Source code for ai4water.tf_models

__all__ = ["DualAttentionModel", "InputAttentionModel"]

from easy_mpl import imshow

from .backend import tf, plt, np, os
from .backend import keras
from .functional import Model as FModel
from ai4water.utils.utils import print_something
from .utils.utils import DataNotFound
from ai4water.nn_tools import check_act_fn
from ai4water.preprocessing import DataSet
from ai4water.models._tensorflow.layer_definition import MyTranspose, MyDot
from ai4water.utils.utils import plot_activations_along_inputs

layers = keras.layers
KModel = keras.models.Model

class DALSTM(keras.layers.Layer):

    def __init__(
            enc_config: dict = None,
            dec_config: dict = None,
            drop_remainder: bool = True,
            teacher_forcing: bool = False,
        self.enc_config = enc_config
        self.dec_config = dec_config
        self.drop_remainder = drop_remainder
        self.teacher_forcing = teacher_forcing

        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class DualAttentionModel(FModel): """ This is Dual-Attention LSTM model of Qin_ et al., 2017. The code is adopted from this_ repository Example: >>> from ai4water import DualAttentionModel >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> data = busan_beach() >>> model = DualAttentionModel(lookback=5, ... input_features=data.columns.tolist()[0:-1], ... output_features=data.columns.tolist()[-1:]) ... #If you do not wish to feed previous output as input to the model, you ... #can set teacher forcing to False. The drop_remainder argument must be ... #set to True in such a case. >>> model = DualAttentionModel(teacher_forcing=False, batch_size=4, ... drop_remainder=True, ts_args={'lookback':5}) >>> .. _Qin: .. _this: """ _enc_config = {'n_h': 20, # length of hidden state m 'n_s': 20, # length of hidden state m 'm': 20, # length of hidden state m 'enc_lstm1_act': None, 'enc_lstm2_act': None, } # arguments for decoder/outputAttention in Dual stage attention _dec_config = { 'p': 30, 'n_hde0': 30, 'n_sde0': 30 }
[docs] def __init__( self, enc_config: dict = None, dec_config: dict = None, teacher_forcing: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Arguments: enc_config: dictionary defining configuration of encoder/input attention. It must have following three keys - n_h: 20 - n_s: 20 - m: 20 - enc_lstm1_act: None - enc_lstm2_act: None dec_config: dictionary defining configuration of decoder/output attention. It must have following three keys - p: 30 - n_hde0: None - n_sde0: None teacher_forcing: Whether to use the prvious target/observation as input or not. If yes, then the model will require 2 inputs. The first input will be of shape (num_examples, lookback, num_inputs) while the second input will be of shape (num_examples, lookback-1, 1). This second input is supposed to be the target variable observed at previous time step. kwargs : The keyword arguments for the [ai4water's Model][ai4water.Model] class """ self.method = 'dual_attention' if enc_config is None: enc_config = DualAttentionModel._enc_config else: assert isinstance(enc_config, dict) if dec_config is None: dec_config = DualAttentionModel._dec_config else: assert isinstance(dec_config, dict) self.enc_config = enc_config self.dec_config = dec_config super(DualAttentionModel, self).__init__(teacher_forcing=teacher_forcing, **kwargs) setattr(self, 'category', "DL")
[docs] def build(self, input_shape=None): self.config['dec_config'] = self.dec_config self.config['enc_config'] = self.enc_config setattr(self, 'batch_size', self.config['batch_size']) setattr(self, 'drop_remainder', self.config['drop_remainder']) self.de_LSTM_cell = layers.LSTM(self.dec_config['p'], return_state=True, name='decoder_LSTM') self.de_densor_We = layers.Dense(self.enc_config['m']) if self.config['drop_remainder']: h_de0 = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.dec_config['n_hde0']), name='dec_1st_hidden_state') s_de0 = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.dec_config['n_sde0']), name='dec_1st_cell_state') else: h_de0 = layers.Input(shape=(self.dec_config['n_hde0'],), name='dec_1st_hidden_state') s_de0 = layers.Input(shape=(self.dec_config['n_sde0'],), name='dec_1st_cell_state') input_y = None if self.teacher_forcing and self.drop_remainder: input_y = layers.Input(batch_shape=(self.batch_size, self.lookback - 1, self.num_outs), name='input_y') elif not self.drop_remainder: