Source code for ai4water.eda._main

import math
import warnings
from typing import Union, List, Dict

import scipy.stats as stats

from .utils import _missing_vals
from ai4water.backend import easy_mpl as ep
from .utils import pac_yw, auto_corr, plot_autocorr
from ai4water.utils.visualizations import Plot
from ai4water.utils.utils import create_subplots
from ai4water.preprocessing import Transformation
from ai4water.backend import np, pd, os, plt, sns, mpl
from ai4water.utils.utils import find_tot_plots, get_nrows_ncols
from ai4water.utils.utils import dict_to_file, dateandtime_now, ts_features

ticker = mpl.ticker

# qq plot
# decompose into trend/seasonality and noise

[docs]class EDA(Plot): """Performns a comprehensive exploratory data analysis on a tabular/structured data. It is meant to be a one stop shop for eda. Methods --------- - heatmap - box_plot - plot_missing - plot_histograms - plot_index - plot_data - plot_pcs - grouped_scatter - correlation - stats - autocorrelation - partial_autocorrelation - probability_plots - lag_plot - plot_ecdf - normality_test - parallel_coordinates - show_unique_vals Example: >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> eda = EDA(data=busan_beach()) >>> eda() # to plot all available plots with single line """
[docs] def __init__( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, List[pd.DataFrame], Dict, np.ndarray], in_cols=None, out_cols=None, path=None, dpi=300, save=True, show=True, ): """ Arguments --------- data : DataFrame, array, dict, list either a dataframe, or list of dataframes or a dictionary whose values are dataframes or a numpy arrays in_cols : str, list, optional columns to consider as input features out_cols : str, optional columns to consider as output features path : str, optional the path where to save the figures. If not given, plots will be saved in 'data' folder in current working directory. save : bool, optional whether to save the plots or not show : bool, optional whether to show the plots or not dpi : int, optional the resolution with which to save the image """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = pd.DataFrame(data) elif isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[], index=data.index) = data self.in_cols = in_cols self.out_cols = out_cols = show super().__init__(path, save=save, dpi=dpi)
@property def in_cols(self): return self._in_cols @in_cols.setter def in_cols(self, x): if x is None: if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): x = elif isinstance(, pd.Series): x = else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported type of {}") self._in_cols = x @property def out_cols(self): return self._out_cols @out_cols.setter def out_cols(self, x): if x is None: if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(, pd.Series): x = [] else: raise ValueError self._out_cols = x def _save_or_show(self, fname, dpi=None): return self.save_or_show(where='data', fname=fname,, dpi=dpi, close=False)
[docs] def __call__(self, methods: Union[str, list] = 'all', cols=None, ): """Shortcut to draw maximum possible plots. Arguments --------- methods : str, list, optional the methods to call. If 'all', all available methods will be called. cols : str, list, optional columns to use for plotting. If None, all columns will be used. """ all_methods = [ 'heatmap', 'plot_missing', 'plot_histograms', 'plot_data', 'plot_index', 'stats', 'box_plot', 'autocorrelation', 'partial_autocorrelation', 'lag_plot', 'plot_ecdf' ] if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) and[-1] > 1: all_methods = all_methods + [ # 'plot_pcs', 'grouped_scatter', 'correlation'] if isinstance(methods, str): if methods == 'all': methods = all_methods else: methods = [methods] else: assert isinstance(methods, list) assert all([m in all_methods for m in methods]) for m in methods: if m in ["plot_index", "stats", "plot_pcs"]: getattr(self, m)() else: getattr(self, m)(cols=cols) return
[docs] def heatmap(self, st=None, en=None, cols=None, figsize: tuple = None, **kwargs): """ Plots data as heatmap which depicts missing values. Arguments --------- st : int, str, optional starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : int, str, optional end row/index in data to be used for plotting cols : str, list columns to use to draw heatmap figsize : tuple, optional figure size **kwargs : Keyword arguments for sns.heatmap Return ------ None Example ------- >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> data = busan_beach() >>> vis = EDA(data) >>> vis.heatmap() """ if sns is None: raise SeabornNotFound() return self._call_method('_heatmap_df', cols=cols, st=st, en=en, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
