Source code for ai4water.backend

tensorflow, torch, numpy, matplotlib, random and other libraries are imported here
once and then used all over ai4water. This file does not import anything from
other files of ai4water.
__all__ = ["np", "os", "plt", "mpl", "pd", "random", "scipy", "stats",
           "easy_mpl", "SeqMetrics",
           "xgboost", "catboost", "lightgbm",
           "skopt", "hyperopt", "hp", "optuna",
           "xr", "fiona", "netCDF4",
           "sns", "imageio", "shapefile", "tf", "torch", "keras",
           "requests", "plotly", "h5py", "lime",
           "xgboost_models", "catboost_models", "lightgbm_models", "sklearn_models",
           "wandb", "WandbCallback",

from types import FunctionType

import os
import random

import easy_mpl
import scipy
from scipy import stats
import SeqMetrics
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import sklearn
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    sklearn = None

[docs]def get_attributes( aus, what: str, retain: str = None, case_sensitive: bool = False ) -> dict: """gets all callable attributes of aus from what and saves them in dictionary with their names as keys. If case_sensitive is True, then the all keys are capitalized so that calling them becomes case insensitive. It is possible that some of the attributes of tf.keras.layers are callable but still not a valid `layer`, sor some attributes of tf.keras.losses are callable but still not valid losses, in that case the error will be generated from tensorflow. We are not catching those error right now. Parameters ---------- aus : parent module what : str child module/package retain : str, optional (default=None) if duplicates of 'what' exist then whether to prefer class or function. For example, fastica and FastICA exist in sklearn.decomposition then if retain is 'function' then fastica will be kept, if retain is 'class' then FastICA is kept. If retain is None, then what comes later will overwrite the previously kept object. case_sensitive : bool, optional (default=False) whether to consider what as case-sensitive or not. In such a case, fastica and FastICA will both be saved as separate objects. Example ------- >>> get_attributes(tf.keras, 'layers') # will get all layers from tf.keras.layers """ if retain: assert retain in ("class", "function") all_attrs = {} for obj in dir(getattr(aus, what)): attr = getattr(getattr(aus, what), obj) if callable(attr) and not obj.startswith('_'): if not case_sensitive: obj = obj.upper() if obj in all_attrs and retain == 'function': if isinstance(attr, FunctionType): all_attrs[obj] = attr elif obj in all_attrs and retain == 'class': if not isinstance(attr, FunctionType): all_attrs[obj] = attr else: all_attrs[obj] = attr return all_attrs
def get_sklearn_models(): if sklearn is not None: # the following line must be executed in order for get_attributes to work, don't know why from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor sk_maj_ver = int(sklearn.__version__.split('.')[0]) sk_min_ver = int(sklearn.__version__.split('.')[1]) if sk_maj_ver == 0 and sk_min_ver < 24: from sklearn.neural_network import multilayer_perceptron else: from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge from sklearn.isotonic import isotonic_regression from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor skl_models = get_attributes(sklearn, "ensemble", case_sensitive=True) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "dummy", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "gaussian_process", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "compose", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "linear_model", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "multioutput", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "neighbors", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "neural_network", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "svm", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "tree", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "naive_bayes", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "kernel_ridge", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "isotonic", case_sensitive=True)) from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "calibration", case_sensitive=True)) from sklearn.semi_supervised import LabelPropagation skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "semi_supervised", case_sensitive=True)) from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis skl_models.update(get_attributes(sklearn, "discriminant_analysis", case_sensitive=True)) skl_models.update({"HistGradientBoostingRegressor": HistGradientBoostingRegressor, "HistGradientBoostingClassifier": HistGradientBoostingClassifier}) else: skl_models = {} return skl_models maj_version = 0 min_version = 0 try: from tensorflow import keras import tensorflow as tf maj_version = int(tf.__version__[0]) min_version = int(tf.__version__[2]) except ModuleNotFoundError: keras = None tf = None try: import skopt except ModuleNotFoundError: skopt = None try: import tcn except ModuleNotFoundError: tcn = None try: import torch except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): torch = None try: import seaborn as sns except ModuleNotFoundError: sns = None try: import imageio except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): imageio = None try: import shapefile except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): shapefile = None catboost_models = {} try: import hyperopt except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): hyperopt = None if hyperopt is None: hp = None else: from hyperopt import hp try: import xarray as xr except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): xr = None try: import fiona except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): fiona = None try: import netCDF4 except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): netCDF4 = None try: import requests except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): requests = None try: import optuna except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): optuna = None try: import plotly except ImportError: plotly = None try: import h5py except ModuleNotFoundError: h5py = None try: import lime except ModuleNotFoundError: lime = None try: import catboost from catboost import CatBoostClassifier, CatBoostRegressor catboost_models.update({"CatBoostClassifier": CatBoostClassifier}) catboost_models.update({"CatBoostRegressor": CatBoostRegressor}) except ModuleNotFoundError: catboost = None xgboost_models = {} try: import xgboost from xgboost import XGBRegressor, XGBClassifier, XGBRFRegressor, XGBRFClassifier xgboost_models.update({ "XGBRegressor": XGBRegressor, "XGBClassifier": XGBClassifier, "XGBRFRegressor": XGBRFRegressor, "XGBRFClassifier": XGBRFClassifier, }) except ModuleNotFoundError: xgboost = None lightgbm_models = {} try: import lightgbm from lightgbm.sklearn import LGBMClassifier, LGBMRegressor lightgbm_models.update({"LGBMClassifier": LGBMClassifier, "LGBMRegressor": LGBMRegressor}) except ModuleNotFoundError: lightgbm = None sklearn_models = get_sklearn_models() if sklearn is not None: from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer # noqa imputations = get_attributes(sklearn, 'impute', case_sensitive=True) else: imputations = {} keras = keras torch = torch tf = tf try: from wandb.keras import WandbCallback import wandb except ModuleNotFoundError: WandbCallback = None wandb = None if tf is not None: BACKEND = 'tensorflow' elif torch is not None: BACKEND = 'pytorch' else: BACKEND = None