded Relative Absolute Error """ return self.mbrae(benchmark) / (1 - self.mbrae(benchmark))
[docs] def ve(self) -> float: """ Volumetric efficiency. from 0 to 1. Smaller the better. Reference: Criss and Winston 2008. """ a = np.sum(np.abs(self.predicted - self.true)) b = np.sum(self.true) return float(1 - (a / b))
[docs] def volume_error(self) -> float: """ Returns the Volume Error (Ve). It is an indicator of the agreement between the averages of the simulated and observed runoff (i.e. long-term water balance). used in this paper: Reynolds, J.E., S. Halldin, C.Y. Xu, J. Seibert, and A. Kauffeldt. 2017. "Sub-Daily Runoff Predictions Using Parameters Calibrated on the Basis of Data with a Daily Temporal Resolution." Journal of Hydrology 550 (July):399?411. .. math:: Sum(self.predicted- true)/sum(self.predicted) """ # TODO written formula and executed formula are different. ve = np.sum(self.predicted - self.true) / np.sum(self.true) return float(ve)
[docs] def wape(self) -> float: """ [weighted absolute percentage error]( It is a variation of mape but [more suitable for intermittent and low-volume data]( """ return float(np.sum(self._ae() / np.sum(self.true)))
[docs] def watt_m(self) -> float: """Watterson's M. Refrence: Watterson., 1996""" a = 2 / np.pi c = np.std(self.true, ddof=1) ** 2 + np.std(self.predicted, ddof=1) ** 2 e = (np.mean(self.predicted) - np.mean(self.true)) ** 2 f = c + e return float(a * np.arcsin(1 - (self.mse() / f)))
[docs] def wmape(self) -> float: """ Weighted Mean Absolute Percent Error """ # Take a series (actual) and a dataframe (forecast) and calculate wmape # for each forecast. Output shape is (1, num_forecasts) # Make an array of mape (same shape as forecast) se_mape = abs(self.true - self.predicted) / self.true # Calculate sum of actual values ft_actual_sum = self.true.sum(axis=0) # Multiply the actual values by the mape se_actual_prod_mape = self.true * se_mape # Take the sum of the product of actual values and mape # Make sure to sum down the rows (1 for each column) ft_actual_prod_mape_sum = se_actual_prod_mape.sum(axis=0) # Calculate the wmape for each forecast and return as a dictionary ft_wmape_forecast = ft_actual_prod_mape_sum / ft_actual_sum return float(ft_wmape_forecast)
def post_process_kge(cc, alpha, beta, return_all=False): kge = float(1 - np.sqrt((cc - 1) ** 2 + (alpha - 1) ** 2 + (beta - 1) ** 2)) if return_all: return np.vstack((kge, cc, alpha, beta)) else: return kge