def _heatmap_df( self, data: pd.DataFrame, cols=None, st=None, en=None, spine_color: str = "#EEEEEE", title=None, title_fs=16, fname="", figsize= None, **kwargs ): """ Plots a heat map of a dataframe. Helpful to show where missing values are located in a dataframe. Arguments: data : pd.DataFrame, cols : list, columns from data to be used. st : starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : end row/index in data to be used for plotting spine_color title: str, title of the plot title_fs: int, font size of title fname: str, name of saved file, only valid if save is True. kwargs: following kwargs are allowed: xtick_labels_fs, 12 ytick_labels_fs, 20 figsize: tuple any additional keyword argument will be passed to sns.heatmap Return: """ if cols is None: cols = data.columns data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en) _kwargs = { "xtick_labels_fs": 12, "ytick_labels_fs": 20 } for k in _kwargs.keys(): if k in kwargs: _kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) show_time_on_yaxis = False if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): show_time_on_yaxis = True _, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize or (5 + len(cols)*0.25, 10 + len(cols)*0.1)) # ax2 - Heatmap sns.heatmap(data[cols].isna(), cbar=False, cmap="binary", ax=axis, **kwargs) axis.set_yticks(axis.get_yticks()[0::5].astype('int')) if show_time_on_yaxis: index = pd.date_range(data.index[0], data.index[-1], periods=len(axis.get_yticks())) # formatting y-ticklabels index = [d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in index] axis.set_yticklabels(index, fontsize="18") else: axis.set_yticklabels(axis.get_yticks(), fontsize=_kwargs['ytick_labels_fs']) axis.set_xticklabels( axis.get_xticklabels(), horizontalalignment="center", fontweight="light", fontsize=_kwargs['xtick_labels_fs'], ) axis.tick_params(length=1, colors="#111111") axis.set_ylabel("Examples", fontsize="24") for _, spine in axis.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(True) spine.set_color(spine_color) if title is not None: axis.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fs) self._save_or_show(fname=fname + '_heat_map', dpi=500) return axis
[docs] def plot_missing(self, st=None, en=None, cols=None, **kwargs): """ plot data to indicate missingness in data Arguments --------- cols : list, str, optional columns to be used. st : int, str, optional starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : int, str, optional end row/index in data to be used for plotting **kwargs : Keyword Args such as figsize Example ------- >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> data = busan_beach() >>> vis = EDA(data) >>> vis.plot_missing() """ return self._call_method('_plot_missing_df', cols=cols, st=st, en=en, **kwargs)
def _plot_missing_df(self, data: pd.DataFrame, cols=None, st=None, en=None, fname: str = '', **kwargs): """ kwargs: xtick_labels_fs ytick_labels_fs figsize any other keyword argument will be passed to bar_chart() """ ax1 = None if cols is None: cols = data.columns data = data[cols] data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en) # Identify missing values mv_total, _, mv_cols, _, mv_cols_ratio = _missing_vals(data).values() _kwargs = { "xtick_labels_fs": 12, "ytick_labels_fs": 20, "figsize": (5 + len(cols)*0.25, 10 + len(cols)*0.1), } for k in _kwargs.keys(): if k in kwargs: _kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) if mv_total < 6: print("No missing values found in the dataset.") else: # Create figure and axes plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=_kwargs['figsize']) gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=1, ncols=1, left=0.1, wspace=0.05) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:1, :5]) # ax1 - Barplot ax1 = ep.bar_chart(labels=list(data.columns), values=np.round(mv_cols_ratio * 100, 2), orient='v', show=False, ax=ax1) ax1.set(frame_on=True, xlim=(-0.5, len(mv_cols) - 0.5)) ax1.set_ylim(0, np.max(mv_cols_ratio) * 100) ax1.grid(linestyle=":", linewidth=1) ax1.set_yticklabels(ax1.get_yticks(), fontsize="18") ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax1.set_ylabel("Missing Percentage", fontsize=_kwargs['ytick_labels_fs']) ax1.set_xticklabels( ax1.get_xticklabels(), horizontalalignment="center", fontweight="light", rotation=90, fontsize=_kwargs['xtick_labels_fs'], ) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", colors="#111111", length=1) # annotate missing values on top of the bars for rect, label in zip(ax1.patches, mv_cols): height = rect.get_height() ax1.text( 0.1 + rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, height + height*0.02, label, ha="center", va="bottom", rotation="horizontal", alpha=0.5, fontsize="11", ) self._save_or_show(fname=fname+'_missing_vals', dpi=500) return ax1