input_y = layers.Input(shape=(self.lookback - 1, self.num_outs), name='input_y') if self.drop_remainder: enc_input = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(self.batch_size, self.lookback, self.num_ins), name='enc_input') else: enc_input = keras.layers.Input(shape=(self.lookback, self.num_ins), name='enc_input') enc_lstm_out, s0, h0 = self._encoder(enc_input, self.config['enc_config']) # originally the last dimentions was -1 but I put it equal to 'm' # eq 11 in paper enc_out = layers.Reshape((self.lookback, self.enc_config['m']), name='enc_out_eq_11')(enc_lstm_out) h, context = self.decoder_attention(enc_out, input_y, s_de0, h_de0) h = layers.Reshape((self.num_outs, self.dec_config['p']))(h) # concatenation of decoder hidden state and the context vector. last_concat = layers.Concatenate(axis=2, name='last_concat')([h, context]) # (None, 1, 50) # original it was not defined but in tf-keras we need to define it sec_dim = self.enc_config['m'] + self.dec_config['p'] last_reshape = layers.Reshape((sec_dim,), name='last_reshape')(last_concat) # (None, 50) result = layers.Dense(self.dec_config['p'], name='eq_22')(last_reshape) # (None, 30) # equation 22 output = layers.Dense(self.num_outs)(result) if self.forecast_len>1: output = layers.Reshape(target_shape=(self.num_outs, self.forecast_len))(output) initial_input = [enc_input] if input_y is not None: initial_input.append(input_y) if self.config['drop_remainder']: self._model = self.compile(model_inputs=initial_input, outputs=output) else: self._model = self.compile(model_inputs=initial_input + [s0, h0, s_de0, h_de0], outputs=output) return
def _encoder(self, enc_inputs, config, lstm2_seq=True, suf: str = '1', s0=None, h0=None, num_ins=None): if num_ins is None: num_ins = self.num_ins self.en_densor_We = layers.Dense(self.lookback, name='enc_We_'+suf) _config, act_str = check_act_fn({'activation': config['enc_lstm1_act']}) self.en_LSTM_cell = layers.LSTM(config['n_h'], return_state=True, activation=_config['activation'], name='encoder_LSTM_'+suf) config['enc_lstm1_act'] = act_str # initialize the first cell state if s0 is None: if self.drop_remainder: s0 = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, config['n_s']), name=f'enc_first_cell_state_{suf}') else: s0 = layers.Input(shape=(config['n_s'],), name='enc_first_cell_state_' + suf) # initialize the first hidden state if h0 is None: if self.drop_remainder: h0 = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, config['n_h']), name=f'enc_first_hidden_state_{suf}') else: h0 = layers.Input(shape=(config['n_h'],), name='enc_first_hidden_state_' + suf) enc_attn_out = self.encoder_attention(enc_inputs, s0, h0, num_ins, suf) enc_lstm_in = layers.Reshape((self.lookback, num_ins), name='enc_lstm_input_'+suf)(enc_attn_out) _config, act_str = check_act_fn({'activation': config['enc_lstm2_act']}) enc_lstm_out = layers.LSTM(config['m'], return_sequences=lstm2_seq, activation=_config['activation'], name='LSTM_after_encoder_'+suf)(enc_lstm_in) # h_en_all config['enc_lstm2_act'] = act_str return enc_lstm_out, h0, s0
[docs] def one_encoder_attention_step(self, h_prev, s_prev, x, t, suf: str = '1'): """ :param h_prev: previous hidden state :param s_prev: previous cell state :param x: (T,n),n is length of input series at time t,T is length of time series :param t: time-step :param suf: str, Suffix to be attached to names :return: x_t's attention weights,total n numbers,sum these are 1 """ _concat = layers.Concatenate()([h_prev, s_prev]) # (none,1,2m) result1 = self.en_densor_We(_concat) # (none,1,T) result1 = layers.RepeatVector(x.shape[2],)(result1) # (none,n,T) x_temp = MyTranspose(axis=(0, 2, 1))(x) # X_temp(None,n,T) # (none,n,T) Ue(T,T), Ue * Xk in eq 8 of paper result2 = MyDot(self.lookback, name='eq_8_mul_'+str(t)+'_'+suf)(x_temp) result3 = layers.Add()([result1, result2]) # (none,n,T) result4 = layers.Activation(activation='tanh')(result3) # (none,n,T) result5 = MyDot(1)(result4) result5 = MyTranspose(axis=(0, 2, 1), name='eq_8_' + str(t)+'_'+suf)(result5) # etk/ equation 8 alphas = layers.Activation(activation='softmax', name='eq_9_'+str(t)+'_'+suf)(result5) # equation 9 return alphas
