Source code for ai4water.postprocessing.explain._partial_dependence

from typing import Callable, Union, List

from easy_mpl import plot

from ai4water.backend import np, os, plt, pd
from ._explain import ExplainerMixin

# todo, optionally show predicted value as dots on plots

def compute_bounds(xmin, xmax, xv):
    from shap
    Handles any setting of xmax and xmin.

    Note that we handle None, float, or "percentile(float)" formats.

    if xmin is not None or xmax is not None:
        if type(xmin) == str and xmin.startswith("percentile"):
            xmin = np.nanpercentile(xv, float(xmin[11:-1]))
        if type(xmax) == str and xmax.startswith("percentile"):
            xmax = np.nanpercentile(xv, float(xmax[11:-1]))

        if xmin is None or xmin == np.nanmin(xv):
            xmin = np.nanmin(xv) - (xmax - np.nanmin(xv))/20
        if xmax is None or xmax == np.nanmax(xv):
            xmax = np.nanmax(xv) + (np.nanmax(xv) - xmin)/20

    return xmin, xmax

[docs]class PartialDependencePlot(ExplainerMixin): """ Partial dependence plots as introduced by Friedman_ et al., 2001 Example ------- >>> from ai4water import Model >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> from ai4water.postprocessing.explain import PartialDependencePlot >>> data = busan_beach() >>> model = Model(model="XGBRegressor") >>> # get the data to explain >>> x, _ = model.training_data() >>> pdp = PartialDependencePlot(model.predict, x, model.input_features, >>> num_points=14) .. _Friedman: """
[docs] def __init__( self, model: Callable, data, feature_names=None, num_points: int = 100, path=None, save: bool = True, show: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Initiates the class Parameters ---------- model : Callable the trained/calibrated model which must be callable. It must take the `data` as input and sprout an array of predicted values. For example if you are using Keras/sklearn model, then you must pass model.predict data : np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame The inputs to the `model`. It can numpy array or pandas DataFrame. feature_names : list, optional Names of features. Used for labeling. num_points : int, optional determines the grid for evaluation of `model` path : str, optional path to save the plots. By default the results are saved in current directory show: whether to show the plot or not save: whether to save the plot or not **kwargs : any additional keyword arguments for `model` """ self.model = model self.num_points = num_points self.xmin = "percentile(0)" self.xmax = "percentile(100)" self.kwargs = kwargs if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if feature_names is None: feature_names = data.columns.tolist() data = data.values super().__init__(data=data, features=feature_names, path=path or os.getcwd(), show=show, save=save )
[docs] def nd_interactions( self, height: int = 2, ice: bool = False, show_dist: bool = False, show_minima: bool = False, ) -> plt.Figure: """Plots 2d interaction plots of all features as done in skopt Arguments: height: height of each subplot in inches ice: whether to show the ice lines or not show_dist: whether to show the distribution of data as histogram or not show_minima: whether to show the function minima or not Returns: matplotlib Figure Examples -------- >>> from ai4water import Model >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> from ai4water.postprocessing.explain import PartialDependencePlot >>> data = busan_beach() >>> model = Model(model="XGBRegressor") >>> >>> x, _ = model.training_data() >>> pdp = PartialDependencePlot(model.predict, x, model.input_features, ... num_points=14) >>> pdp.nd_interactions(show_dist=True) """ n_dims = len(self.features) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_dims, n_dims, figsize=(height * n_dims, height * n_dims)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1) for i in range(n_dims): for j in range(n_dims): # diagonal if i == j: if n_dims > 1: ax_ = ax[i, i] else: ax_ = ax self._plot_pdp_1dim(*self.calc_pdp_1dim(, self.features[i]),, self.features[i], show_dist=show_dist, show_minima=show_minima, ice=ice, show=False, save=False, ax=ax_) # resetting the label # ax_.set_xlabel(self.features[i]) ax_.set_ylabel(self.features[i]) process_axis(ax_, xlabel=self.features[i], top_spine=True, right_spine=True) # lower triangle elif i > j: self.plot_interaction( features=[self.features[j],self.features[i]], ax=ax[i, j], colorbar=False, save=False, show=False, ) elif j > i: if not ax[i, j].lines: # empty axes ax[i, j].axis("off") if j > 0: # not the left most column ax[i, j].yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax[i, j].yaxis.set_visible(False) ax[i, j].