[docs] def plot_data( self, st=None, en=None, freq: str = None, cols=None, max_cols_in_plot: int = 10, ignore_datetime_index=False, **kwargs ): """ Plots the data. Arguments --------- st : int, str, optional starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : int, str, optional end row/index in data to be used for plotting cols : str, list, optional columns in data to consider for plotting max_cols_in_plot : int, optional Maximum number of columns in one plot. Maximum number of plots depends upon this value and number of columns in data. freq : str, optional one of 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', determines interval of plot of data. It is valid for only time-series data. ignore_datetime_index : bool, optional only valid if dataframe's index is `pd.DateTimeIndex`. In such a case, if you want to ignore time index on x-axis, set this to True. **kwargs : ary arguments for pandas plot method_ .. _method: Example ------- >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> eda = EDA(busan_beach()) >>> eda.plot_data(subplots=True, figsize=(12, 14), sharex=True) >>> eda.plot_data(freq='monthly', subplots=True, figsize=(12, 14), sharex=True) """ return self._call_method("_plot_df", st=st, en=en, cols=cols, freq=freq, max_cols_in_plot=max_cols_in_plot, ignore_datetime_index=ignore_datetime_index, **kwargs)
def _plot_df(self, df, st=None, en=None, cols=None, freq=None, max_cols_in_plot=10, prefix='', leg_kws=None, label_kws=None, tick_kws=None, ignore_datetime_index=False, **kwargs): """Plots each columns of dataframe and saves it if `save` is True. max_subplots: determines how many sub_plots are to be plotted within one plot. If dataframe contains columns greater than max_subplots, a separate plot will be generated for remaining columns. """ assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) plt.close('all') if leg_kws is None: leg_kws = {'fontsize': 14} if label_kws is None: label_kws = {'fontsize': 14} if tick_kws is None: tick_kws = {'axis': "both", 'which': 'major', 'labelsize': 12} df = _preprocess_df(df, st, en, cols, ignore_datetime_index=ignore_datetime_index) if df.shape[1] <= max_cols_in_plot: if freq is None: kwargs = plot_style(df, **kwargs) axis = df.plot(**kwargs) if isinstance(axis, np.ndarray): for ax in axis: set_axis_paras(ax, leg_kws, label_kws, tick_kws) else: set_axis_paras(axis, leg_kws, label_kws, tick_kws) self._save_or_show(fname=f"input_{prefix}") else: self._plot_df_with_freq(df, freq, **kwargs) else: tot_plots = find_tot_plots(df.shape[1], max_cols_in_plot) for i in range(len(tot_plots) - 1): st, en = tot_plots[i], tot_plots[i + 1] sub_df = df.iloc[:, st:en] if freq is None: kwargs = plot_style(sub_df, **kwargs) axis = sub_df.plot(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('subplots', False): for ax in axis: ax.legend(**leg_kws) ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel(), **label_kws) ax.set_xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), **label_kws) ax.tick_params(**tick_kws) else: axis.legend(**leg_kws) axis.set_ylabel(axis.get_ylabel(), **label_kws) axis.set_xlabel(axis.get_xlabel(), **label_kws) axis.tick_params(**tick_kws) self._save_or_show(fname=f'input_{prefix}_{st}_{en}') else: self._plot_df_with_freq(sub_df, freq, prefix=f'{prefix}_{st}_{en}', **kwargs) return def _plot_df_with_freq(self, df: pd.DataFrame, freq: str, prefix: str = '', **kwargs): """Plots a dataframe which has data as time-series and its index is pd.DatetimeIndex""" validate_freq(df, freq) st_year = df.index[0].year en_year = df.index[-1].year assert isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) for yr in range(st_year, en_year + 1): _df = df[df.index.year == yr] if freq == 'yearly': kwargs = plot_style(_df, **kwargs) _df.plot(**kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f'input_{prefix}_{str(yr)}') elif freq == 'monthly': st_mon = _df.index[0].month en_mon = _df.index[-1].month for mon in range(st_mon, en_mon+1): __df = _df[_df.index.month == mon] kwargs = plot_style(__df, **kwargs) __df.plot(**kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f'input_{prefix}_{str(yr)} _{str(mon)}') elif freq == 'weekly': st_week = _df.index[0].isocalendar()[1] en_week = _df.index[-1].isocalendar()[1] for week in range(st_week, en_week+1): __df = _df[_df.index.week == week] kwargs = plot_style(__df, **kwargs) __df.plot(**kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f'input_{prefix}_{str(yr)} _{str(week)}') return
[docs] def parallel_corrdinates( self, cols=None, st=None, en=100, color=None, **kwargs ): """ Plots data as parallel coordinates. Arguments ---------- st : start of data to be considered en : end of data to be considered cols : columns from data to be considered. color : color or colormap to be used. **kwargs : any additional keyword arguments to be passed to easy_mpl.parallel_coordinates_ .. _easy_mpl.parallel_coordinates: """ return self._call_method( "_pcorrd_df", cols=cols, st=st, en=en, color=color, **kwargs )
def _pcorrd_df(self, data, st=None, en=100, cols=None, color=None, prefix="", **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols) if data.isna().sum().sum() > 0: warnings.warn("Dropping rows from data which contain nans.") data = data.dropna() if data.shape[0]>1: categories = None if self.out_cols and len(self.out_cols)==1: out_col = self.out_cols[0] if out_col in data: categories = data.pop(out_col) #else: ... # todo categories =[out_col] ep.parallel_coordinates(data, cmap=color, categories=categories, show=False, **kwargs) return self._save_or_show(fname=f"parallel_coord_{prefix}") else: warnings.warn(""" Not plotting parallel_coordinates because number of rows are below 2.""")