[docs] def encoder_attention(self, _input, _s0, _h0, num_ins, suf: str = '1'): s = _s0 _h = _h0 # initialize empty list of outputs attention_weight_t = None for t in range(self.lookback): _context = self.one_encoder_attention_step(_h, s, _input, t, suf=suf) # (none,1,n) x = layers.Lambda(lambda x: _input[:, t, :])(_input) x = layers.Reshape((1, num_ins))(x) _h, _, s = self.en_LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[_h, s]) if t != 0: # attention_weight_t = layers.Merge(mode='concat', concat_axis=1, # name='attn_weight_'+str(t))([attention_weight_t, # _context]) attention_weight_t = layers.Concatenate( axis=1, name='attn_weight_'+str(t)+'_'+suf)([attention_weight_t, _context]) else: attention_weight_t = _context # get the driving input series enc_output = layers.Multiply(name='enc_output_'+suf)([attention_weight_t, _input]) # equation 10 in paper return enc_output
[docs] def one_decoder_attention_step(self, _h_de_prev, _s_de_prev, _h_en_all, t): """ :param _h_de_prev: previous hidden state :param _s_de_prev: previous cell state :param _h_en_all: (None,T,m),n is length of input series at time t,T is length of time series :param t: int, timestep :return: x_t's attention weights,total n numbers,sum these are 1 """ # concatenation of the previous hidden state and cell state of the LSTM unit in eq 12 _concat = layers.Concatenate(name='eq_12_'+str(t))([_h_de_prev, _s_de_prev]) # (None,1,2p) result1 = self.de_densor_We(_concat) # (None,1,m) result1 = layers.RepeatVector(self.lookback)(result1) # (None,T,m) result2 = MyDot(self.enc_config['m'])(_h_en_all) result3 = layers.Add()([result1, result2]) # (None,T,m) result4 = layers.Activation(activation='tanh')(result3) # (None,T,m) result5 = MyDot(1)(result4) beta = layers.Activation(activation='softmax', name='eq_13_'+str(t))(result5) # equation 13 _context = layers.Dot(axes=1, name='eq_14_'+str(t))([beta, _h_en_all]) # (1,m) # equation 14 in paper return _context
[docs] def decoder_attention(self, _h_en_all, _y, _s0, _h0): s = _s0 _h = _h0 for t in range(self.lookback-1): _context = self.one_decoder_attention_step(_h, s, _h_en_all, t) # (batch_size, 1, 20) # if we want to use the true value of target of previous timestep as input then we will use _y if self.teacher_forcing: y_prev = layers.Lambda(lambda y_prev: _y[:, t, :])(_y) # (batch_size, lookback, 1) -> (batch_size, 1) y_prev = layers.Reshape((1, self.num_outs))(y_prev) # -> (batch_size, 1, 1) # concatenation of decoder input and computed context vector # ?? y_prev = layers.Concatenate(axis=2)([y_prev, _context]) # (None,1,21) else: y_prev = _context y_prev = layers.Dense(self.num_outs, name='eq_15_'+str(t))(y_prev) # (None,1,1), Eq 15 in paper _h, _, s = self.de_LSTM_cell(y_prev, initial_state=[_h, s]) # eq 16 ?? _context = self.one_decoder_attention_step(_h, s, _h_en_all, 'final') return _h, _context
[docs] def fetch_data(self, x, y, source, data=None, **kwargs): if self.teacher_forcing: x, prev_y, labels = getattr(self.dh_, f'{source}_data')(**kwargs) else: x, labels = getattr(self.dh_, f'{source}_data')(**kwargs) prev_y = None n_s_feature_dim = self.enc_config['n_s'] n_h_feature_dim = self.enc_config['n_h'] p_feature_dim = self.dec_config['p'] if kwargs.get('use_datetime_index', False): # during deindexification, first feature will be removed. n_s_feature_dim += 1 n_h_feature_dim += 1 p_feature_dim += 1 idx = np.expand_dims(x[:, 1:, 0], axis=-1) # extract the index from x if self.use_true_prev_y: prev_y = np.concatenate([prev_y, idx], axis=2) # insert index in prev_y other_inputs = [] if not self.drop_remainder: s0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_s_feature_dim)) h0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_h_feature_dim)) h_de0 = s_de0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], p_feature_dim)) other_inputs = [s0, h0, s_de0, h_de0] if self.teacher_forcing: return [x, prev_y] + other_inputs, labels else: return [x] + other_inputs, labels
[docs] def training_data(self, x=None, y=None, data='training', key=None): self._maybe_dh_not_set(data=data) return self.fetch_data(x=x, y=y, source='training', data=data, key=key)
[docs] def validation_data(self, x=None, y=None, data='validation', **kwargs): self._maybe_dh_not_set(data=data) return self.fetch_data(x=x, y=y, source='validation', data=data, **kwargs)
[docs] def test_data(self, x=None, y=None, data='test', **kwargs): self._maybe_dh_not_set(data=data) return self.fetch_data(x=x, y=y, source='test', data=data, **kwargs)
def _maybe_dh_not_set(self, data): """if dh_ has not been set yet, try to create it using data argument if possible""" if isinstance(data, str) and data not in ['training', 'test', 'validation']: self.dh_ = DataSet(data=data, **self.data_config) elif not isinstance(data, str): self.dh_ = DataSet(data=data, **self.data_config) return
