%matplotlib inline
D:\C\Anaconda3\envs\tfcpu27_py39\lib\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:30: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
  warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:"

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[ ]:
    import ai4water
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    !pip install ai4water[tf_hpo]

HyperOpt for neural networks

This file shows how to optimize number of layers, neurons/units/filters in layers and activation functions of layers using HyperOpt class of AI4Water. The HyperOpt class provides a lower level API for hyperparameter optimization. It provides more control to the user. However, the user has to write the objective function, define parameter space and initial values itself.


import os import math from typing import Union import numpy as np from skopt.plots import plot_objective from SeqMetrics import RegressionMetrics from ai4water import Model from ai4water.models import MLP from ai4water.utils import TrainTestSplit from ai4water.preprocessing import DataSet from ai4water.datasets import mg_photodegradation from ai4water.utils.utils import get_version_info from ai4water.utils.utils import jsonize, dateandtime_now from ai4water.hyperopt import HyperOpt, Categorical, Real, Integer
for k,v in get_version_info().items():
    print(f"{k} version: {v}")
python version: 3.9.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Sep 29 2021, 19:20:16) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
os version: nt
ai4water version: 1.06
lightgbm version: 3.3.1
tcn version: 3.4.0
catboost version: 0.26
xgboost version: 1.5.0
easy_mpl version: 0.21.3
SeqMetrics version: 1.3.3
tensorflow version: 2.7.0
keras.api._v2.keras version: 2.7.0
numpy version: 1.21.0
pandas version: 1.3.4
matplotlib version: 3.4.3
h5py version: 3.5.0
sklearn version: 1.0.1
shapefile version: 2.3.0
xarray version: 0.20.1
netCDF4 version: 1.5.7
optuna version: 2.10.1
skopt version: 0.9.0
hyperopt version: 0.2.7
plotly version: 5.3.1
lime version: NotDefined
seaborn version: 0.11.2

data, *_ = mg_photodegradation(encoding="le") data.shape
(1200, 12)
Surface area Pore Volume Catalyst_loading (g/L) Light_intensity (W) time (min) solution_pH HA (mg/L) Ci (mg/L) Cf (mg/L) Catalyst_type Anions Efficiency (%)
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 0 5.45 0 10 10.00 13 5 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 30 5.45 0 10 9.98 13 5 0.2
2 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 60 5.45 0 10 9.96 13 5 0.4
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 90 5.45 0 10 9.94 13 5 0.6
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 120 5.45 0 10 9.87 13 5 1.3
input_features = data.columns.tolist()[0:-1]
['Surface area', 'Pore Volume', 'Catalyst_loading (g/L)', 'Light_intensity (W)', 'time (min)', 'solution_pH', 'HA (mg/L)', 'Ci (mg/L)', 'Cf (mg/L)', 'Catalyst_type', 'Anions']
output_features = data.columns.tolist()[-1:]
['Efficiency (%)']
ds = DataSet(
    val_fraction = 0.0

TrainX, TrainY = ds.training_data()

***** Training *****
input_x shape:  (840, 11)
target shape:  (840, 1)
TestX, TestY = ds.test_data()
***** Test *****
input_x shape:  (360, 11)
target shape:  (360, 1)

The total data is first split into two sets, training and test. The training set has 840 examples while the test set has 360 examples.

1) Check model performance with default hyperparameters

First we check the performance of our model using the default performance. For this purpose we will train the model on all the available training data which consists of 840 examples and then we will evaluate its performance on test set.

model = Model(

            building DL model for
            regression problem using Model
Model: "model"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #
 input_1 (InputLayer)        [(None, 11)]              0

 Dense_0 (Dense)             (None, 32)                384

 Flatten (Flatten)           (None, 32)                0

 Dense_out (Dense)           (None, 1)                 33

Total params: 417
Trainable params: 417
Non-trainable params: 0
h = model.fit(x=TrainX, y=TrainY, verbose=0)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
********** Successfully loaded weights from weights_090_150.56535.hdf5 file **********
model.evaluate(x=TrainX, y=TrainY, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
27/27 [==============================] - 0s 462us/step
{'r2': 0.8287747129910914,
 'nse': 0.8242104533788417,
 'rmse': 12.395706486756165}
model.evaluate(x=TestX, y=TestY, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
12/12 [==============================] - 0s 545us/step
{'r2': 0.7797056476775908,
 'nse': 0.6953130002838437,
 'rmse': 19.062730432656256}