[docs] def normality_test( self, method="shapiro", cols=None, st=None, en=None, orientation="h", color=None, figsize: tuple = None, ): """plots the statistics of nromality test as bar charts. The statistics for each feature are calculated either Shapiro-wilke_ test or Anderson-Darling test][] or Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using scipy.stats.shapiro or scipy.stats.anderson functions respectively. Arguments --------- method : either "shapiro" or "anderson", or "kolmogorov" default is "shapiro" cols : columns to use st : optional start of data en : optional end of data to use orientation : optional orientation of bars color : color to use figsize : tuple, optional figure size (width, height) Example ------- >>> from ai4water.eda import EDA >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> eda = EDA(data=busan_beach()) >>> eda.normality_test() .. _Shapiro-wilke: """ return self._call_method( "_normality_test_df", method=method, cols=cols, st=st, en=en, orientation=orientation, color=color, figsize=figsize )
def _normality_test_df( self, data, cols=None, st=None, en=None, method="shapiro", orientation="h", prefix="", color=None, figsize=None, ): """calculates normality test for each column of a DataFrame""" assert method in ("shapiro", "anderson", "kolmogorov") data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols) ranks = [] # calculate stats for each column for col in data.columns: x = data[col].dropna().values if method=="shapiro": s, _ = stats.shapiro(x) elif method == "kolmogorov": s, _ = stats.kstest(x, "norm") else: s, _, _ = stats.anderson(x, "norm") ranks.append(s) _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ep.bar_chart(labels=data.columns.tolist(), values=ranks, orient=orientation, show=False, sort=True, color=color, ax=ax ) return self._save_or_show(fname=f"shapiro_normality_test_{prefix}")
[docs] def correlation( self, remove_targets=False, st=None, en=None, cols = None, method: str = "pearson", split: str = None, **kwargs ): """ Plots correlation between features. Arguments --------- remove_targets : bool, optional whether to remove the output/target column or not st : starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : end row/index in data to be used for plotting cols : columns to use method : str, optional {"pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "covariance"}, by default "pearson" split : str To plot only positive correlations, set it to "pos" or to plot only negative correlations, set it to "neg". **kwargs : keyword Args Any additional keyword arguments for seaborn.heatmap Example ------- >>> from ai4water.eda import EDA >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> vis = EDA(busan_beach()) >>> vis.correlation() """ # todo, by default it is using corr_coeff, added other possible correlation methods such as # rank correlation etc if cols is None: if remove_targets: cols = self.in_cols else: cols = self.in_cols + self.out_cols if isinstance(cols, dict): cols = None if sns is None: raise SeabornNotFound() return self._call_method("_feature_feature_corr_df", cols=cols, st=st, en=en, method=method, split=split, **kwargs)
def _feature_feature_corr_df(self, data, cols=None, st=None, en=None, prefix='', split=None, threshold=0, method='pearson', **kwargs ): """ split : Optional[str], optional Type of split to be performed {None, "pos", "neg", "high", "low"}, by default None method : str, optional {"pearson", "spearman", "kendall"}, by default "pearson" kwargs * vmax: float, default is calculated from the given correlation \ coefficients. Value between -1 or vmin <= vmax <= 1, limits the range of the cbar. * vmin: float, default is calculated from the given correlation \ coefficients. Value between -1 <= vmin <= 1 or vmax, limits the range of the cbar. """ plt.close('all') if cols is None: cols = data.columns.to_list() data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en) if method == "covariance": corr = np.cov(data[cols].values.transpose()) corr = pd.DataFrame(corr, columns=cols) else: corr = data[cols].corr(method=method) if split == "pos": corr = corr.where((corr >= threshold) & (corr > 0)) elif split == "neg": corr = corr.where((corr <= threshold) & (corr < 0)) mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool) vmax = np.round(np.nanmax(corr.where(~mask)) - 0.05, 2) vmin = np.round(np.nanmin(corr.where(~mask)) + 0.05, 2) figsize = (5 + len(cols)*0.25, 9 + len(cols)*0.1) if 'figsize' in kwargs: figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize') # width x height _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) _kwargs = dict( annot= True if len(cols) <= 20 else False, cmap="BrBG", vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, linewidths=0.5, annot_kws={"size": 10}, cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.95, "aspect": 30}, fmt='.2f', center=0 ) if kwargs: # pass any keyword argument provided by the user to sns.heatmap _kwargs.update(kwargs) ax = sns.heatmap(corr, ax=ax, **_kwargs) ax.set(frame_on=True) self._save_or_show(fname=f"{split if split else ''}_feature_corr_{prefix}") return ax