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) if i < n_dims-1: # not the bottom most row ax[i, j].xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax[i, j].xaxis.set_visible(False) ax[i, j].xaxis.label.set_visible(False) if fname = os.path.join(self.path, f"pdp_interact_nd") plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=100*n_dims) if return fig
[docs] def plot_interaction( self, features: list, lookback: int = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, plot_type: str = "2d", cmap=None, colorbar: bool = True, show:bool = True, save:bool = True, **kwargs ) -> plt.Axes: """Shows interaction between two features Parameters ---------- features : a list or tuple of two feature names to use lookback : optional only relevant in data is 3d ax : optional matplotlib axes on which to draw. If not given, current axes will be used. plot_type : optional either "2d" or "surface" cmap : optional color map to use colorbar : optional whether to show the colorbar or not show : bool save : bool **kwargs : any keyword argument for axes.plot_surface or axes.contourf Returns ------- matplotlib Axes Examples -------- >>> from ai4water import Model >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> from ai4water.postprocessing.explain import PartialDependencePlot >>> data = busan_beach() >>> model = Model(model="XGBRegressor") >>> >>> x, _ = model.training_data() >>> pdp = PartialDependencePlot(model.predict, x, model.input_features, ... num_points=14) ... # specifying features whose interaction is to be calculated and plotted. >>> axis = pdp.plot_interaction(["tide_cm", "wat_temp_c"]) """ if not self.data_is_2d: raise NotImplementedError assert isinstance(features, list) and len(features) == 2 x0, x1, pd_vals = self._interaction(features,, lookback) kwds = {} if plot_type == "surface": kwds['projection'] = '3d' if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, **kwds) if plot_type == "surface": _add_surface(ax, x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap, features[0], features[1], **kwargs) else: self._plot_interaction(ax, x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap=cmap, features=features, lookback=lookback, colorbar=colorbar, **kwargs) if save: fname = os.path.join(self.path, f"pdp_interact{features[0]}_{features[1]}") plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) if show: return ax
def _plot_interaction( self, ax, x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap, features, lookback, colorbar=True, **kwargs): """adds a 2d interaction plot""" cntr = ax.contourf(x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) xv0 = self.xv(, features[0], lookback) xv1 = self.xv(, features[1], lookback) ax.scatter(xv0, xv1, c='k', s=10, lw=0.) process_axis(ax, xlabel=features[0], ylabel=features[1]) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(cntr, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(f"E[f(x) | {features[0]}, {features[1]} ]", rotation=90) return def _interaction(self, features, data, lookback): ind0 = self._feature_to_ind(features[0]) ind1 = self._feature_to_ind(features[1]) xs0 = self.grid(, features[0], lookback) xs1 = self.grid(, features[1], lookback) features_tmp = data.copy() x0 = np.zeros((self.num_points, self.num_points)) x1 = np.zeros((self.num_points, self.num_points)) # instead of calling the model in two for loops, prepare data data # stack it in 'features_all' and call the model only once. total_samples = len(data) * self.num_points * self.num_points features_all = np.full((total_samples, *data.shape[1:]), np.nan) st, en = 0, len(data) for i in range(self.num_points): for j in range(self.num_points): features_tmp[:, ind0] = xs0[i] features_tmp[:, ind1] = xs1[j] x0[i, j] = xs0[i] x1[i, j] = xs1[j] features_all[st:en] = features_tmp st = en en += len(data) predictions = self.model(features_all) pd_vals = np.zeros((self.num_points, self.num_points)) st, en = 0, len(data) for i in range(self.num_points): for j in range(self.num_points): pd_vals[i, j] = predictions[st:en].mean() st = en en += len(data) return x0, x1, pd_vals