So the \(R^2\) of the model on test set is rouphly 0.78. Our goal is to improve it and all we have is the training data which consists of 840 examples. This method of improving the performance of our model on the test set is called hyperparameter optimization (HPO). During HPO, we will train the model several times on a subset of training set and then evaluate this trained model on another subset of training set (validation set). We represent the initial training data which consists of 840 examples as TrainX and the new subset of this on which we will train our model during HPO as train_x. The validation data which actually comes from TrainX is represented by val_x. It should not noted that the validation set is indeed part of our training data. At each iteration, we will build the model, train it on train_x, evaluate its performance on val_x. The model is however built with new hyperparameters at each iteration. After HPO, we will choose the hyperparameters from that iteration at which we got the best performance on validation data. And we hope that by improving the peformance of our model on validation data, its peformance on test set will also improve. This is the hidden supposition and therefore the selection of validation data is extremely critical for model development. It is indeed a skill which the data scientists develop with experience. After HPO, we will again train our model, but this time on whole training data i.e., TrainX and now evaluate it on TestX. Thus the test set should only be used once and that is after the HPO. The test set should not be used during HPO. For more on model evaluation see Raschka et al., 2018.

In following cell, we split our available training data into training and validation sets which will be used to train and evaluate our model during HPO iterations.


spliter = TrainTestSplit() train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = spliter.split_by_slicing(TrainX, TrainY) train_x.shape, val_x.shape, train_y.shape, val_y.shape
((588, 11), (252, 11), (588, 1), (252, 1))
PREFIX = f"hpo_nn_{dateandtime_now()}"
ITER = 0
SEP = os.sep
num_iterations = 50


It is always a good practice to monitor more than 1 performance metric, even though our objective function will not be based upon these performance metrics.

MONITOR = {"rmse": [], "nse": [], "r2": [], "pbias": [], "nrmse": []}

2) define objective function

def objective_fn(
        prefix: str = None,
        return_model: bool = False,
        fit_on_all_training_data:bool = False,
        epochs:int = 100,
        verbosity: int = 0,
)->Union[float, Model]:
    This function must build, train and evaluate the ML model.
    The output of this function will be minimized by optimization algorithm.

    In this example we are considering same number of units and same activation for each
    layer. If we want to have (optimize) different number of units for each layer,
    willhave to modify the parameter space accordingly. The LSTM function
    can be used to have separate number of units and activation function for each layer.

    prefix : str
        prefix to save the results. This argument will only be used after
        the optimization is complete
    return_model : bool, optional (default=False)
        if True, then objective function will return the built model. This
        argument will only be used after the optimization is complete
    epochs : int, optional
        the number of epochs for which to train the model
    verbosity : int, optional (default=1)
        determines the amount of information to be printed
    fit_on_all_training_data : bool, optional
        Whether to train on all the available training data (training+validation)
        or to train on only subset of training data and evaluate on validation data.
        During hpo iterations, we will train the model on training data
        and evaluate on validation data. After hpo, the model is
        trained on all the available training data and evaluated on test data.
    suggestions : dict
        a dictionary with values of hyperparameters at the iteration when
        this objective function is called. The objective function will be
        called as many times as the number of iterations in optimization

    float or Model
    suggestions = jsonize(suggestions)
    global ITER

    # i) build model
    _model = Model(
        prefix=prefix or PREFIX,

    SUGGESTIONS[ITER] = suggestions

    # ii) train model

    if fit_on_all_training_data:
        _model.fit(x=TrainX, y=TrainY, validation_data=(TestX, TestY), verbose=0)
        prediction = _model.predict(x=TestX)
        true = TestY
        _model.fit(x=train_x, y=train_y, validation_data=(val_x, val_y), verbose=0)
        prediction = _model.predict(x=val_x)
        true = val_y

    # iii) evaluate model
    metrics = RegressionMetrics(true, prediction)
    val_score = metrics.rmse()

    for metric in MONITOR.keys():
        val = getattr(metrics, metric)()

    # here we are evaluating model with respect to mse, therefore
    # we don't need to subtract it from 1.0
    if not math.isfinite(val_score):
        val_score = 9999

    best_score = round(np.nanmin(MONITOR['rmse']), 2)
    best_iter = np.argmin(MONITOR['rmse'])
    print(f"{ITER} {round(val_score, 2)} . Best was {best_score} at {best_iter}")

    ITER += 1

    if return_model:
        return _model

    return val_score

3) define parameter space

parameter space

param_space = [
    Integer(10, 30, name="units"),
    Integer(1, 2, name="num_layers"),
    Categorical(["relu", "elu", "tanh"], name="activation"),
    Real(0.00001, 0.01, name="lr"),
    Categorical([4, 8, 12, 16, 24], name="batch_size")