[docs] def plot_pcs(self, num_pcs=None, st=None, en=None, save_as_csv=False, figsize=(12, 8), **kwargs): """Plots principle components. Arguments --------- num_pcs : st : starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : end row/index in data to be used for plotting save_as_csv : figsize : kwargs :will go to sns.pairplot. """ if isinstance(, list): for idx, data in enumerate( self._plot_pcs(data[self.in_cols], num_pcs, st=st, en=en, prefix=str(idx), save_as_csv=save_as_csv, hue=self.out_cols[idx], figsize=figsize, **kwargs) elif isinstance(, dict): for data_name, data in self._plot_pcs(data[self.in_cols], num_pcs, st=st, en=en, prefix=data_name, save_as_csv=save_as_csv, hue=self.out_cols, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) else: self._plot_pcs([self.in_cols], num_pcs, st=st, en=en, save_as_csv=save_as_csv, hue=self.out_cols, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) return
def _plot_pcs(self, data, num_pcs, st=None, en=None, prefix='', save_as_csv=False, hue=None, figsize=(12, 8), **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en) if num_pcs is None: _num_pcs = int(data.shape[1]/2) if _num_pcs > 5 and num_pcs is None: num_pcs = 5 else: num_pcs = _num_pcs if num_pcs < 1: print(f'{num_pcs} pcs can not be plotted because data has shape {data.shape}') return # df_pca = data[self.in_cols] # pca = PCA(n_components=num_pcs).fit(df_pca) # df_pca = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(df_pca)) transformer = Transformation(data=data, method='pca', n_components=num_pcs, replace_nans=True) df_pca = transformer.transform() pcs = ['pc' + str(i + 1) for i in range(num_pcs)] df_pca.columns = pcs if hue is not None and len(self.out_cols) > 0: if isinstance(hue, list): if len(hue) == 1: hue = hue[0] else: hue = None if hue in data: df_pca[hue] = data[hue] # output columns contains nans, so don't use it as hue. if df_pca[hue].isna().sum() > 0: hue = None if isinstance(hue, list) and len(hue) == 0: hue = None if save_as_csv: df_pca.to_csv(os.path.join(self.path, f"data\\first_{num_pcs}_pcs_{prefix}")) plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) sns.pairplot(data=df_pca, vars=pcs, hue=hue, **kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f"first_{num_pcs}_pcs_{prefix}") return
[docs] def grouped_scatter( self, cols=None, st=None, en=None, max_subplots: int = 8, **kwargs ): """Makes scatter plot for each of feature in data. Arguments ---------- st : starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : end row/index in data to be used for plotting cols : max_subplots : int, optional it can be set to large number to show all the scatter plots on one axis. kwargs : keyword arguments for sns.pariplot """ if sns is None: raise SeabornNotFound() self._call_method('_grouped_scatter_plot_df', max_subplots=max_subplots, cols=cols, st=st, en=en, **kwargs) return
def _grouped_scatter_plot_df( self, data: pd.DataFrame, max_subplots: int = 10, st=None, en=None, cols = None, prefix='', **kwargs): """ max_subplots: int, it can be set to large number to show all the scatter plots on one axis. """ data = data.copy() data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols=cols) if data.shape[1] <= max_subplots: self._grouped_scatter_plot(data, name=f'grouped_scatter_{prefix}', **kwargs) else: tot_plots = find_tot_plots(data.shape[1], max_subplots) for i in range(len(tot_plots) - 1): st, en = tot_plots[i], tot_plots[i + 1] sub_df = data.iloc[:, st:en] self._grouped_scatter_plot(sub_df, name=f'grouped_scatter_{prefix}_{st}_{en}', **kwargs) return def _grouped_scatter_plot(self, df, name='grouped_scatter', **kwargs): plt.close('all') sns.set() sns.pairplot(df, size=2.5, **kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=name) return
[docs] def plot_histograms( self, st=None, en=None, cols=None, max_subplots: int = 40, figsize: tuple = (20, 14), **kwargs ): """Plots distribution of data as histogram_. Arguments --------- st : starting index of data to use en : end index of data to use cols : columns to use max_subplots : int, optional maximum number of subplots in one figure figsize : figure size **kwargs : anykeyword argument for pandas.DataFrame.hist function .. _histogram: """ return self._call_method("_plot_hist_df", st=st, en=en, cols=cols, figsize=figsize, max_subplots=max_subplots, **kwargs)
def _plot_hist_df(self, data: pd.DataFrame, cols=None, st=None, en=None, prefix='', bins=100, figsize=(20, 14), max_subplots: int = 40, **kwargs ): """Plots histogram of one dataframe""" data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols) if data.shape[1] <= max_subplots: return self._hist_df(data, bins, figsize, prefix, **kwargs) tot_plots = find_tot_plots(data.shape[1], max_subplots) for i in range(len(tot_plots) - 1): st, en = tot_plots[i], tot_plots[i + 1] self._hist_df(data.iloc[:, st:en], bins, figsize, prefix=f'hist_{prefix}_{i}_{st}_{en}', **kwargs) return def _hist_df(self, data, bins, figsize, prefix, **kwargs): axis = data.hist(bins=bins, figsize=figsize, **kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f"hist_{prefix}") return axis
[docs] def plot_index(self, st=None, en=None, **kwargs): """plots the datetime index of dataframe """ return self._call_method("_plot_index", st=st, en=en, **kwargs)
def _plot_index(self, index, st=None, en=None, fname="index", figsize=(10, 5), label_fs=18, title_fs=20, leg_fs=14, leg_ms=4, color='r', ): """ Plots the index of a datafram. index: can be pandas dataframe or index itself. if dataframe, its index will be used for plotting """ plt.close('all') if isinstance(index, pd.DataFrame): index = index.index idx = pd.DataFrame(np.ones(len(index)), index=index, columns=['Observations']) axis = idx.plot(linestyle='', marker='.', color=color, figsize=figsize) axis.legend(fontsize=leg_fs, markerscale=leg_ms) axis.set_xlabel(axis.get_xlabel(), fontdict={'fontsize': label_fs}) axis.set_title("Temporal distribution of Observations", fontsize=title_fs) axis.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) self._save_or_show(fname=fname) return axis