[docs] def plot_1d( self, feature:Union[str, List[str]], show_dist: bool = True, show_dist_as: str = "hist", ice: bool = True, feature_expected_value: bool = False, model_expected_value: bool = False, show_ci: bool = False, show_minima: bool = False, ice_only: bool = False, ice_color: str = "lightblue", feature_name:str = None, pdp_line_kws: dict = None, ice_lines_kws: dict = None, hist_kws:dict = None ): """partial dependence plot in one dimension Parameters ---------- feature : the feature name for which to plot the partial dependence For one hot encoded categorical features, provide a list show_dist : whether to show actual distribution of data or not show_dist_as : one of "hist" or "grid" ice : whether to show individual component elements on plot or not feature_expected_value : whether to show the average value of feature on the plot or not model_expected_value : whether to show average prediction on plot or not show_ci : whether to show confidence interval of pdp or not show_minima : whether to indicate the minima or not ice_only : bool, False whether to show only ice plots ice_color : color for ice lines. It can also be a valid maplotlib `colormap <>`_ feature_name : str name of the feature. If not given, then value of ``feature`` is used. pdp_line_kws : dict any keyword argument for axes.plot when plotting pdp lie ice_lines_kws : dict any keyword argument for axes.plot when plotting ice lines hist_kws : any keyword arguemnt for axes.hist when plotting histogram Examples --------- >>> from ai4water import Model >>> from ai4water.datasets import busan_beach >>> model = Model(model="XGBRegressor") >>> data = busan_beach() >>> >>> x, _ = model.training_data(data=data) >>> pdp = PartialDependencePlot(model.predict, x, model.input_features, ... num_points=14) >>> pdp.plot_1d("tide_cm") with categorical features >>> from ai4water.datasets import mg_photodegradation >>> data, cat_enc, an_enc = mg_photodegradation(encoding="ohe") >>> model = Model(model="XGBRegressor") >>> >>> x, _ = model.training_data(data=data) >>> pdp = PartialDependencePlot(model.predict, x, model.input_features, ... num_points=14) >>> feature = [f for f in model.input_features if f.startswith('Catalyst_type')] >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature) >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature, show_dist_as="grid") >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature, show_dist=False) >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature, show_dist=False, ice=False) >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature, show_dist=False, ice=False, model_expected_value=True) >>> pdp.plot_1d(feature, show_dist=False, ice=False, feature_expected_value=True) """ if isinstance(feature, tuple): raise NotImplementedError else: if self.single_source: if self.data_is_2d: pdp_vals, ice_vals = self.calc_pdp_1dim(, feature) ax = self._plot_pdp_1dim( pdp_vals, ice_vals,, feature, show_dist=show_dist, show_dist_as=show_dist_as, ice=ice, feature_expected_value=feature_expected_value, show_ci=show_ci, show_minima=show_minima, model_expected_value=model_expected_value,,, ice_only=ice_only, ice_color=ice_color, feature_name=feature_name, ice_lines_kws=ice_lines_kws, pdp_line_kws=pdp_line_kws, hist_kws=hist_kws ) elif self.data_is_3d: for lb in range([1]): pdp_vals, ice_vals = self.calc_pdp_1dim(, feature, lb) ax = self._plot_pdp_1dim( pdp_vals, ice_vals,, feature=feature, lookback=lb, show_ci=show_ci, show_minima=show_minima, show_dist=show_dist, show_dist_as=show_dist_as, ice=ice, feature_expected_value=feature_expected_value, model_expected_value=model_expected_value,,, ice_only=ice_only, ice_color=ice_color, ice_lines_kws=ice_lines_kws, pdp_line_kws=pdp_line_kws, hist_kws=hist_kws) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid data shape {}") else: for data in if self.data_is_2d: ax = self.calc_pdp_1dim(data, feature) else: for lb in []: ax = self.calc_pdp_1dim(data, feature, lb) return ax