[docs] def interpret( self, data=None, data_type='training', **kwargs): return self.plot_act_along_inputs( data=data, layer_name=f'attn_weight_{self.lookback - 1}_1', data_type=data_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_attention_weights( self, layer_name: str=None, x = None, data = None, data_type = 'training', )->np.ndarray: """ Parameters ---------- layer_name : str, optional the name of attention layer. If not given, the final attention layer will be used. x : optional input data, if given, then ``data`` must not be given data : data_type : str, optional the data to make forward pass to get attention weghts. Possible values are - ``training`` - ``validation`` - ``test`` - ``all`` Returns ------- a numpy array of shape (num_examples, lookback, num_ins) """ if x is not None: # default value assert data_type in ("training", "test", "validation", "all") layer_name = layer_name or f'attn_weight_{self.lookback - 1}_1' assert isinstance(layer_name, str), f""" layer_name must be a string, not of {layer_name.__class__.__name__} type """ from ai4water.postprocessing.visualize import Visualize kwargs = {} if self.config['drop_remainder']: kwargs['batch_size'] = self.config['batch_size'] activation = Visualize(model=self).get_activations( layer_names=layer_name, x=x, data=data, data_type=data_type, **kwargs) activation = activation[layer_name] # (num_examples, lookback, num_ins) return activation
[docs] def plot_act_along_inputs( self, data, layer_name: str, data_type='training', vmin=None, vmax=None, show=False ): if not os.path.exists(self.act_path): os.makedirs(self.act_path) activation = self.get_attention_weights( layer_name=layer_name, data=data, data_type=data_type, ) act_avg_over_examples = np.mean(activation, axis=0) # (lookback, num_ins) lookback = self.config['ts_args']['lookback'] x, observations = getattr(self, f'{data_type}_data')(data=data) if len(x) == 0 or (isinstance(x, list) and len(x[0]) == 0): raise ValueError(f"no {data_type} data found.") predictions = self.predict(x=x, process_results=False) plt.close('all') fig, axis = plt.subplots() ytick_labels = [f"t-{int(i)}" for i in np.linspace(lookback - 1, 0, lookback)] im = imshow(act_avg_over_examples, ax=axis, aspect="auto", yticklabels=ytick_labels, ax_kws=dict(ylabel='lookback steps'), show=False ) axis.set_xticks(np.arange(self.num_ins)) axis.set_xticklabels(self.input_features, rotation=90) fig.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', pad=0.3) plt.savefig( os.path.join(self.act_path, f'acts_avg_over_examples_{data_type}'), dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') x = self.inputs_for_attention(x) return plot_activations_along_inputs( data=x, activations=activation, observations=observations, predictions=predictions, in_cols=self.input_features, out_cols=self.output_features, lookback=lookback, name=data_type, path=self.act_path, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, show=show )
[docs] def plot_act_along_lookback(self, activations, sample=0): assert isinstance(activations, np.ndarray) activation = activations[sample, :, :] act_t = activation.transpose() fig, axis = plt.subplots() for idx, _name in enumerate(self.input_features): axis.plot(act_t[idx, :], label=_name) axis.set_xlabel('Lookback') axis.set_ylabel('Input attention weight') axis.legend(loc="best") return
[docs] def inputs_for_attention(self, inputs): """ returns the inputs for attention mechanism """ if isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = inputs[0] inputs = inputs[:, -1, :] # why 0, why not -1 assert inputs.shape[1] == self.num_ins return inputs