[docs] def stats(self, precision=3, inputs=True, outputs=True, st=None, en=None, out_fmt="csv", ): """Finds the stats of inputs and outputs and puts them in a json file. inputs: bool fpath: str, path like out_fmt: str, in which format to save. csv or json""" cols = [] fname = "data_description_" if inputs: cols += self.in_cols fname += "inputs_" if outputs: cols += self.out_cols fname += "outputs_" fname += str(dateandtime_now()) def save_stats(_description, _fpath): if if out_fmt == "csv": pd.DataFrame.from_dict(_description).to_csv(_fpath + ".csv") else: dict_to_file(others=_description, path=_fpath + ".json") description = {} if isinstance(, pd.DataFrame): description = {} for col in cols: if col in description[col] = ts_features( _preprocess_df([col], st, en), precision=precision, name=col) save_stats(description, self.path) elif isinstance(, list): description = {} for idx, data in enumerate( _description = {} if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): for col in cols: if col in data: _description[col] = ts_features( _preprocess_df(data[col], st, en), precision=precision, name=col) description['data' + str(idx)] = _description _fpath = os.path.join(self.path, fname + f'_{idx}') save_stats(_description, _fpath) elif isinstance(, dict): for data_name, data in _description = {} if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): for col in data.columns: _description[col] = ts_features( _preprocess_df(data[col], st, en), precision=precision, name=col) description[f'data_{data_name}'] = _description _fpath = os.path.join(self.path, fname + f'_{data_name}') save_stats(_description, _fpath) else: print(f"description can not be found for data type of {}") return description
[docs] def box_plot( self, st=None, en=None, cols: Union[list, str] = None, violen=False, normalize=True, figsize=(12, 8), max_features=8, show_datapoints=False, freq=None, **kwargs ): """ Plots box whisker or violen plot of data. Arguments --------- st : optional starting row/index in data to be used for plotting en : optional end row/index in data to be used for plotting cols : list, the name of columns from data to be plotted. normalize : If True, then each feature/column is rescaled between 0 and 1. figsize : figure size freq : str, one of 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'. If given, box plot will be plotted for these intervals. max_features : int, maximum number of features to appear in one plot. violen : bool, if True, then violen plot will be plotted else box_whisker plot show_datapoints : bool if True, sns.swarmplot() will be plotted. Will be time consuming for bigger data. **kwargs : any args for seaborn.boxplot/seaborn.violenplot or seaborn.swarmplot. """ if sns is None: raise SeabornNotFound() return self._call_method("_box_plot", st=st, en=en, cols=cols, normalize=normalize, max_features=max_features, figsize=figsize, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, freq=freq, #prefix=fname, violen=violen, **kwargs)
def _box_plot(self, data, cols, st=None, en=None, normalize=True, figsize=(12, 8), max_features=8, show_datapoints=False, freq=None, violen=False, prefix='', **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols) axis = None if data.shape[1] <= max_features: axis = self._box_plot_df(data, normalize=normalize, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, violen=violen, freq=freq, prefix=f"{'violen' if violen else 'box'}_{prefix}", figsize=figsize, **kwargs ) else: tot_plots = find_tot_plots(data.shape[1], max_features) for i in range(len(tot_plots) - 1): _st, _en = tot_plots[i], tot_plots[i + 1] self._box_plot_df(data.iloc[:, _st:_en], normalize=normalize, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, violen=violen, figsize=figsize, freq=freq, prefix=f"{'violen' if violen else 'box'}_{prefix}_{_st}_{_en}", **kwargs) return axis def _box_plot_df(self, data, normalize=True, show_datapoints=False, violen=False, figsize=(12, 8), prefix="box_plot", freq=None, **kwargs ): data = data.copy() # if data contains duplicated columns, transformation will not work data = data.loc[:, ~data.columns.duplicated()] if normalize: transformer = Transformation() data = transformer.fit_transform(data) if freq is not None: return self._box_plot_with_freq(data, freq=freq, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, figsize=figsize, violen=violen, prefix=prefix, **kwargs ) return self.__box_plot_df(data=data, name=prefix, violen=violen, figsize=figsize, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, **kwargs) def __box_plot_df(self, data, name, violen=False, figsize=(12, 8), show_datapoints=False, **kwargs): plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if violen: axis = sns.violinplot(data=data, **kwargs) else: axis = sns.boxplot(data=data, **kwargs) axis.set_xticklabels(list(data.columns), fontdict={'rotation': 70}) if show_datapoints: sns.swarmplot(data=data) self._save_or_show(fname=name) return axis def _box_plot_with_freq(self, data, freq, violen=False, show_datapoints=False, figsize=(12, 8), name='bw', prefix='', **kwargs ): validate_freq(data, freq) st_year = data.index[0].year en_year = data.index[-1].year for yr in range(st_year, en_year + 1): _df = data[data.index.year == yr] if freq == 'yearly': self._box_plot_df(_df, name=f'{name}_input_{prefix}_{str(yr)}', figsize=figsize, violen=violen, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, **kwargs) elif freq == 'monthly': st_mon = _df.index[0].month en_mon = _df.index[-1].month for mon in range(st_mon, en_mon+1): __df = _df[_df.index.month == mon] self._box_plot_df(__df, name=f'{prefix}_{str(yr)} _{str(mon)}', where='data/monthly', figsize=figsize, violen=violen, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, **kwargs) elif freq == 'weekly': st_week = _df.index[0].isocalendar()[1] en_week = _df.index[-1].isocalendar()[1] for week in range(st_week, en_week+1): __df = _df[_df.index.week == week] self._box_plot_df(__df, name=f'{prefix}_{str(yr)} _{str(week)}', where='data/weely', violen=violen, figsize=figsize, show_datapoints=show_datapoints, **kwargs) return