4) initial state

initial values

x0 = [14, 1, "relu", 0.001, 8]

5) run optimization algorithm

initialize the HyperOpt class and call fit method on it

optimizer = HyperOpt(
    process_results=False, # we can turn it False if we want post-processing of results

assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
0 11.42 . Best was 11.42 at 0
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
1 17.02 . Best was 11.42 at 0
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
2 12.76 . Best was 11.42 at 0
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
3 15.21 . Best was 11.42 at 0
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
4 11.09 . Best was 11.09 at 4
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
5 15.25 . Best was 11.09 at 4
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
6 10.67 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (12, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
7 15.01 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
8 13.93 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
9 11.47 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (4, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (4, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (4, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
10 12.49 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
11 18.11 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
12 13.28 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
13 17.7 . Best was 10.67 at 6
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
14 10.48 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
15 12.13 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
16 11.6 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
17 11.03 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
18 12.75 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
19 12.27 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
20 12.92 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
21 11.31 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
22 15.59 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
23 14.44 . Best was 10.48 at 14
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
24 10.45 . Best was 10.45 at 24
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
25 10.61 . Best was 10.45 at 24
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
26 10.6 . Best was 10.45 at 24
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
27 11.53 . Best was 10.45 at 24
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
28 10.28 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
29 10.57 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
30 11.63 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
31 10.67 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
32 10.46 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
33 10.65 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
34 10.5 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
35 10.52 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
36 15.6 . Best was 10.28 at 28
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
37 10.26 . Best was 10.26 at 37
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
38 10.55 . Best was 10.26 at 37
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
39 10.56 . Best was 10.26 at 37
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
40 10.43 . Best was 10.26 at 37
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
41 11.41 . Best was 10.26 at 37
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
42 10.16 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
43 10.17 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
44 10.26 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
45 10.17 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
46 10.18 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
47 10.51 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
48 10.27 . Best was 10.16 at 42
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
49 10.27 . Best was 10.16 at 42
[ ]:
results = optimizer.fit()
best_iteration = optimizer.best_iter()

print(f"optimized parameters are \n{optimizer.best_paras()} at {best_iteration}")
optimized parameters are
{'units': 24, 'num_layers': 1, 'activation': 'elu', 'lr': 0.0026679385190848475, 'batch_size': 8} at 42

we are interested in the minimum value of following metrics

for key in ['rmse', 'nrmse', 'pbias']:
    print(key, np.nanmin(MONITOR[key]), np.nanargmin(MONITOR[key]))
rmse 10.163124154662176 42
nrmse 0.10163124154662176 42
pbias -24.70877096103889 1

we are interested in the maximum value of following metrics

for key in ['r2', 'nse']:
    print(key, np.nanmax(MONITOR[key]), np.nanargmax(MONITOR[key]))
r2 0.9031089866228091 43
nse 0.8996102188040533 42
_ = optimizer._plot_convergence()
_ = optimizer._plot_evaluations()
_ = plot_objective(optimizer.gpmin_results)
_ = optimizer.plot_importance()
_ = optimizer.plot_parallel_coords(figsize=(12, 8))

we can now again call the objective function with best/optimium parameters

6) train with best hyperparameters

Now that we have obtained the best hyperparameters, we will train our model again but this time using all the available training data and evaluate it on test data. Note that we have set the fit_on_all_training_data to True.

model = objective_fn(prefix=f"{PREFIX}{SEP}best",

            building DL model for
            regression problem using Model
Model: "model"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #
 input_1 (InputLayer)        [(None, 11)]              0

 Dense_0 (Dense)             (None, 24)                288

 Dropout (Dropout)           (None, 24)                0

 Flatten (Flatten)           (None, 24)                0

 Dense_out (Dense)           (None, 1)                 25

Total params: 313
Trainable params: 313
Non-trainable params: 0
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
********** Successfully loaded weights from weights_018_103.28909.hdf5 file **********
assigning name input_1 to IteratorGetNext:0 with shape (None, 11)
8/8 [==============================] - 0s 718us/step
51 10.16 . Best was 10.16 at 42
model.evaluate(x=TrainX, y=TrainY, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
27/27 [==============================] - 0s 577us/step
{'r2': 0.9207692548958313,
 'nse': 0.9197818715253115,
 'rmse': 8.373577108689467}
model.evaluate(x=TestX, y=TestY, metrics=['r2', 'nse', 'rmse'])
12/12 [==============================] - 0s 636us/step
{'r2': 0.8285461122661508, 'nse': 0.798126539273869, 'rmse': 15.51664265346751}