def _fit_transform_x(self, x): """transforms x and puts the transformer in config witht he key name""" feature_names = [ self.input_features, [f"{i}" for i in range(self.enc_config['n_s'])], [f"{i}" for i in range(self.enc_config['n_h'])], [f"{i}" for i in range(self.dec_config['n_hde0'])], [f"{i}" for i in range(self.dec_config['n_sde0'])], ] transformation = [self.config['x_transformation'], None, None, None, None] if self.teacher_forcing: feature_names.insert(1, self.output_features) transformation.insert(1, self.config['y_transformation']) return self._fit_transform(x, 'x_transformer_', transformation, feature_names) def _fetch_data(self, source:str, x=None, y=None, data=None): """The main idea is that the user should be able to fully customize training/test data by overwriting training_data and test_data methods. However, if x is given or data is DataSet then the training_data/test_data methods of this(Model) class will not be called.""" x, y, prefix, key, user_defined_x = super()._fetch_data(source, x, y, data) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if not self.config['drop_remainder']: n_s_feature_dim = self.config['enc_config']['n_s'] n_h_feature_dim = self.config['enc_config']['n_h'] s0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_s_feature_dim)) h0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_h_feature_dim)) if self.__class__.__name__ == "DualAttentionModel": p_feature_dim = self.dec_config['p'] h_de0 = s_de0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], p_feature_dim)) x = [x, s0, h0, h_de0, s_de0] else: x = [x, s0, h0] return x, y, prefix, key, user_defined_x
class InputAttentionModel(DualAttentionModel): """ InputAttentionModel is same as DualAttentionModel with output attention/decoder part removed. Example: >>> from ai4water import InputAttentionModel >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> model = InputAttentionModel( ... input_features=busan_beach().columns.tolist()[0:-1], ... output_features=busan_beach().columns.tolist()[-1:]) >>> """ def __init__(self, *args, teacher_forcing=False, **kwargs): super(InputAttentionModel, self).__init__(*args, teacher_forcing=teacher_forcing, **kwargs) def build(self, input_shape=None): self.config['enc_config'] = self.enc_config setattr(self, 'batch_size', self.config['batch_size']) setattr(self, 'drop_remainder', self.config['drop_remainder']) setattr(self, 'method', 'input_attention') print('building input attention model') enc_input = keras.layers.Input(shape=(self.lookback, self.num_ins), name='enc_input1') lstm_out, h0, s0 = self._encoder(enc_input, self.enc_config, lstm2_seq=False) act_out = layers.LeakyReLU()(lstm_out) predictions = layers.Dense(self.num_outs)(act_out) if self.forecast_len>1: predictions = layers.Reshape(target_shape=(self.num_outs, self.forecast_len))(predictions) if self.verbosity > 2: print('predictions: ', predictions) inputs = [enc_input] if not self.drop_remainder: inputs = inputs + [s0, h0] self._model = self.compile(model_inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions) return def fetch_data(self, source, x=None, y=None, data=None, **kwargs): if x is None: if isinstance(data, str): if data in ("training", "test", "validation"): if hasattr(self, 'dh_'): data = getattr(self.dh_, f'{data}_data')(**kwargs) else: raise DataNotFound(source) else: raise ValueError else: dh = DataSet(data=data, **self.data_config) setattr(self, 'dh_', dh) data = getattr(dh, f'{source}_data')(**kwargs) else: data = x, y if self.teacher_forcing: x, prev_y, labels = data else: x, labels = data n_s_feature_dim = self.config['enc_config']['n_s'] n_h_feature_dim = self.config['enc_config']['n_h'] if kwargs.get('use_datetime_index', False): # during deindexification, first feature will be removed. n_s_feature_dim += 1 n_h_feature_dim += 1 idx = np.expand_dims(x[:, 1:, 0], axis=-1) # extract the index from x if self.teacher_forcing: prev_y = np.concatenate([prev_y, idx], axis=2) # insert index in prev_y if not self.config['drop_remainder']: s0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_s_feature_dim)) h0 = np.zeros((x.shape[0], n_h_feature_dim)) x = [x, s0, h0] if self.verbosity > 0: print_something(x, "input_x") print_something(labels, "target") if self.teacher_forcing: return [x, prev_y], labels else: return x, labels def _fit_transform_x(self, x): """transforms x and puts the transformer in config witht he key name for conformity we need to add feature names of initial states and their transformations will always be None. """ # x can be array when the user does not provide input conditions! if isinstance(x, list): assert len(x) == 3 feature_names = [ self.input_features, [f"{i}" for i in range(self.enc_config['n_s'])], [f"{i}" for i in range(self.enc_config['n_h'])] ] transformation = [self.config['x_transformation'], None, None] return self._fit_transform(x, 'x_transformer_', transformation, feature_names) else: transformation = self.config['x_transformation'] return self._fit_transform(x, 'x_transformer_', transformation, self.input_features)