[docs] def autocorrelation( self, n_lags: int = 10, cols: Union[list, str] = None, figsize: tuple = None, ): """autocorrelation of individual features of data Arguments --------- n_lags : int, optional number of lag steps to consider cols : str, list, optional columns to use. If not defined then all the columns are used figsize : tuple, optional figure size """ return self._call_method("_autocorr_df", partial=False, n_lags=n_lags, cols=cols, figsize=figsize )
[docs] def partial_autocorrelation( self, n_lags: int = 10, cols: Union[list, str] = None, ): """Partial autocorrelation of individual features of data Arguments --------- n_lags : int, optional number of lag steps to consider cols : str, list, optional columns to use. If not defined then all the columns are used """ return self._call_method("_autocorr_df", partial=True, n_lags=n_lags, cols=cols)
def _autocorr_df( self, data: pd.DataFrame, n_lags: int, partial: bool = False, cols=None, figsize=None, fname='', ): """autocorrelation on a dataframe.""" prefix = 'Partial' if partial else '' if cols is not None: if isinstance(cols, str): cols = [cols] assert isinstance(cols, list) data = data[cols] non_nan = data.isna().sum() num_subplots = max(math.ceil(len(non_nan[non_nan == 0])/2)*2, 1) fig, axis = create_subplots(naxes=num_subplots, figsize=figsize, sharex=True, sharey=True ) axis = np.array(axis) # if it is a single axis then axis.flat will not work nrows = axis.shape[0] for col, ax in zip(data.columns, axis.flat): x = data[col].values if np.isnan(x).sum() == 0: if partial: _ac = pac_yw(x, n_lags) else: _ac = auto_corr(x, n_lags) plot_autocorr(_ac, axis=ax, legend=col, show=False, legend_fs=nrows*1.5) else: print(f"cannot plot autocorrelation for {col} feature") plt.suptitle(f"{prefix} Autocorrelation", fontsize=nrows*2) fname = f"{prefix} autocorr_{fname}" self._save_or_show(fname=fname) return axis def _call_method(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """calls the method with the data and args + kwargs""" if isinstance(, list): for idx, data in enumerate( getattr(self, method_name)(data, fname=str(idx), *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(, dict): for data_name, data in getattr(self, method_name)(data, fname=data_name, *args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(self, method_name)(, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def probability_plots( self, cols: Union[str, list] = None ): """ draws prbability plot using scipy.stats.probplot_ . See `scipy distributions`_ .. _scipy.stats.probplot: .. _scipy distributions: """ return self._call_method("_plot_prob_df", cols=cols)
def _plot_prob_df( self, data: pd.DataFrame, cols: Union[str, list] = None, fname=None, ): """probability plots for one dataframe""" assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) if cols is not None: if isinstance(cols, str): cols = [cols] else: cols = data.columns.to_list() assert isinstance(cols, list) data = data[cols] for col in data.columns: series = data[col] self._prob_plot_series(series, fname=fname) return def _prob_plot_series( self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], fname: str = None ): """probability plots for one series.""" if not isinstance(data, pd.Series): assert isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and data.shape[1] == 1 data = pd.Series(data) if data.isna().sum() > 0: print(f"removing nan values from {}") data = data.dropna() array = data.values cont_distros = { "norm": stats.norm(), "uniform": stats.uniform(), "semicircular": stats.semicircular(), "cauchy": stats.cauchy(), "expon": stats.expon(), "rayleight": stats.rayleigh(), "moyal": stats.moyal(), "arcsine": stats.arcsine(), "anglit": stats.anglit(), "gumbel_l": stats.gumbel_l(), "gilbrat": stats.gilbrat(), "levy": stats.levy(), "laplace": stats.laplace(), "bradford": stats.bradford(0.5), "kappa3": stats.kappa3(1), "pareto": stats.pareto(2.62) } fig, axis = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(10, 10)) for (idx, rv), ax in zip(enumerate(cont_distros.values()), axis.flat): if isinstance(rv, str): _name = rv else: _name = (osm, osr), (slope, intercept, r) = stats.probplot(array, dist=rv, plot=ax) h = ax.plot(osm, osr, label="bo") if idx % 4 == 0: ax.set_ylabel("Ordered Values", fontsize=12) else: ax.set_ylabel("") if idx > 11: ax.set_xlabel("Theoretical Quantiles", fontsize=12) else: ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_title("") text = f"{_name}" ax.legend(h, [text], loc="best", fontsize=12, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.7, handlelength=0, handletextpad=0) plt.suptitle(, fontsize=18) self._save_or_show(f"probplot_{}_{fname}") return fig def _lag_plot_series(self, series: pd.Series, n_lags: int, figsize=None, **kwargs): if hasattr(n_lags, '__len__'): lags = np.array(n_lags) n_lags = len(lags) else: lags = range(1, n_lags+1) figsize = figsize or (5, 5 + n_lags*0.2) n_rows, n_cols = 1, 1 if n_lags > 1: n_rows = (math.ceil(n_lags/2) * 2) // 2 n_cols = 2 fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, figsize=figsize, sharex="all") if n_lags == 1: axis = np.array([axis]) for n, ax in zip(lags, axis.flat): lag_plot(series, n, ax, **kwargs) plt.suptitle( self._save_or_show(fname=f"lagplot_{}") return axis def _lag_plot_df(self, data: pd.DataFrame, n_lags: int, cols=None, **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, cols=cols) axes = [] for col in data.columns: axes.append(self._lag_plot_series(data[col], n_lags, **kwargs)) return axes