[docs] def xv(self, data, feature, lookback=None): ind = self._feature_to_ind(feature) if data.ndim == 3: xv = data[:, lookback, ind] else: xv = data[:, ind] return xv
[docs] def grid(self, data, feature, lookback=None): """generates the grid for evaluation of model""" if isinstance(feature, list): # one hot encoded feature self.num_points = len(feature) xs = pd.get_dummies(feature) return [repeat(xs.iloc[i].values, len(data)) for i in range(len(xs))] xmin, xmax = compute_bounds(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xv(data, feature, lookback)) return np.linspace(xmin, xmax, self.num_points)
[docs] def calc_pdp_1dim(self, data, feature, lookback=None): """calculates partial dependence for 1 dimension data""" ind = self._feature_to_ind(feature) xs = self.grid(data, feature, lookback) data_temp = data.copy() # instead of calling the model for each num_point, prepare the data # stack it in 'data_all' and call the model only once total_samples = len(data) * self.num_points data_all = np.full((total_samples, *data.shape[1:]), np.nan) pd_vals = np.full(self.num_points, np.nan) ice_vals = np.full((self.num_points, data.shape[0]), np.nan) st, en = 0, len(data) for i in range(self.num_points): if data.ndim == 3: data_temp[:, lookback, ind] = xs[i] else: data_temp[:, ind] = xs[i] data_all[st:en] = data_temp st = en en += len(data) predictions = self.model(data_all, **self.kwargs) st, en = 0, len(data) for i in range(self.num_points): pred = predictions[st:en] pd_vals[i] = pred.mean() ice_vals[i, :] = pred.reshape(-1, ) st = en en += len(data) return pd_vals, ice_vals
def _feature_to_ind( self, feature:Union[str, List[str]] ) -> int: ind = feature if isinstance(feature, str): if self.single_source: ind = self.features.index(feature) else: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(feature, list): ind = [self.features.index(i) for i in feature] elif not isinstance(feature, int): raise ValueError return ind def _plot_pdp_1dim( self, pd_vals, ice_vals, data, feature, lookback=None, show_dist=True, show_dist_as="hist", ice=True, show_ci=False, show_minima=False, feature_expected_value=False, model_expected_value=False, show=True, save=False, ax=None, ice_color="lightblue", ice_only:bool = False, feature_name:str = None, pdp_line_kws:dict = None, ice_lines_kws:dict = None, hist_kws:dict = None, ): xmin, xmax = compute_bounds(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.xv(data, feature, lookback)) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.6)) if isinstance(feature, list): xs = np.arange(len(feature)) if feature_name is None: feature_name = f"Feature" else: if feature_name is None: feature_name = feature xs = self.grid(data, feature, lookback) ylabel = "E[f(x) | " + feature_name + "]" if ice: n = ice_vals.shape[1] if ice_color in plt.colormaps(): colors = plt.get_cmap(ice_color)(np.linspace(0, 0.8, n)) else: colors = [ice_color for _ in range(n)] _ice_lines_kws = dict(linewidth=min(1, 50 / n), alpha=1) if ice_lines_kws is not None: _ice_lines_kws.update(ice_lines_kws) for _ice in range(n): ax.plot(xs, ice_vals[:, _ice], color=colors[_ice], **_ice_lines_kws) ylabel = "f(x) | " + feature_name if show_ci: std = np.std(ice_vals, axis=1) upper = pd_vals + std lower = pd_vals - std color = '#66C2D7' if ice_color != "lightblue": if ice_color not in plt.colormaps(): color = ice_color ax.fill_between(xs, upper, lower, alpha=0.14, color=color) # the line plot _pdp_line_kws = dict(color='blue', linewidth=2, alpha=1) if not ice_only: if pdp_line_kws is not None: _pdp_line_kws.update(pdp_line_kws) plot(xs, pd_vals, show=False, ax=ax, **_pdp_line_kws) title = None if lookback is not None: title = f"lookback: {lookback}" process_axis(ax, ylabel=ylabel, ylabel_kws=dict(fontsize=20), right_spine=False, top_spine=False, tick_params=dict(labelsize=11), xlabel=feature_name, xlabel_kws=dict(fontsize=20), title=title) if isinstance(feature, list): ax.set_xticks(xs) ax.set_xticklabels(feature, rotation=90) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax2 = ax.twinx() if show_dist: _hist_kws = dict(density=False, facecolor='black', alpha=0.1) if hist_kws is not None: _hist_kws.update(hist_kws) xv = self.xv(data, feature, lookback) if show_dist_as == "hist": ax2.hist(xv, 50, range=(xmin, xmax), **_hist_kws) else: _add_dist_as_grid(fig, xv, other_axes=ax, xlabel=feature, xlabel_kws=dict(fontsize=20)) process_axis(ax2, right_spine=False, top_spine=False, left_spine=False, bottom_spine=False, ylim=(0, data.shape[0])) ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax2.yaxis.set_ticks([]) if feature_expected_value: self._add_feature_exp_val(ax2, ax, xmin, xmax, data, feature, lookback=lookback, feature_name=feature_name) if model_expected_value: self._add_model_exp_val(ax2, ax, data) if show_minima: minina = self.model(data, **self.kwargs).min() ax.axvline(minina, linestyle="--", color="r", lw=1) if save: lookback = lookback or '' fname = os.path.join(self.path, f"pdp_{feature_name}_{lookback}") plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=400) if show: return ax def _add_model_exp_val(self, ax, original_axis, data): """adds model expected value on a duplicate axis of ax""" model_expected_val = self.model(data, **self.kwargs).mean() ax2 = ax.twinx() ymin, ymax = original_axis.get_ylim() process_axis(ax2, ylim=(ymin, ymax), yticks=[model_expected_val], yticklabels=["E[f(x)]"], right_spine=False, top_spine=False, tick_params=dict(length=0, labelsize=11) ) original_axis.axhline(model_expected_val, color="#999999", zorder=-1, linestyle="--", linewidth=1) return def _add_feature_exp_val(self, ax, original_axis, xmin, xmax, data, feature, feature_name=None, lookback=None): xv = self.xv(data=data, feature=feature, lookback=lookback) mval = xv.mean() ax3 = ax.twiny() process_axis(ax3, xlim=(xmin, xmax), xticks=[mval], xticklabels=["E[" + feature_name + "]"], tick_params={'length': 0, 'labelsize': 11}, top_spine=False, right_spine=False) original_axis.axvline(mval, color="#999999", zorder=-1, linestyle="--", linewidth=1) return
def process_axis( ax: plt.Axes, title=None, title_kws=None, xlabel=None, xlabel_kws=None, ylabel=None, ylabel_kws=None, xticks=None, xticklabels=None, yticks=None, yticklabels=None, tick_params=None, top_spine=None, right_spine=None, bottom_spine=None, left_spine=None, xlim=None, ylim=None ): """processes a matplotlib axes""" if title: title_kws = title_kws or {} ax.set_title(title, **title_kws) if ylabel: ylabel_kws = ylabel_kws or {} ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, **ylabel_kws) if xlabel: xlabel_kws = xlabel_kws or {} ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, **xlabel_kws) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xticks: ax.set_xticks(xticks) if xticklabels is not None: ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) if yticks: ax.set_yticks(yticks) if yticklabels is not None: ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) if tick_params: ax.tick_params(**tick_params) if top_spine is False: ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) elif top_spine is True: ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) if right_spine is False: ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) elif right_spine is True: ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) if bottom_spine is False: ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) if left_spine is False: ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) return def _add_dist_as_grid(fig: plt.Figure, hist_data, other_axes: plt.Axes, xlabel=None, xlabel_kws=None, **plot_params): """Data point distribution plot for numeric feature""" ax = fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.14), sharex=other_axes) process_axis(ax, top_spine=False, xlabel=xlabel, xlabel_kws=xlabel_kws, bottom_spine=False, right_spine=False, left_spine=False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the yaxis ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the x-axis color = plot_params.get('pdp_color', '#1A4E5D') ax.plot(hist_data, [1] * len(hist_data), '|', color=color, markersize=20) return def _add_surface(ax, x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap, feature0, feature2, **kwargs): ax.plot_surface(x0, x1, pd_vals, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(feature0, fontsize=11) ax.set_ylabel(feature2, fontsize=11) ax.set_zlabel(f"E[f(x) | {feature0} {feature2} ]", fontsize=11) return def repeat(array, n:int): # (len(array),) -> (len(array), n) return np.tile(array, n).reshape(-1, len(array))