[docs] def lag_plot( self, n_lags: Union[int, list] = 1, cols=None, figsize=None, **kwargs): """lag plot between an array and its lags Arguments --------- n_lags : lag step against which to plot the data, it can be integer or a list of integers cols : columns to use figsize : figure size kwargs : any keyword arguments for axis.scatter """ return self._call_method("_lag_plot_df", n_lags=n_lags, cols=cols, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_ecdf( self, cols=None, figsize=None, **kwargs ): """plots empirical cummulative distribution function Arguments --------- cols : columns to use figsize : kwargs : any keyword argument for axis.plot """ return self._call_method("_plot_ecdf_df", cols=cols, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
def _plot_ecdf_df(self, data: pd.DataFrame, cols=None, figsize=None, fname=None, **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, cols=cols) ncols = data.shape[1] n_rows, n_cols = 1, 1 if ncols > 1: n_rows = (math.ceil(ncols / 2) * 2) // 2 n_cols = 2 figsize = figsize or (6, 5 + ncols * 0.2) fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, figsize=figsize) if ncols == 1: axis = np.array([axis]) for col, ax in zip(data.columns, axis.flat): plot_ecdf(data[col], ax=ax, **kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f"ecdf_{fname}") return axis
[docs] def show_unique_vals( self, threshold: int = 10, st = None, en = None, cols = None, max_subplots: int = 9, figsize: tuple = None, **kwargs ): """ Shows percentage of unique/categorical values in data. Only those columns are used in which unique values are below threshold. Arguments ---------- threshold : int, optional st : int, str, optional en : int, str, optional cols : str, list, optional max_subplots : int, optional figsize : tuple, optional **kwargs : Any keyword arguments for `easy_mpl.pie <>`_ """ return self._call_method('_pie_df', threshold=threshold, st=st, en=en, cols=cols, max_subplots=max_subplots, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
def _pie_df(self, data, threshold, st, en, cols, max_subplots=9, fname="", **kwargs): data = _preprocess_df(data, st, en, cols) if data.shape[1] < max_subplots: self._pie(data, threshold = threshold, fname=fname, **kwargs) else: tot_plots = find_tot_plots(data.shape[1], max_subplots) for i in range(len(tot_plots) - 1): _st, _en = tot_plots[i], tot_plots[i + 1] self._pie(data.iloc[:, _st:_en], threshold=threshold, fname=fname, **kwargs) return def _pie(self, data, fname="", figsize=None, threshold=10, **kwargs): fractions = {} for col in data.columns: fracts = data[col].value_counts(normalize=True).values if len(fracts) <= threshold: fractions[col] = fracts else: print(f"Ignoring {col} as it contains {len(fracts)} unique values") if len(fractions) > 0: nrows, ncols = get_nrows_ncols(3, len(fractions)) _, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize or (12, 12)) if isinstance(axis, plt.Axes): axis = np.array([axis]) for col, ax in zip(fractions.keys(), axis.flat): ep.pie(fractions[col], ax=ax, show=False, **kwargs) self._save_or_show(fname=f"pie_{fname}") return
def plot_ecdf(x: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray], ax=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if isinstance(x, pd.Series): _name = x = x.values else: assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) _name = "ecdf" x, y = ecdf(x) ax.plot(x, y, label=_name, **kwargs) ax.legend() return ax def ecdf(x: np.ndarray): # xs = np.sort(x) ys = np.arange(1, len(xs)+1)/float(len(xs)) return xs, ys def lag_plot(series: pd.Series, lag: int, ax, **kwargs): data = series.values y1 = data[:-lag] y2 = data[lag:] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel("y(t)") ax.set_ylabel(f"y(t + {lag})") ax.scatter(y1, y2, **kwargs) return ax def set_axis_paras(axis, leg_kws, label_kws, tick_kws): axis.legend(**leg_kws) axis.set_ylabel(axis.get_ylabel(), **label_kws) axis.set_xlabel(axis.get_xlabel(), **label_kws) axis.tick_params(**tick_kws) return def plot_style(df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs): if 'style' not in kwargs and df.isna().sum().sum() > 0: kwargs['style'] = ['.' for _ in range(df.shape[1])] return kwargs def validate_freq(df, freq): assert isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex), """ index of dataframe must be pandas DatetimeIndex""" assert freq in ["weekly", "monthly","yearly"], f""" freq must be one of {'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly'} but it is {freq}""" return def _preprocess_df(df:pd.DataFrame, st=None, en=None, cols=None, ignore_datetime_index=False): if cols is not None: if isinstance(cols, str): cols = [cols] df = df[cols] if st is None: st = df.index[0] if en is None: en = df.index[-1] if isinstance(st, int): df = df.iloc[st:en] else: df = df.loc[st:en] if ignore_datetime_index: df = df.reset_index(drop=True) return df class SeabornNotFound(Exception): def __str__(self): return """ You must have seaborn library installed. Please install seaborn using 'pip install seaborn' """